
As soon as he came out of the settlement, Rumlow approached Steve.

"team leader."

"Rumlow, what's the matter?"

Steve looked at Rumlow, followed by a group of fully armed special operations personnel, as if they were here to protect Nick Fury's body, but he noticed that the eyes of those people were intentionally or unintentionally. Gather to yourself.

"Captain, they asked you to return to SHIELD. There are some things that require your cooperation."

Steve nodded.

"Okay, let's go."

"Captain, your suit?"

"I'm staying at SHIELD headquarters. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, let's go, special forces team, let's go."

A group of special forces members 'escorted' Steve away, and before leaving, Steve put the USB flash drive given by Nick Fury into the vending machine.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Steve, who put on a battle suit and carried a shield, finally saw the person who was looking for him.

"Ah Captain, I am Alexander Pierce, currently the temporary commander-in-chief of SHIELD."

After Nick Fury's accident, Pierce, who had already been relegated to the second line, came out again and took over the job that originally belonged to Nick Fury.

Temporary Commander-in-Chief!

When he heard this word, an imperceptible emotional change flashed in Steve's eyes.

"It's an honor to meet you sir."

The old fox Pierce also returned with a smile on his face.

"I am the captain who should be honored. After all, I grew up hearing about your glorious deeds. And my father once served in the 101st Airborne Division. Please come in."

With that said, he led Steve into the office.

After entering the office, Pierce did not directly explain what he wanted to do with him. Instead, he chatted about how he met Nick Fury.

In an attempt to use Nick Fury's relationship to draw closer to Steve, there may still be some possibilities in the original timeline.

But because of Mu En's intervention, the relationship between Steve and Nick Fury was not that good. What's more, before Nick Fury was killed, he also warned himself that there were spies in SHIELD and not to trust anyone. And Mu En made it even clearer: Don’t trust the top management of SHIELD.

So now, looking at the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., who else has a higher position than Pierce in front of him?

But this time when he comes to find me, it can no longer be said that there is any conspiracy, but a naked conspiracy. I have put the trap here, you come or not.

Therefore, although Steve didn't show anything on his face, he was already paying more attention to this guy in his heart.

After Pierce told how he and Nick Fury met, he said he had never regretted promoting Nick Fury.

Then asked Steve.

"Captain, I want to know why he was at your house last night?"

However, Steve was not a simple-minded martial artist, so he replied with an innocent and confused look.

"I don't know, he was already there when I got home."

However, when Pierce saw that the move was useless, he was not discouraged. Instead, he continued to ask.

"Then you know that you are being monitored?"

This time Steve nodded.

"I know, Nick Fury told me."

However, Pierce smiled and threw out another sentence.

"So do you know that he was actually monitoring you?"

Steve was obviously stunned. Yes, although Nick Fury told himself that he was being monitored, he did not say who was monitoring him.

Seeing Steve's reaction, Pierce nodded, as if he had seized a breakthrough, and continued his offensive.

What he had to do was to sow discord between Steve and Nick Fury, and then pour all the dirty water on the dead Nick Fury. Then he released a video of Bartok being interrogated. picture.

Then they started to blame, describing Bartok's purpose of hijacking the ship as a secret intelligence transaction, and it was Nick Fury who instigated them to conduct this transaction.

It sounds very fantasy, and Steve would have believed it if he hadn't been wary.

"Although it sounds a bit bizarre, there is a theory that the so-called hijacking was just a cover for an intelligence transaction, but there was a problem with the transaction, and Nick Fury also paid his life for it."

Steve frowned while listening to Pierce's fantasy novel, then looked at him and said.

"Minister Pierce, if you really know Nick Fury, then you should know that he would not do this."

Although Nick Fury is a bit sinister and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, at least his starting point is indeed to maintain the peace of the world, and it is not to that extent.

Just when Steve thought Pierce was going to suddenly turn against him and throw the cup down and howl a crowd of people.

Pierce nodded.

"Of course, otherwise why do you think you came here to see me?"

Steve was stunned. There seemed to be something wrong with this script.

Pierce stood up, walked to the window and spoke righteously.

"You know, I serve on the World Security Council not of my own volition, but of Nick's request."

As he spoke, he looked at Steve and continued.

"Because we are all the same kind of people, very realistic. We know that if we want to protect world peace, we cannot rely on those beautiful fairy tales. Get rid of those diplomacy and hypocrisy and want to build a better world. In this world, sometimes old dynasties need to be overthrown.

And if you do this, you will inevitably create countless enemies. They will attack you, slander you, say you are shameless, and say you do shameful things to achieve your goals.

When I think about people like that still living a leisurely and wonderful life thanks to our efforts, I feel angry, and I feel angry for Nick. "

I have to say that Pierce's speech was very impressive. He seemed to package himself as a person who fights for world peace like Nick Fury.

He looked at Steve and asked again.

"Captain, you were the last person Nick saw in front of him. I think this is no coincidence, and I think you should think so too.

