After replenishing Peter's body energy to a critical value, Sha Yu stopped charging because if he continued, he would be really exposed.

"Brain correction is about to begin in preparation for the experiment!"

Brain modification is a very rigorous transformation. If the transformation is successful, Peter will completely become a weapon of Hydra. However, if there is any accident, Peter will become a dead body.

However, at this critical moment, Sha Yu picked up a syringe and secretly changed the medicine in the syringe to high-concentration adrenaline.

As the reagent was injected, Peter's heart beat rapidly.


With a groan, Peter, who was sleeping, finally woke up again.

At this time, the Hydra researchers finally realized that what the idiot said was true, and Shadow really betrayed Hydra.

"Wake up, Peter, get out of here, you shouldn't become a tool of Hydra! They are the murderers who killed your parents!"


Peter was startled! Hydra is the murderer who killed his parents!

Whitehall in the monitoring room was furious. He didn't expect Sha Yu to do something at such a critical moment.

"Asshole, release all the experimental subjects, kill everyone present, and take down Peter Parker!"


A sharp alarm sounded, and a dazzling red light flashed in the laboratory.

Peter suddenly exerted his strength and broke free from the shackles that bound him.

And those hybrid experimental questions have poured out from all directions, pounced on Hydra researchers like hungry beasts.

Peter instinctively wanted to take Sha Yu away after waking him up, but Sha Yu smiled and shook her head.

"I have fallen into the abyss and can't go back. If you see Dr. Connors, tell him I'm sorry for me."


Amidst other desperate cries, Sha Yu was torn apart by two hybrids.

Peter felt his heart beating crazily, his entire chest seemed to burst, and his body changed again.

Could it be that as soon as he woke up, he would turn into that spider demon again?

No! No, he doesn't want to become that irrational monster anymore.


The severe pain throughout his body made Peter cry out in pain, and in the midst of his cry, the spider demon appeared again.

And at this moment, the belt around his waist emitted a shining light.

The spider demon released a large amount of neat energy when it was all over its body.

Just then something incredible happened.


Peter knocked over a hybrid that jumped forward with one punch.

The sharp claws turned into fists, and the cuticle-like skin turned into armor.

The proliferated limbs and arms turned into breastplates on the chest.

The ferocious spider head began to flash, and was eventually replaced by a helmet full of sci-fi style, purple compound eyes, red and blue colors, and spiderweb-like patterns all over the body.


Peter waved his hands, and scorching energy erupted from his body.

"I am the warrior returned from hell, Kamen Rider Spider!"

Chapter 611: The end of Whitehall

Finally, after experiencing so much, Peter truly defeated himself. From then on, there was no longer a spider demon, only his warrior carrying infinite sorrow, Kamen Rider Spider.

"Asshole! It shouldn't be like this, he should be my warrior, he should belong to me!"

Whitehall looked at everything in front of him in the monitoring room, and with an incompetent rage, he threw everything in front of him to the ground.

Looking at Peter punching a hybrid in the laboratory, Whitehall roared with gritted teeth.

"Damn it - Kamen Rider!"

The more powerful Peter showed, the more ferocious and crazy the expression on Whitehall's face became.

"Since, since this power cannot be used by me!"

Whitehall took out a remote control from his pocket.

"Then disappear here forever!"

After pressing the switch of the remote control, Whitehall left here without looking back.

"B--! B--! B--! B-!"

The piercing siren echoed throughout the entire Hydra underground base.

Hearing this sound, the members of Hydra began to flee in panic, because they knew that this was the sound of the base's self-destruction device being activated.

And there is only one person who has the right to activate this switch, and that is Whitehall.

"Run away! Whitehall is crazy!"

"No! I don't want to die here yet! Let me out!"

"Get out of the way, get out of my way, I don't want to die yet!"...

Of course some people don't want to die, while others are indifferent.

When the siren sounded, some extreme Hydra elements put on their formal clothes and stood quietly waiting for death to come. For them, death is not terrible, as long as it is White Hall needed.

"Everything, for Hydra!"


A huge explosion echoed through the sky.

The entire Daniel Biotechnology Company building was reduced to rubble in the explosion. Fortunately, they were located in an independent private park, and the surrounding buildings were not greatly affected.

