Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1001: move on

A fire dragon, its whole body is made up of blazing flames.

And these are not ordinary flames, but special flames that can burn people's souls.

There is also the crystal clear water dragon like a crystal sculpture.

Although it looks like an art film with a very fragile opinion, it itself contains the huge weight of a planet larger than the earth.

Such a heavy weight, even if there is not much acceleration, directly and freely falling on the earth, it can instantly destroy the entire earth.

However, at this moment, such a powerful weight, coupled with the special fire dragon that can burn human souls, was easily blocked by Li at this moment.

As if time and space were stagnant, it quietly stagnated above the void, only less than one meter away from Li Yue's body.

Even the blazing fire dragon, the flames that kept shining and beating when the flame was burning, were about to touch Li Yue's body.

The distance is so close, if it is a normal flame, people should be able to feel the unbearable high temperature in it.

However, Li Yue didn't feel the excessively high temperature above the flaming fire dragon. Instead, he felt a chill that seemed to act on his soul.

Of course, Li Yue is not very concerned about such a situation.

Anyway, after this, these two special dragons will completely disappear.

It was exactly like what happened next, as Li Yue gently waved his right hand at the two dragons that were close at hand.

In the next moment, the two dragons went through hundreds of millions of years in an instant.

Its body even began to decay like a tree.

The next moment, even at the moment when the breeze was blowing, it completely turned into ashes and completely disappeared into this void!


Li Yue's powerful strength also allows him to have abilities far beyond ordinary people.

It was very easy for Li Yue to resist the powerful magical powers released by this dragon soul easily.

And Li Yue also completely resisted the opponent's attack easily.

Even the opponent's offensive did not seem to bring any disturbance to Li Yue at all.

It's just that the facts are not as easy as it was shown at the time.

Even if Li Yue's strength far exceeds the power displayed by the remnant soul of the dragon at this time.

However, Li Yue also had to sigh, even if it is just a remnant soul of a dragon, the power exerted by it is also not to be underestimated.

Such attacking magical powers can make people display a powerful force that surpasses themselves.

If it weren't for Li Yue's strength at this time, it was really much stronger than this Shenlong, almost reaching an irreparable gap.

Then it is possible that Li Yue would be unclearly hurt when he personally resisted such an attack.

However, there are not many ifs in the world.

The fact is that Li Yue does have greater strength and strength.

It can also be free from any damage, even on the surface very relaxed, blocking the opponent's offensive.

However, this was only a superficial appearance. In fact, in order to block this attack, Li Yue had already consumed about one-third of the energy contained in this body in an instant.

Don't underestimate this number. This number means that if such an attack is issued, it is not the remnant soul of the Shenlong, but a real Shenlong.

Then it is very likely that there will be a situation where only the strength of Li Yue's body now cannot completely block the opponent's attack.

Fortunately, at this time, this dragon is just a remnant soul, so although it can still use the powerful magical powers it possessed when it was alive, it is completely incomparable in terms of power.

In the end, it was so easily blocked by Li Yue.

"After experiencing these things, I am even more curious about the situation described in the Chinese mythology!"

The appearance of Shenlong undoubtedly made Li Yue feel a special experience.

After all, even every Chinese person may have heard of the dragons depicted in myths.

But there is probably no one who can really see Shenlong.

Now, Li Yue is probably the only one who has actually seen Shenlong.

Moreover, the existence of the Shenlong made Li Yue have some doubts about the Chinese myth that he thought was a fiction before.

Perhaps, those myths and legends, in the ancient Chinese ancient times, really existed and happened.

However, today's Li Yue doesn't even know how to return to the earth where he lived before, let alone explore the truth of these myths.

Therefore, what Li Yue can do now is to strengthen himself, first return to the place where he once lived, and then make other plans.


"Well, now this remnant soul of the dragon has fallen into a weak state because of the release of such a powerful attack. I am afraid it will take a long period of sleep before it can wake up again."

Li Yue completely annihilated and dismantled the attack from Shenlong.

Although the body consumes a lot of energy, nearly one-third of the energy in this body has disappeared.

But for Li Yue, the remaining power still has little influence on his next actions.

Of course, this must be based on the next action, and there will be no existence stronger than the strength of the remnant soul of the Shenlong.

However, there are some things that Li Yue can't decide.

In this special area, everything is unknown to Li Yue.

It was as if he had never expected to see a real dragon here before he came here.

Whether there will be something that makes Li Yue even more unbelievable next, it is not Li Yue can decide.

However, although this body has lost a large part of its energy, and in this special space, the lost energy is not so easy to replenish it.

But for the next journey Li Yue still has no hesitation or hesitation.

He hardly thought about it, saying that he would keep going until he found the central area of ​​this space.

Take a look at what important things are in it, so that this dragon will not hesitate to consume the few remaining souls of its own, but also to protect it.

It's just that now there has been a remnant soul of the dragon that can threaten his body.

And in the next journey, can there be a more powerful existence, even a powerful existence that Li Yue has the strength of the body, it can't resist?

This is still an unknown thing.

"However, in any case, even if the power of this body is completely consumed at this time, and this body eventually collapses, I will continue to move forward."

However, Li Yue at this time would not feel fear and stagnation because of any difficulties.


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