Gu Yi pondered for a long time, and finally began to talk about the gods he knew. The knowledge system of the Ancient One is inherited from the mysterious side, and magic is also a power closely related to various ancient gods and gods from other worlds.

So several people gathered together and started a discussion about God.

But the wheel of history will not stop because of one person. When Mu En was discussing with a few people at Kama Taj, something was happening in the city.

Chapter 577, Six-Armed Spider-Man

"Peter! Get up and have breakfast!"

In the room, Peter was lying on the bed, and he heard Aunt May's call while he was drowsily asleep.

"Sleep a little longer, I'll sleep a little longer."

Peter muttered, unwilling to get up.

Aunt May felt a little strange. Peter never stayed in bed normally.

But after all, Peter had graduated from high school, so there was nothing wrong with giving him a little more rest before college started.

"Okay Peter, then you can sleep a little longer. I've prepared breakfast for you and put it on the table. You can come down and eat by yourself then. I'll go out first."

"Okay, I know."

After a perfunctory response, Peter fell into a deep sleep again.

When Aunt Mei saw that Peter was silent, she went out without thinking too much.

I don't know how much time passed before Peter woke up from his sleep.

"Hahoo! I haven't slept like this in a long time."

He yawned and stretched.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel that something was wrong, and there seemed to be something extra in him.

He looked down suddenly and saw two more arms under his arms.

"Ah——! Why is this happening!"

Peter screamed and jumped up suddenly, hanging upside down from the ceiling. However, he found that the two new pairs of arms were no different from his original arms.

Not only can he control them freely, but he also has spider abilities.

But this was not something to be happy about for Peter.

"No! Why did it become like this? I turned into a monster, a humanoid spider?!"

Peter came to the mirror and looked at himself now. He seemed to have become taller, and his six arms made him look particularly weird.

"No, I can't let Aunt Mei see me like this."

No matter what, Peter knew that his current appearance could not be seen by others. He took out his spider suit and simply cut it to make room for his new arms.

He couldn't stay at home anymore. He had to find a place to hide for a while, and then figure out why he was like this.

After cleaning himself up, Peter wrote a note and left it to Aunt May, telling her that he was going out for a while and asking her to take care of herself while he was away.

Peter came downstairs with the note. He wanted to put it in a conspicuous place so that it could be easily seen by Aunt May.

When he came downstairs with the note and saw the breakfast that Aunt Mei had left for him, he suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart.

He knew very well that he might not be able to have such a breakfast for a while.

After picking up breakfast and eating it all, and then putting on a mask to make sure no one noticed him nearby, Peter immediately left with a trace of cobwebs.


In New York City, among the high-rise buildings, a small six-armed spider sways on its silk threads to find a solution to its own problems.

"Perhaps some kind of mutation has occurred in me, and to solve my current problem, I need to reverse the mutation that happened to me. But I am not good at this knowledge, so I need to find an expert."

It has to be said that after getting used to the extra arms, it is a lot more convenient. For example, when I use spider silk to shuttle between high-rise buildings, I can also use my mobile phone to search for information.

"It's a pity that Dr. Connors is no longer here, otherwise he should be able to help me."

Suddenly the spider sense alarmed wildly, and Peter hurriedly ducked aside.

A helicopter roared past Peter.

"Hey, is New York City's transportation so developed now? I can actually see flying helicopters between high-rise buildings?"

Peter couldn't help but complain after he was almost hit by a helicopter.

But before he could finish complaining, another helicopter roared over. It was a police helicopter.

Peter suddenly realized that it was the police chasing the helicopter.

"What on earth is going on? Are those terrorists no longer satisfied with running wildly on the ground?"

Without thinking much, although Peter wanted to solve his physical problem first, he couldn't watch a criminal passing by without paying attention, so he immediately shot out two spider threads and chased after him.

At the same time, Peter also started to search for relevant information on his mobile phone, and sure enough, he soon saw a report.

A group of terrorists kidnapped the famous biologist Professor Maria in an attempt to force her to hand over her latest research results to create biological and chemical weapons.

"There are too many crazy people these days."

Seeing that some people actually wanted to study biological weapons, Peter couldn't help but lament the madness of these guys. Once biological weapons get out of control, it will be a huge danger to the entire world.

"Falcon, the ground interception force is in position."

The message that something was wrong on the ground came from the communicator, and the police officer on the helicopter immediately replied.

"Received, received, the target is being driven to the designated location."

"Roger, got it, Sheriff Murphy has arrived at the designated location."

Since the addition of RoboCop Murphy, the New York Police Department's combat capabilities have increased a lot, and it is no longer helpless to face many situations.

