"Come on, let's go to the lab."

He led the two of them into the laboratory.

Mu En conveniently entered the coordinates into the computer, and soon after Izzy's search, a location was marked on the map.

"Is this? At sea?"

Looking at the map projected in front of him, Frank showed a puzzled expression.

Mu En shook his head and said.

"No, it should be said to be an island, an uninhabited island."

Mu En waved his hand suddenly, and the projected map was enlarged several times, and soon a small island appeared in front of everyone.

"In other words, is his child on this island?"

"I don't know, maybe!"

Mu En scratched his head. The betrayer in the museum, the captured child, the secret base on the isolated island, the sense of déjà vu was really too strong!

"Thanks, that's enough. I will investigate the rest myself."

"Don't forget that you still have me, teacher!"

Seeing that the teacher wanted to act alone again, Nissen immediately said that he would also go together.

If the teacher's reason for not taking me to action before was that I couldn't participate in that level of battle, but now that I have become a knight, then there is no reason to leave me alone anymore.

Frank glanced at Nissen and finally nodded. Anyway, his plan was just to check out the situation, not to fight, so there was no problem in taking Nissen with him.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Mu En quickly stopped the two people who were about to take action.

"How do you plan to get there? This island is still some distance from the land. The hoverbike can't fly that far, and there's no ferry going there. If not, I'll help you upgrade your equipment first."

"Upgrade your equipment!"

Neeson gets excited when he mentions this.

"Dean, dean! I also want a bracelet like a teacher's. It's so cool with wings on my back."

Mu En glanced at Nissen, then shook his head.

"No, I can't do this."

"Ah! Why?"

Neeson asked with some confusion.

Before Mu En could answer, Kurim controlled the cart and walked out of the nearby laboratory.

"That's because Frank's ability to use those memories relies solely on the special characteristics of the skull memory, so even if we want to help you transform it, we can't."

"All right."

After hearing Kurim's answer, Nissen responded with some disappointment.

Mu En patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"Don't be discouraged. You still have a lot of room to grow. One day you will surpass your teacher."

After listening to Mu En's words, Nissen clenched his fists, cheered up, and nodded.

"Thank you, Dean, I will try my best."

"So, you go back and have a rest first. I will help you upgrade your motorcycle. Moreover, the support motorcycle that was previously envisioned is at the end. It will be manufactured in a few days. It will be convenient for you to go to the island by then. one time."

Hearing this, Frank also nodded.

"I know, it just so happens that I can take advantage of this time to give Neeson some guidance."

Frank patted Neeson on the shoulder.

"It's teacher! I will definitely work hard!"

The two people, one large and one small, walked towards the training room of the base.

Mu En looked at Nissen's back and touched his somewhat messy hair.

"The ace has appeared, so will there be a blast in this world? Philip, it shouldn't be such a coincidence."

"what are you thinking about?"

Kurim asked as he looked at Mu En who was thinking about something.

Mu En grinned.

"Mr. Belt, do you remember the two-person Kamen Rider I told you before?"

"Do you mean W?"

After all, there is only a small ditch between Fengrou and Kulim's city, and he has heard about W.

Mu En nodded and smiled.

"Mr. Belt, I want to build another drive that is compatible with two memories. Are you interested in joining us?"

Anyway, the upgrading of the orphanage's defense system is on track. It's enough to have the bishop and Bashar watching over it.

What if there really is a Philip in this universe? Wouldn't it be boring if there was no ultimate drive?

Although Kurim didn't know what Mu En was thinking, it was just like what he once said. As long as it was something he decided, he would fully support it.


A luxurious villa stands on the coast of Brooklyn. In the living room of the villa, an Asian man wearing a black suit is sitting on a soft sofa, holding an apple in his hand and chewing on it.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kadoya. I came here after taking care of some things. Please forgive me for the poor reception."

An old man with gray hair walked into the living room surrounded by several well-dressed men and women.

Looking at a few people, Brother Xiao Ming smiled slightly, took another bite of apple and said.

"I don't care. It's not my time that's being wasted anyway. After all, I'm here to negotiate with you on behalf of this. No matter what, it's fine."

