However, humans have their limits. As the only ordinary person, Harry had already found it difficult to fight after a period of high-intensity fighting.

"It's so annoying. It seems like there's no end to all of these guys!"

"Hold on to the bat wings! We can't let them run into the city!"

Peter waved his fist, relying on the high mobility brought by the spider silk to shuttle back and forth in the battlefield, and used his powerful power to kill a single Cyborg.

But even so, it is still a drop in the bucket and they need support.

"Ho~! Hulk attacks!"

With a deafening roar, a big green man fell from the sky and smashed directly into the center of the melee like a meteor, instantly knocking down a group of cyborgs.

At the same time, the arrogant BGM Stark also entered the battlefield wearing a steel suit.

"Come on, trash guys, let me show you what real technology is!"

A scorching ray shot out from his palm and directly cut open the bodies of dozens of transformed humans.

Mu En and Kulim completed their transformations and entered the battlefield in their basic forms. Everything was under his control, so he didn't need to use his full strength at all.

Raymond, who was fighting Murphy, was also stunned when he saw this scene.

"Avengers! And Kamen Rider! Why are you here!"

"Because you want to destroy this city and destroy the peace here! So the heroes will never sit idly by and ignore it!"

Murphy punched out, hitting Raymond's body hard, causing Raymond to retreat continuously.

"Asshole! This is impossible! This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible! Because we will protect everything for everyone!"

Murphy jumped up high, focusing all his strength on this kick.

"Rider Kick!"

A simple knight kick ended all this evil.

Chapter 490: Fight for the good of everything

With Raymond's fall, the melee finally ended before it spread to the entire city.

Those biochemically modified people were simply vulnerable to Hulk and Stark. In order not to cause more serious damage, Stark did not use all his strength in actual combat.

But Hulk had a great time smashing it. Banner didn't call him out since the battle in New York.

"it is finally over!"

Harry sighed and sat back on his floating wings.

"Are you OK."

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired, but I'll be fine if I take it slow."

While the two were talking, Stark slowly descended from the sky and came to the two of them.

"Well done kids."

Through Jarvis's scan, even though they were separated by suits, but by measuring their bone ages, Stark also knew that they, like Mu En, were all a group of children under the age of twenty.

"Oh my God, Iron Man Tony Stark! Is it him? I met the Avengers!"

Little Spider Peter cast an admiring look.

Stark enjoyed the admiration from behind.

He opened his visor and smiled.

"Of course it's me. You've performed well. I think your future is limitless."

Compared to Peter, Harry's reaction was relatively good. Although he also admired heroes, he had his own arrogance just like his father Norman Osborn.

"Hello Mr. Stark, it's a pleasure to fight alongside you."

"I know you, your name is Bat Wing, right? Your suit and fighting style are very interesting. Unlike me, you need the support of physical skills to maximize your abilities, but that sentence is still interesting."

Stark chatted with the two young heroes like a senior giving guidance to his juniors, and Hulk also watched the battle end and knew it was time to withdraw.

He handed control of his body back to Banner, who was looking around confusedly in his pair of super pants just like he was waking up from a dream.

"Is the battle over?"

Stark nodded.

"The battle is over, sweetie, your performance was simply great. Look at the ground, the cracks and collapse are all proof of your battle."

Dr. Banner looked at the chaotic scene and scratched his head. He knew that Hulk must have had a lot of fun this time, and he probably wouldn't be upset again for a while.

Mu En, on the other hand, slowly walked towards Murphy and asked for no reason.

"Is it all over?"

Murphy returned to his human form, breathing heavily.

He looked back at Drive and remembered that when he first encountered a superhuman criminal at a loss after being transferred to New York, it was he who fell from the sky and got to know the invulnerable weirdo.

Hearing Mu En's question, Murphy was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what it meant, but then he subconsciously answered.

"Yes, it's all over, but the end represents a new beginning."

Hearing Murphy's answer, Mu En nodded.

Yes, for Murphy, this battle is the end of his past life, and it is also the beginning of his future life.

"What are you going to do next?"

Murphy clenched his fists, and then said with extremely firm eyes.

"To fulfill what I said, I plan to return to the police station."

"Yes, it is indeed a good decision to return to the place that needs you, so I wish you a better and better life in the future."

After that, Mu En turned around and left. The matter was over and he was no longer needed here.

"Wait a moment!"

Murphy suddenly called out to Mu En.

Mu En stopped, but did not look back.

"Anything else?"

After hesitating for a moment, Murphy spoke.

"I think it's okay to inherit the name of Kamen Rider?"

Mu En raised his head as if taking a deep breath.

