Chapter 744: Leaving, respective tasks

Under all things, I couldn't believe it until the end. Mu En actually dared to do something to him in the end. Wasn't he afraid of hurting this carrier before? Under everything means incomprehensible.

Mu En, on the other hand, stood outside the Kerry Star and looked towards the direction of the fall of all things.

After a moment, a stream of light rose into the sky.

Mu En looked at the light and said.

"Are you awake?"

"Thank you, I feel better already."

The visitor is none other than Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I don't know how long I would have been dominated by that guy."

Carol thanked Mu En that although her body had been taken over by the Underworld before, her consciousness still existed, so she was very aware of what was happening in the outside world.

Mu En shook his head, indicating that she didn't need to care.

"It's nothing, this is what I should do, my target is him."

"By the way, who are you?"

The man in front of him saved him, but he didn't know who he was, which made Carol feel a little guilty.

Mu En glanced at the eternal dagger in his hand and replied casually.

"Eternal, Kamen Rider Eternal!"


Carol repeated the code name of Mu En, as if hoping to remember the name.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

At this moment, a frightening evil laugh came, and the terrifying shadow under all things slowly rose from the Kree planet. Soon it expanded to be as huge as a planet.

Carol frowned as she looked at everything in front of her.

"Is this the guy who just took over my body? What exactly is it?"

"Part of the will of the universe, the collection of the dark side of everything, beneath everything."

Under the mask, Mu En frowned again. He didn't expect this guy to be so difficult to deal with.

But it makes sense to think about it. As a part of the will of the universe, how can it be eliminated so easily.

Moreover, his attack just now was aimed at the soul, and more aimed at forcing it out of Carol's body.

"A collection of the dark side of everything? Under everything?"

It was obviously the first time Carol heard this name, but just from the name alone, he knew that this guy was not that easy to deal with.

"I was careless. This guy can absorb the negative emotions of all things in the world to repair and improve himself. The blow I just made may have caused negative emotions in the entire Kree planet and became its nourishment."

Only then did Mu En realize. If he hadn't seen this scene, Mu En would have forgotten that this old bastard still had this ability.

"What should Mu En do now?"

Carol nervously asked Mu En, although her own ability is quite strong, in this situation, it is obviously not enough.

Her superpowers are given by the Cosmic Cube, which is ultimately one of the Infinity Stones.

The one in front of you is a collection of the dark side of all things, and the other is an existence with the power of six infinite gems. Anyone who comes here will be nervous.

However, Mu En said extremely calmly.

"It's very simple. You don't need to do anything. It won't pose any threat anymore. Now it has no carrier, it just has no power."

As he spoke, Mu En looked at the universe again.

"Besides, even if we don't take action, there are still people who won't let him continue to be so arrogant."

"What's the meaning?"

Carol didn't quite understand what Mu En meant.

However, Mu En just said calmly.


As he spoke, a great and oppressive will came down, which made Carol feel breathless for a moment, and the power in her body began to become stagnant.

Mu En immediately grabbed Carol's arm and used his eternal power to protect her to relieve her.

But it’s not that easy over there under all things.

Everything that had expanded to the size of a planet just now had been compressed into a ball.

"No! You can't do this to me! We are one!"

All things below roared fearlessly at that great will.

"Everything I do is for you! For our grand plan, you can't do this to me!"

However, how can the great will that has become programmed listen to the explanation from beneath all things? In his program, there is only one search for beneath all things, and that is that it is not the time for it to escape from the endless hell.

A crack in space appeared, and on the other side of the crack was the endless hell. Countless karma fires were burning. Just one look at it would make people feel like their souls were being burned.

Seeing the endless hell, all things under the sky were completely panicked.

"You can't send me back to that place! I'm not you in this time series! You can't do this!"

All things began to struggle crazily, trying to escape the limitations of the great will.

However, the consequence of doing so is to be more severely restricted by the great will.

"Will it be imprisoned in that terrible place?"

