Tsk, tsk, tsk, that’s awesome. "

Looking at the dilapidated scene in front of him, Pilot shook his head repeatedly.


Sam reacted immediately and rushed towards the smoke that had not yet dispersed. You must know that Steve was also at the center of the explosion just now.

Through the clouds and mist, Sam seemed to see a dark figure in a trance, with dark eyes, a golden crown, and horn-like armor.

But in just a blink of an eye, the figure he just saw disappeared, and only Steve, who had returned to his normal almighty form, was still standing there, as if he had not recovered from the battle just now.

"Steve! Are you okay!"

Sam asked with concern. He not only regarded Steve as his idol, but also his friend.

Steve came into contact with the transformation and asked Sam with a somewhat complicated expression.

"I did all this just now?"

Sam was also stunned when he heard this question. Don’t you know what you are doing?

"Are you okay Steve, have you forgotten what happened just now? You defeated Rumlow with one kick, and then this big explosion happened."

Steve shook his head.

"I just remember following my instinct to fight, and then..."

He recalled the scene where he had just defeated Rumlow with one kick, and the pair of dark eyes he saw in the explosion, and he couldn't help but tremble.


But he still frowned and said Sam.

"We made a mistake. To be precise, I made a mistake."


Also as a soldier, Sam knew what he was talking about.

Looking around, the entire market and surrounding areas were destroyed. If Wanda hadn't used her power to disperse the crowd in advance, Steve might have caused a catastrophe.

"Okay, don't worry about this for now Steve, let's go back and talk about it first."

After saying that, he pulled Steve, and then called to Pilot and Wanda to flash people.


Soon, what can be called the largest bombing since the end of World War II appeared on TV stations in various countries.

All the news media began to rush to report this incident. Although Wanda evacuated the crowd in the market, the scope of the explosion was so large that many people were injured and even injured. die.

Looking at the death toll caused by the explosion counted on the news, Steve felt extremely guilty.

And just like in the original show, people from Wakanda were actually involved.

Wakanda has just begun to integrate into modern society, and their king strongly condemned this incident and asked who gave the Avengers the right to enforce laws around the world.

If there is no authorization, what is the difference between their actions and those so-called thugs and terrorists who were attacked.

Depressed Steve turned off the TV and lay on the sofa.

He looked at the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking.

Sam wanted to go up and give him a few words, but was stopped by Kurim who came to know the news.

After all, Kurim is also a nominal Avenger. Although he usually does not go on missions, he represents Mu En's opinions when encountering problems.

Kurim said while holding Sam's shoulders.

"There's no need to go. What he needs now is just some time to relax."

Mu En told him that the power displayed by the belt Steve used was closely related to the spiritual will of using it.

So he knows very well that Steve is going through a very important stage now. It depends on whether he can endure it. If he can survive it, then his mind will become extremely firm and he will be able to fight with the spirit stone belt. It will also become more consistent.

If he doesn't resist, then maybe his strength will weaken quickly until the belt is completely separated from him.

Natasha, who had finished her mission, also learned about Steve and rushed over immediately.

"Is he okay?"

"It's okay, he just needs time to adjust by himself."

Natasha glanced at Steve in the room from a distance, and then continued.

"Stark said that the Secretary of State was going to convene a meeting with the Avengers, saying it was very important."

"No matter how important it is, just give it a moment."


Kurim said firmly.

"There's nothing wrong with it. If you have any problems, you can ask that Secretary of State to come to me. Maybe I can talk to him personally."

Natasha glanced at Kurim and said nothing.

She also knew very well that although Kurim was an Avenger in name, what he really represented was Valentine and the will of the young man named Mu En.

After buying Steve some time to de-escalate, Kurim contacted Izzy.

"Izzy, is Mu En here?"

"I'm sorry, Senior Kurim. The master has left the orphanage for three days. I can't contact him through the earth network. Maybe he has left the earth."

Kurim frowned, you are such a good pastor, now that you are able, the earth will keep you, right? The two-headed king ran outside.

"Okay, I understand. If he comes back, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

"I understand, senior. I will notify you as soon as possible after the master comes back. Is there anything you need me to leave a message for?"

"No, by the way, tell him to watch the news more."


"That's what he said. He said that if you have any questions, you can go to him directly. He will be happy to have a good chat with you."

Natasha directly told Ross and Stark, who were promoted to Secretary of State, exactly what Kurim said.

When Stark heard this, he frowned, stroking his mustache and wondering what he was thinking about.