"When you choose to stand alone and face an enemy that seems to be invincible, you are already one. But carrying the name of Kamen Rider means that you have to fight to protect all the beautiful things in this world. War, are you mentally prepared?"

Murphy nodded solemnly.

"I will!"

Mu En slowly turned around, looked at Murphy through the mask's compound eyes, and slowly gave a thumbs up.

"Come on, we'll be watching you."

After that, he turned around and left alone.

When Banner and Stark saw Mu En leaving alone, they also left together. Before leaving, Stark gave Harry and Peter two business cards.

"If you need anything, take this and come to me at Avengers Tower."

As for Murphy, Stark has defaulted to being his companion. Although he wanted to recruit him into the Avengers, there was no need.

Besides, Mu En promised to the captain that as long as the Avengers leave S.H.I.E.L.D., Mu En will join the Avengers. By then, Mu En will be an Avenger, so aren’t the knights and Fangires under him all? Is he probably a member of the Avengers?

Thinking of this, Stark suddenly had an idea. Perhaps it was time to discuss with the captain and put the Avengers' separation from SHIELD on the agenda.

After everyone left, a dimensional curtain lit up, and Brother Xiao Ming, who had returned from another world, arrived at the scene.

Looking at the mess on the ground, he shook his head.

"It seems that I came too late and didn't catch this good show, but..."

Soon, he found a special chip in Raymond's body, with the Hydra logo imprinted on the chip.

"I found it. Although it's a little uncomfortable to be smarted by that computer, in order to make this world more interesting, there are still some things that need to be done."

After getting what he wanted, he left the place before anyone else found him.


As night fell, the events that occurred during the day also came to an end. The police department finally had their own superhero, and Murphy returned to the police station.

What happened today has also become a topic of conversation among people after dinner.

Jessica sat in front of the computer, editing the content of today's live broadcast, and edited out the fragmentary titles of Drive. At the same time, she also began to collect information about this new hero born in the name of Kamen Rider.

Unconsciously, I was busy working until late at night. After saving all the videos and information, I felt sleepy.

"Hahu~, I'm finally done."

After yawning, Jessica turned off the computer, climbed into her bed, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in the familiar forest again.

"No, here we go again!"

Jessica was almost desperate. She had not entered this forest for a while. She thought that this nightmare was finally over, but who knew that she had entered again.

Jessica finally couldn't bear it anymore and was ready to die.

"No more running! Whoever runs will be sick. I will see today what will happen if I don't run!"

However, as soon as she finished speaking, a low roar came.

One after another, the aliens came out from the depths of the forest.


Jessica, who just said she wouldn't run away, immediately started running like crazy.

Chapter 491, Hydra’s movements, insight plan

A dimensional curtain opened, and Brother Xiao Ming walked out with arrogant and coquettish steps, playing with a chip in his hand.

Brother Xiao Ming walked to the sofa and sat down, crossed his legs and shouted at the huge computer screen.

"Dr. Zola, I have brought you what you asked for."

The dark computer screen flashed, and a huge forehead appeared.

"Welcome back, my dear leader Menya."

"Come on, even though I hold the title of leader, I don't seem to have anyone under my command who can listen to my command."

Brother Xiao Ming joked and complained, then picked up the fruit on the table and started eating it.

"How could it be? You are one of the youngest leaders in the history of Hydra, and I know that the family that masters the technology of making special props seems to have surrendered to you."

"Who said that? Why don't I know? Don't talk nonsense."

Brother Xiao Ming looked confused.

"I came into contact with them for the great cause of Hydra. Otherwise, how could the organization obtain such a large supply of memory so smoothly. Besides, I am only related to the eldest daughter of their family. It’s just a little better, the rest is really unfamiliar.”

Dr. Zola on the screen smiled.

"Okay, I won't ask any more questions about their affairs. After all, you are one of the leaders of Hydra. It is your duty to form your own force. Now give me the chip."

Brother Xiao Ming spread his hands and inserted the chip into the reader on the table.

He knew that everyone in Hydra had their own plans, and that each leader controlled different forces. Although they all shouted the same slogan, everyone had their own ambitions, like Dr. Zola, and others. Too.

Of course, Brother Xiao Ming also has his own plan, but in order for this plan to proceed smoothly, he still needs the cover of Hydra for the time being.

Dr. Zola began to analyze the information and data, with a satisfied expression on his face, obviously getting what he wanted.

Brother Xiao Ming asked curiously while eating fruit.

"I don't understand Dr. Zola at all. Although the guy named Raymond had the intention to betray you, at that time, even if you directly asked them to hand over the data in their hands, I don't think they would dare to say anything wrong. Just like Whitehall, even a veteran Hydra leader like him will give you detailed data when you ask him for it.

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