So I ask you again, why does he appear at your place? "

Pierce looked at Steve, and Steve looked at Pierce.

Pierce's eagle-like eyes seemed to be able to see through a person's heart, but standing in front of him now was a soldier from the previous world, a soldier who came out of the smoke and gunfire.

"Before Nick Fury died, he told me not to trust anyone."

This sentence was like a stone, directly smashing the beautiful mirror that Pierce had woven with lies and words.

"Does this include himself?"

Steve didn't continue, but said.

"Sorry, those were his last words, and I guess I should excuse myself."

After that, he carried his shield and walked outside.

When Steve walked to the door, Pierce didn't forget to say.

"Captain, someone killed my friend, and I must find out the source. Anyone who dares to step into my path will regret it, no matter who it is."

After that, Pierce just stared at Steve.

But Steve just nodded, replied "I understand", and then turned around and left. No one said anything more, and no one did anything more.

But the real crisis has just begun.

Chapter 503: The wanted Captain America

Steve walked into the elevator and was about to leave this place. In his opinion, even the old fox Nick Fury had overturned, so there was no one he could trust in SHIELD.

However, just as the elevator door was about to close, a hand reached out.

"All special operations personnel sit down and get ready."

Rumlow acted as if he was handing over tasks to his team members, and had an 'accidental encounter' with Steve.

"Hi Captain."

He also nodded to Steve somewhat unexpectedly and said hello.

"Hey Rumlow."

Steve didn't doubt anything too much and just nodded in response.

Then Steve stood at the innermost part of the elevator, the gate was closed, and the elevator carried everyone slowly downward.

The atmosphere in the elevator was a bit dull, and Steve was now suspicious of everyone in SHIELD.

And Rumlow took the initiative to speak.

"Captain, the evidence team found some fibers on the roof of the building. They want us to go over and take a look. Do we need the tactical team to be here, captain?"

"Let's take a look at the situation first and then talk."

Although he has now begun to doubt the people of SHIELD, everything must be based on evidence, but now he has no conclusive evidence.

Then the elevator fell into silence again. However, not long after, the elevator stopped halfway on the floor, and another group of people who were going to the administrative floor walked in.

"Sorry, give in."

The few people who had just entered squeezed into the innermost area, but pushed Steve, who was originally leaning to the side, into the middle.

There were more than a dozen people crowded into a small elevator. At the same time, Steve noticed that these people's hands were leaning on the holsters on their waists, and they glanced at himself from the corner of their eyes from time to time. .

The few people standing aside were chatting as usual, but Steve did notice that there were beads of sweat on some people's heads, as if they were nervous.

Coupled with his position and the small movements of those people, Steve had already guessed something.

However, before the elevator went down a few floors, another group of people came in.

Seeing their actions, Steve was even more sure of his suspicion. He simply spoke.

"Before we do anything, does anyone else want to leave?"

Suddenly, the air in the entire elevator seemed to freeze, and everyone's expressions changed.

The man at the front suddenly took out his weapon and stabbed Steve. The others swarmed up, hugged Steve and pressed the emergency stop button. The elevator stopped directly in the elevator shaft.

Rumlow directed everyone, took out the magnetic handcuffs, and tried to control Steve's arms, but Steve could not be subdued so easily.

A dozen or twenty people started a melee in the small elevator, but their numerical advantage became an obstacle in this small environment.

Seizing the opportunity, Steve kicked someone away, and then knocked down the person hugging him from behind. However, without paying attention, his right hand was tied to the wall.

Rumlow took the opportunity to pick up an electric baton and hit Steve on the body.


With a muffled groan, a powerful electric current paralyzed Steve's movements.

However, Steve used his strong will to punch Rumlow with his backhand.

Sidwell, Pierce's right-hand man, stood in the control room and watched as the team he sent out was defeated by Steve alone. He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and dispatched more people.

After killing everyone, Steve broke free from the shackles, picked up his shield and opened the elevator door.

However, at the moment of enlightenment, he was greeted by the special forces members who put away their weapons with a punch.

"Hands up Captain!"

Without saying a word, Steve directly smashed through the reinforced glass of the elevator and rushed out of the high-rise building.

From a height of dozens of floors, Steve jumped directly down, using a shield in front of him as a buffer, and then fell to the ground with a "thud".

Passers-by on the ground were shocked when they saw someone suddenly picked him down from upstairs.

It's a pity that Steve doesn't have time to care about others now. He just feels that his head is buzzing. If possible, he doesn't want to have this experience again.

He shook his head and shook the dizziness out of his mind. He gritted his teeth and stood up. After confirming the direction, he ran away.

Although they deployed a large number of manpower, Steve, who had the aura of the protagonist at the moment, could not keep him at all. After destroying a plane with his bare hands, Steve left the heavily guarded S.H.I.E.L.D. The headquarters just fled.

But soon, the news that Captain America Steve was wanted spread throughout the Internet.


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