Fire trucks and rescue teams quickly arrived at the scene, and the incident quickly made headlines in major news sections.

You must know that Daniel Biotechnology Company, as a top company in the biological field, is still very popular.

The sudden destruction of the entire company caused many people to speculate, and various conspiracy theories arose for a while.

In an alley not far from Daniel Biological Company, a manhole cover was suddenly pushed open, and a hand came out.

Peter shook his head, shaking off the dizziness caused by the explosion, and looked up at the sky.

Looking at the gray sky, sirens kept ringing in my ears.

Peter knew that he was not far away from Daniel Biological Company, and he had to leave here quickly before he was discovered by others.

Back before the explosion, Peter's spider senses began to alarm frantically when the frantic Whitehall activated the destruction device.

At that time, Peter didn't think much about it. He punched and smashed the floor of the laboratory. Underneath the laboratory was New York City's complex underground drainage system.

But this place is already too familiar to Peter. After all, he often appears down here when he is fighting criminals.

Returning to his home, Peter did not dare to enter through the front door, but crawled back to his room from the roof.

I briefly freshened up and put on a set of clothes.

Fortunately, Aunt Mei didn't notice anything unusual about him.

Although he disappeared for one night, compared to his whereabouts during this period, it was already much better.

"Peter, get up and have breakfast."

"Got it, now!"

Peter pretended that he had just woken up and walked out of his room.

Aunt May looked at Peter.

"Is this what you wore before going to bed last night?"

"Well, that's right, that's the set."

Peter fooled him with a serious look on his face.

Looking at Peter's serious expression, Aunt May smiled.

"Haha, well, it seems that I am too old to remember even this little thing."

"No, Aunt Mei is still young."

"Haha, Peter, you don't have to make me happy. I still know some things very well."

Aunt May looked at Peter with kindness in her eyes.

Peter didn't speak and ate breakfast quietly.

Aunt Mei turned on the morning news.

The news was reporting on Daniel Biotechnology Company, and Peter was also paying attention to the content in the news calmly.

Part of the scene has been cleared, and no survivors have been found. Daniel Whitehall, chairman of Daniel Biotechnology, is currently missing and the police are investigating the cause of the incident.

Peter picked up the milk and took a swig.

"They are the murderers who killed your parents!"

Sha Yu's words still echoed in Peter's ears. He was no longer a high school student who didn't understand anything. He had experienced a lot after gaining superpowers, and he also knew what kind of organization Hydra was.

What is basically certain is that the entire Daniel Biotechnology Company is a disguise for Hydra, and the missing Whitehall is their leader.

When he thought that they had killed his parents, Peter felt a burst of anger in his heart, but he quickly calmed it down.

He still knows clearly what should be done and what should not be done.


In a certain Hydra secret base, the crazy Whitehall vented his anger on the things in the base.

"Ah——, why! Why do you have to go against me! Why!"

Whitehall overturned the chair beside him with his kick, but this was not enough to relieve his anger, so he overturned the table to the ground.

"The abominable Shadow actually betrayed me at a critical moment, and that damn Spider-Man, why can't they just be used by me! Bastards! They are all a bunch of bastards! They all deserve to die!"

Failure after failure almost made Whitehall's heart twist.


Suddenly, a voice sounded in the base.

"who is it!"

Whitehall roared around.

"Why, have you even forgotten mine?"

The big screen on the side lit up, and Dr. Zola's face appeared on the screen.


Looking at the face on the screen, Whitehall had mixed emotions.

"Whitehall, your performance disappoints me."

Zola stared at Whitehall and said slowly.

Regarding Zola's words, Whitehall didn't say anything. You must know that he rescued himself from SHIELD back then. If it weren't for Zola, he would have died of old age in the SHIELD cell. .

"As of now, I have nothing to say. I failed and everything is over."

"It's not completely over. At least Carlson got what we needed."

A young voice sounded. Xiao Ming walked out of the corner of the base with arrogant steps, holding an apple in his hand and waving to Whitehall with a smile.

Whitehall frowned.

"Did Carlson get Pimhank's skills?"

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