Carol asked Mu En while looking at the numbing hell.



"Because it does not belong to this time and space."

Listening to Mu En's words, Carol seemed to realize something.

"So, you don't belong to this time and space either?"

Mu En nodded.

Carol was about to say something else, but something suddenly happened.

Another force was injected into Wanshixia's body, and Wanxianxia erupted again.

"Jie hahahaha! You can't trap me! You in the future will not let you trap me now!"

Under the Ten Thousand Things directly broke away from the control of the great will and looked back at Mu En.

Upon seeing this, Carol immediately assumed a fighting stance.

Mu En raised the eternal dagger in his hand.


Wanwuxia snorted coldly, turned around and fled away.

"It ran away! Are we going to chase it?"

"No, I'll just go."

“But there is strength in numbers.”

Carol also wanted to persuade Mu En.

Mu En shook his head and said.

"You still have your own things to do. The Skrulls are still waiting for you to find a new home for them. It's enough for me to hunt them down. This is my mission."

Carol looked at Mu En, was silent for a moment and suddenly said.

"You are the Guardian who helped me on Earth, right? Only Maria, I and Nick Fury know these things, so you are Nick Fury's boss, the Guardian of Earth, right?"

Mu En was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Carol to guess his identity, but he didn't know his name anyway, so he simply nodded.

Carol wasn't asking anything about Mu En, although Mu En's entire existence was too mysterious and strange.

"Will we meet again?"

Mu En shook his hand.

"Probably, come back in the distance. I should do something, otherwise it should run away."

After that, Mu En turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the universe under Carol's gaze.

Carol looked at the direction where Mu En disappeared.

"Eternal, Kamen Rider from the future? We will meet again."

Chapter 745: Get out of this world Mu En!

In the universe, two figures are chasing and colliding.

The one fleeing in front was the once arrogant creature, and the one chasing him behind was Mu En.

"Damn it, damn it, it's really hateful!"

The anger in the heart of Wuxia has reached its peak, but he is helpless against Mu En who is chasing it.

"Damn humans, damn the will of the universe, why do you do this to me!"

It was obvious that he came to this time and space for him, but once he got here, not only did the human being named Mu En want to hunt him down, but the will of the universe in this time and space also wanted to seal him.

This resulted in him not daring to stay in one place for too long.

Mu En stared at everything underneath and kept accelerating in an attempt to shorten the distance between herself and him.


Wanwuxia roared angrily, turned around and blasted a burst of energy towards Mu En.

Mu En was well prepared. He had used this kind of death-defying counterattack countless times in the previous chase battles.

In the meantime, Mu En summoned the Eternal Dagger and rushed directly towards the attack from under everything.

"Bastard, die to me, die to me, die!"

Everything roared under it, and the gamma radiation energy was tilted towards Mu En.

Mu En also became serious when he saw this. Looking at this posture, it seemed that this guy was not planning to escape, but was ready to give it a try.


Mu En sneered and thought to himself.

"That's just right, I'll get to know you right here!"

To be honest, if it were in the past, Under All Things was the dark side of the will of the universe, a collection of the dark sides of all things in the world, Mu En would not have the confidence to completely eliminate the opponent.

but now.

A cold light flashed in Mu En's eyes.

"Eternal! Maximum Drive!"

The eternal memory was inserted into the sure-kill slot, and Mu En directly faced the attack from under everything and kicked towards the opponent.



A huge wave of energy spread across the universe and swept towards planets in all directions. Several nearby desolate planets that were closer to the two of them were instantly turned into cosmic dust under the impact.

The huge movement once again attracted the attention of the will of the universe.

A pair of ancient and vicissitudes of eyes slowly opened from the universe, and the two shining stars were His eyes.

The Great Will looked under the fighting Mu En and all things.

When He planned to seal Under All Things before, He realized what was going on. Although Under All Things that did not belong to this time and space may be working for Him, He still would not let them mess around in this time and space. Come.

"That's enough, get out of here!"

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