Ross was obviously unhappy.

"It's really unreasonable. Doesn't he know that I am now the Secretary of State? I represent the conquest of the American Federation! Let me talk to him."

However, Stark stopped him.

"I suggest you'd better not do it."

"Stark, what do you mean?"

Stark narrowed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows.

"Although Kurim is an Avenger in name, he is a member of the Valentin Orphanage. Do you understand what this means?"


Ross was speechless. Of course he knew about this legendary orphanage. He even said that Valentine's name had considerable influence in the White House.

Although I don’t know why, almost more than 60% of the top people in the White House are vaguely avoiding this name.

Even the first thing the newly-appointed president did was to visit here in the name of the president. On the surface, it was to show his philanthropic and benevolent side, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt something was wrong.

Chapter 626: Sokovia Accords, King of Wakanda attacked

Finally, after Steve had been alone in the room for a day, he finally walked out of the room.

Everyone looked at Steve in surprise. They originally thought that Steve would need to stay in there for at least a while before he appeared. They didn't expect that Steve would recover so quickly, in just one day.

"Why are you all looking at me like this? Is there something weird on my face?"

Steve felt uncomfortable for a while when everyone looked at him with strange looks.

Sam asked concerned.

"Steve, are you really okay?"

Steve smiled.

"What can happen to me? Aren't I doing well?"

Wanda asked.

"So about that explosion..."

Before he could finish speaking, Steve said directly.

"That is indeed my fault and my responsibility. I will not evade it, but it does not affect anything else."

In fact, for Steve, who had experienced World War II, accidentally killing some people in order to perform a mission was nothing. Compared with the dark war years, this could only be regarded as a small incident.

Just like what Nick Fury said when he argued with him, people of their era had to shed countless amounts of blood on their hands to achieve their goals.

None of this can be covered up by wearing a coat called a hero.

What's more, now Steve is not a hero, but a Kamen Rider.

When the same situation happens again, he will still choose to take that kick without hesitation.


At this moment, Stark made a rare appearance in the Avengers base. When he saw Steve, he was stunned for a moment, but said immediately.

"In that case, let's have a meeting."

What happens next is just like what happened in the original work.

General Ross, who was promoted to Secretary of State, summoned all the Avengers who could come forward. As for those who couldn't come forward...

A prince from an alien planet has gone somewhere, a retired agent has gone home and his wife and children are sleeping on the bed, and there is Dr. Banner. Without Mu En's words, I'm afraid no one can make it escape from Valentine's house. Come out of the underground base.

Just as the original destiny track, Ross brought another 117 countries to formulate the Sokovia Agreement. If they do not sign this agreement and accept the supervision of the United Nations, then the Avengers can retire on the spot.

In the end, the entire Avengers team had disagreements about the nature of this meeting.

The group headed by Stark believes that this agreement should be signed to make the Avengers more regular, while the group headed by Steve believes that if they sign this agreement, they will become the same as those government super soldiers. There is no difference anymore, they are even the same as the prisoners, no matter where they are they will be located.

Of course, there is another faction, and that is Kurim. For him, it doesn't matter whether he signs or not. The Kamen Rider can be an official warrior or a free guardian.

Because they never fight for a certain force, what the Kamen Riders protect is human freedom.

Everyone started to quarrel, but Kurim felt bored and left early.

At this moment, Steve received a text message that his old lover, Agent Carter, passed away.

Steve left everything behind and went to the funeral to pay tribute to the loved one he had missed.

After the funeral, everyone left, leaving only Steve standing there for a long time without coming back to his senses. No one knew what he was thinking, whether he was missing the deceased or recalling the past.

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps. Steve looked back and saw that the person coming was Natasha.

He said as if talking to himself.

"When I woke up from the ice, everyone I knew was dead. Later I found out that she was still alive. I was very happy to have her. She made me feel that I had not been abandoned by this world."

Natasha said nothing and listened quietly.

"Unfortunately, now that she has left, I suddenly felt for a moment that it didn't make any difference whether or not I was in this world."

"Don't think so, our team cannot live without a leader."


Steve chuckled.

"Is the current team still a complete team? Besides, isn't Stark still here?"

Natasha didn't speak, but Steve asked.

"Who signed the agreement?"

"Tony, Rod, Wanda, Pilot."

Steve was not surprised by these people. Secretary of State Ross was brought by Stark, Rhodes was from the military, and Wanda and Pilot were the earliest victims of Sokovia.

But he was a little surprised that Hawkeye's name wasn't there.

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