As he spoke, he pointed to a scarlet badge on his chest. Under a skull, several tentacles were winding, looking extremely ferocious.

Seeing this badge, no one else had much reaction, only the old man frowned.

"Sorry, it's my fault, can we talk now?"

"Of course, but after waiting for so long, I'm a little hungry."

"I understand, come on, let's hold a banquet immediately!"

Chapter 323, Ultimate Drive

In the laboratory, Mu En and Kulim stood nervously in front of the synthesizer and waited.

Inside the synthesizer was the result of seven days of work, a bilateral driver.

"This is already the fourth time. It shouldn't fail again."

Mu En said with some uncertainty.

Kurim controlled the robotic arm and a bunch of data was projected in front of him.

"I don't know, but based on the previous three failures, this experiment should theoretically not fail again."

Mu En held his forehead helplessly and sighed.

"Mr. Belt, you said the same thing twice before, but it still failed."

"Unexpected, unexpected, it will definitely work this time."


With a clear sound, He Chen ended.

Mu En stepped forward and opened it, and a silver-red drive appeared in front of Mu En.


Looking at the drive in front of him, Mu En took it out excitedly.

"Look, I'll tell you it will definitely succeed."

Kurim said with some pride.

"Haha, that's really interesting."

Mu En played with the drive in his hand. To be honest, if he hadn't found a memory that suited him, Mu En would have really wanted to try it.

"But Mu En, there's one thing I don't understand."

"What's wrong Mr. Belt."

Kurim calculated his words and said.

"According to my calculations, a person's body cannot withstand the power of two memories. Why are you so persistent in making a bilateral drive?"

Mu En smiled lightly and packed the drive in a box.

"Yeah, one person can't bear it, but two people can."

"Two people?"

Mu En didn't say much, just changed the subject and asked.

"By the way, Mr. Belt, the support motorcycle made for Frank should be assembled."

"Well, the assembly was completed yesterday. According to your ideas, I added sea, land and air amphibious combat plug-ins to it."

"Let's go, inform Frank and the others, and let's go take a look."


In the garage, Frank brought Nissen to Mu En's side.

"Mu En, what do you want from us?"

Mu En grinned.

"The support tank I used with you has been prepared, and your motorcycle has been upgraded for you."

"Oh, are you finally done?"

Hearing that his chariot was assembled, Frank was a little excited and looked at the big guy covered in white cloth in front of him. He understands Mu En's technological level, so he is also looking forward to this support tank.

"Then let's take a look now!"

Mu En stepped forward, lifted the white cloth, and a cool-looking chariot appeared in front of the three of them.

The chariot is entirely black, with a huge skull pattern branded on the front.

The front end of the vehicle is in the shape of a square shovel and is made of special metal, providing the vehicle with strong attack capabilities. There are two sets of wheels with extremely strong grip on each side. The rear end is a double giant tire, with four exhaust pipes connected to each side of the rear end, providing sufficient power for the two tanks.

The huge cockpit is enough to accommodate six people. There is also a storage room behind the cockpit, in which the sea, land and air amphibious plug-ins of motorcycles are parked.

"so hot!"

Looking at the cool chariot in front of him, Nissen's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"Haha, it's not bad! This is the proud work of me and Kurim."

Mu En smiled and patted Frank on the shoulder.

Although the overall shape is imitated from the Skull Sprinter in the show, Muen incorporated his own ideas and technology when building it, and added Kurim's car-making experience, and finally created such a support vehicle. chariot.

It can be said that compared to the support tank in the original work, it is only stronger but not weaker, and it also adds an amphibious support tank plug-in that was only available in the W era, providing more comprehensive assistance to the driver.

Looking at the chariot in front of him, Frank was quite satisfied.

"Thank you, Mu'en, but this look is a bit too exaggerated."

You must know that Frank has always been low-key. Although he likes these two support tanks, this is a bit too showy.

"No, I think it's very good and cool."

Nissen quickly expressed his attitude. He was afraid that such a handsome tank would be taken back and rebuilt.

"Okay, don't worry. Who am I? Would I consider this?"

Mu En raised his eyebrows confidently.

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