As he spoke, Mu En casually opened the Dream of Space.

Just when he was about to leave, Gu Yi suddenly said.

"Although I don't know how you obtained the power of the gem, when the time is right, I can temporarily hand over Agamotto to you. Maybe you can be the one to jump out of the vortex."

Mu En paused, then nodded, waved goodbye again, and disappeared into the portal.

Gu Yi looked at the place where Mu En disappeared for a long time without reacting.

"Mu En, I don't know if what I did was the right choice, but I don't seem to have any other choice."


Returning to the underground base, Mu En unexpectedly discovered that everyone was here, Kurim, Stark, Steve, Thor...

Everyone was seen frowning, and the atmosphere was extremely dull.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you all looking so sad?"

"Mr. En!"

"You're back!"

"You are finally back."

Everyone seemed relieved to see Mu En back, but the dull and depressing atmosphere did not diminish.

"What happened? What happened during my absence?"

Steve spoke.

"Mu En, something happened. The reinforcements you called were swallowed up by a huge crack together with Sokovia."

Stark also spoke.

"Based on Banner and I's research, we found that the crack that swallowed them up is most likely the mysterious subspace we were investigating. By the way, where were you just now?"

After listening to their words, Mu En realized that they were really worried about Sokovia and himself.

Mu En smiled and patted Stark on the shoulder.

"Hey, what happened to me at that time? Don't worry, he and Sokovia are fine. I just went to confirm their situation. He was indeed sucked into that weird subspace, but that kind of place is still difficult. Can’t stop him.”

After making a casual excuse, Mu En now lies exactly like telling the truth.

Although the people here are all people he knows, he doesn't want to expose his Wizard's vest yet.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Mu En said that the mysterious man who came to support them was fine. After all, they were brought in by Mu En to support them. If others were put in danger because of them, this would be unacceptable to them.

But Stark asked curiously.

"Mu En, did the friend you mentioned enter that mysterious subspace? What kind of place is it there?"

Not only is he curious, but Dr. Banner is also very curious. After all, the two of them were responsible for helping us study the underworld of Helm.

"There is only one place like this."

Mu En scratched his head and recalled.

"Then you're not a good place. The sky is cracked, gamma radiation is everywhere, there are mutated plants everywhere and monsters hidden in the plants. It's not a serious place anyway."

But this short sentence aroused everyone's curiosity, and Sol's eyes lit up.

"Cracked sky?"

Stark fumbled with his mustache.

"Mutated plants."

Dr. Banner also helped his eyes.

"Gamma radiation."

Looking at the three people in front of him, Mu En slapped his forehead.

"No, what is your reaction? Why are you still excited?"

Chapter 548, Avengers

The incident caused by Ultron has finally come to an end. It seems that the heroes have experienced a lot after this incident, but Mu En can also feel that there are some differences between each member of the Avengers. Except for Sol, a guy who can forget everything after just one party.

Because of Wanda's control, the Hulk went berserk, and Dr. Banner became more restrained. Although he did not leave the earth to explore extraterrestrials like the original work, he now almost always stays in the underground base and is unwilling to do so. come out.

Quicksilver also changed the fate of death and joined the Avengers with Wanda. The two also learned that it was not Stark who sold the weapons to Sokovia, but his dead uncle. But they couldn't completely let go of the man they had held grudges against for many years.

The most important point is that there have been obvious ideological differences between Stark and Steve. Although the two seemed to be able to communicate happily and joke with each other, Shepherd knew that there was a conflict between the two. A complete outbreak is just a matter of time.

However, at least as far as the current situation is concerned, everything is developing in a good direction. They built a new Avengers base in upstate New York and began recruiting new blood.

Of course, there are also many old faces in this new base, such as Agent Hill and Black Braised Egg who were anxious to return to the old S.H.I.E.L.D. department, as well as Dr. Selvig and Jane who have interacted with Thor many times. et al.

It is worth mentioning that Barton rejected the invitations of Steve and Stark, and he became the only Avenger to retire. Perhaps for him, having experienced the tiring job of saving the world twice is enough, and the life of a wife and children on the hot bed is suitable for an ordinary person like him.

Surprisingly, Stark actually offered to build a suit of armor tailored for Barton as long as he stayed. Faced with such conditions, it would be difficult for anyone to refuse, but Barton refused.

"Is this your new base? It looks good."

Shepherd, led by Stark and Steve, came to visit the new Avengers base.

Stark stroked his mustache and smiled.

"That's natural. Look who designed it? I mobilized our best construction team from Stark Industries."