Between cities, Murphy drove his own exclusive car speeding through the streets.

"Target appears, target appears! Request instructions!"

"Start intercepting!"

"Bang~! Bang!"

Two cannon shots were fired, and two specially-made helicopter interception barrages were released instantly.

"Damn it, we've fallen into a trap, those cops are ambushing us here!"

"His grandma, turn around and shoot down the guy chasing us!"

This group of robbers were a group of desperadoes. They immediately turned their helicopters and rushed toward the police helicopter chasing them.

However, what surprised everyone was that a black motorcycle suddenly shot out from the roof of the building and rushed directly towards the helicopter.

"Quick! Rise! Rise!"

The robbers hurriedly pulled up, but it was too late. Murphy jumped directly from the motorcycle and rushed into the helicopter.

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

"Grandma, you can't possibly die for me!"

A desperado suddenly rose up and rushed towards Murphy, trying to knock him off the plane.

However, his actions had already been seen by Murphy, and he directly counterattacked, releasing electricity from his palm to instantly subdue the opponent.

Seeing this, the others were about to take action at the same time. In the chaos, one person suddenly fired a bullet that missed Murphy and instead killed the helicopter pilot.

Suddenly the entire helicopter lost control and fell towards the ground.

"If you want to die, let's all die together!"

The irrational robber planned to die with Murphy and Professor Maria.

Suddenly, a thread of spider silk shot out from the broken warehouse door, grabbing one of the robbers and dragging them out, one, two, and three.

Peter, who arrived in time, transformed into a gold miner and pulled out the robbers one after another.

Murphy's data also identified that Spider-Man was helping. He immediately rushed to the driver's seat, pulled away the dead pilot and tried to take over the plane.

"Grandma, let's all go to hell together!"

The unconscious robber suddenly woke up and directly activated the explosives hidden in the plane.


There was an explosion in the sky.

Chapter 578: Rapidly mutating genes

Professor Maria thought she would definitely die this time, but when she reacted, she found that a person pulled her back from the hell.

Before the robbers detonated the helicopter, Peter noticed something happening. Without thinking much, he immediately stepped forward and rescued the hostages.

It's just that he felt a little regretful that he couldn't save the heroic police sergeant from the last position.

"Thank you Spider-Man."

"It's nothing, this is what I should do."

Professor Maria also recognized that the man who brought him back from hell was the famous Spider-Man.

But why does this Spider-Man seem a little different?

Peter dropped Professor Maria on the roof of the building.

At this time, he finally saw Peter's whole face clearly. He was still wearing the same suit as in the rumors, but the Spider-Man in front of him actually had two more pairs of arms than the rumored Spider-Man!

"Spider-Man! Your arm!"

Professor Maria suddenly exclaimed.

Peter stepped back.

"I'm sorry, my appearance scared you. Don't worry, I'll leave right away."

"No, there is no such thing. There must be some kind of mutation in your body!"

Professor Maria saw through Peter's problems at a glance, which made Peter stop when he was about to leave.

Seeing Peter stop, Professor Maria continued.

"As for your existence, I have researched it. Various data show that you should be a human being, but you have spider-like abilities, and these abilities are obviously not given to you by equipment, so I guessed that you are Some kind of mutation may have occurred.

My colleague Dr. Connors also had such a problem, so I know a little about this issue. If you need it, maybe I can help. "


Peter was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would find someone who could help him through his daily rescue activities.

"Of course, but this requires me to return to my laboratory before I can start research. This is the address of my laboratory. You can come to me."

Professor Maria took out a pen from her pocket and wrote an address on her lab coat and then tore it off.

"Thank you, Professor Maria. I will go back to find you, but not now."

As the police sirens blared downstairs, Peter knew it was time to leave.

"Thank you Spider-Man!"

Peter waved his hand and left here with a cobweb.

Professor Maria looked at Peter's back and murmured.

"Senior Richard, your child has a righteous heart just like you. It's a pity that you couldn't see it."


As night fell, under the cover of darkness, Peter found the address Professor Maria gave him, which was in a university.

"Okay, I hope this professor really wants to help me and is not a trap set by some guy."

Peter carefully walked through the university. Fortunately, his spider sense did not alert the police, which meant that no one was ambushing him. He did not intend to go directly to the main entrance, but went around to the back of the university research institute, hid himself in a book and looked at the situation here. Soon he found Professor Maria's laboratory.

In the laboratory, Professor Maria is sitting in front of the computer and studying something.

Peter stepped forward and knocked on the glass window. Professor Maria looked at Peter outside the window with surprise.

"Spider-Man, why don't you come in through the front door."

Professor Maria opened the window and let Peter in.

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