Mu En shrugged and smiled. Things like building a new base must have been funded by him, a super rich man. You can't expect Steve, an old popsicle with a wallet as fast as his face, to pay for it. Money.

"Hahahaha~! My friends!"

A familiar laughter came from afar. Thor, wearing his battle suit, walked towards the three of them with great enthusiasm, and gave each of them a warm hug.

"Hahahaha, my friends, I'm so happy to be able to work with you. I think I will miss the days when we were together."

Steve heard something was wrong.

"Thor, are you leaving too?"

"Yes, I saw something about the future in the water of vision."

Thor nodded.

“In addition to the Mind Stone that appeared this time, it is already the fourth Infinity Stone to appear on the earth. I don’t think this is a coincidence.

Someone is playing a complex game, and perhaps all of us are his pawns. When all the pieces are in place..."

Stark replied.

"Will something big happen? Or will it be too late by then?"

"Who knows? I just saw some fragments, so I wanted to find out."

Steve asked.

"Do you think you'll discover anything this time you leave?"

"I think so."

With that said, Thor walked towards the lawn in front.

"After meeting my friends, I hope that the next time we meet, it won't be because of the war."

The three waved at Thor, and a beam of light fell, taking Thor away, leaving only an Asgardian mark on the lawn.

Mu En felt a little strange. Didn't he choose to self-exile? Why did Heldam open the door for Thor?

But obviously Stark and Steve don't care about this.

Stark said looking at the burned lawn.

"Hey, you see there are always people who don't care about the environment."

Steve smiled and shrugged, looked up at Mu En and said.

"Barton is gone, Thor is gone. Although we have added some fresh blood, we still lack experienced teammates. It's time for you to fulfill your promise, Mu En. Now we have completely got rid of SHIELD. Ultron The matter is over, it’s time for you to join us.”

Stark also heckled.

"Yes, last time at the celebration banquet, you escaped again because of being disturbed by Ultron. No one will bother you this time. Don't even think about denying it again."

Mu En stretched and looked at the bright sunshine and smiled.

"Don't worry, I always keep my promises. Steve, do you still remember what I told you?"

Steve paused and seemed to understand something.

"You guy, don't you want Mr. Kurim to replace you?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mu En grinned.

"Is there any problem? I made it clear at the time. I won't join you, but Drive can."

Steve spread his hands helplessly. Well, it seems that he still can't scheme with today's young people, but he has witnessed the power of Kurim with his own eyes. It's nothing to have such a talented person who thinks his brain is as strong as his strength. loss.

"Hahaha, old popsicle, your IQ seems to be playing a trick with Mu En. In the end, you may have been tricked yourself."

Stark laughed unabashedly.

"Hey, Gao, you seem to have taken a lot of advantage in front of Mu En."

Stark touched his mustache and rolled his eyes, but then stretched and said.

"Forget it, I won't argue with you. After all, I have an unshirkable responsibility for Ultron this time. Maybe I should learn from Barton, find a place, build a farm, and then live with Pepper, provided there is no People are going to bomb there.”

"Why are you thinking about retirement?"

Stark glanced at Steve, who was still young, smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not you. Without the help of the super serum, I would feel tired, but it's unlikely that I would quit the game early. I just need a temporary break to do scientific research behind the scenes."

As he spoke, he pressed the remote control, and a convertible luxury car drove slowly from a distance.


Jarvis's voice came from the car.

Stark opened the car door and waved to Mu En.

" Let's go, since you don't plan to join, don't bring it here, I have already prepared everything you asked me to prepare."

Mu En stretched and got into the car.

"I know, bye Steve."

Steve waved to the two of them and watched the car drive away. Finally, he turned and walked towards the Avengers' new base.


In Stark's laboratory, Mu En and Stark were busy for a long time.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

"Don't worry, I will do it if I say it will. Just take a look."

Mu En took out two keys and placed them next to the ears of the two dolls.

"Izzy, authorization successful."

"Jarvis authorized successfully."

The puppets changed and the two opened their eyes.

Mu En and Stark smiled happily.

"Welcome to wake up, Izzy, Jarvis."

Chapter 549: The evolved little spider

In Stark's rebuilt laboratory, Izzy and Jarvis slowly opened their eyes. This was the first time they observed the world from such a perspective.

"Master, is this what it feels like to have your own body?"

Izzy stretched out her hands and looked at herself curiously.

Looking at Izzy and Jarvis in front of him, Mu En nodded with satisfaction.

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