"Ah, it seems that I have come into contact with a devil from hell, called Mephisto."

Mu En said with a smile.

"He said he was interested in my soul and wanted to make a deal with me."

After listening to Mu En's words, the old man said with some surprise.

"Deal? You are different from us, so you rejected him?"

Mu En nodded.

"Of course, I don't think there is anything worth trading my soul for."

The old man felt a little incredible and took another look at the young man in front of him.

"How interesting, a man who rejected the devil."

Mu En also looked at the old man with interest.

"You are not bad either, a person who escaped from the devil."

"Carter Shrey."

The old man introduced himself.

"My name is Mu En."

Just when the two suddenly got to know each other, Johnny walked out of the old man's house holding a water glass.

He saw the two people in the cemetery and walked towards them.

Carter Shirey asked as he saw Johnny.

"are you feeling better?"

Johnny, who was holding the water glass, nodded and took another sip.

"Yes, much better.

I feel like my whole body is on fire, thank you for the water. "

As he spoke, he looked at Mu En.

"Are you? The young man who was at the venue yesterday?"

Mu En nodded.

"Hello Johnny Boom, I thought you forgot your helmet, so I brought it to you."

As he spoke, he picked up the helmet he threw to him yesterday from his motorcycle.

Johnny was a little confused after taking the helmet, but still said thank you.

Carter Shirey looked at Johnny in front of him with a smile on his face.

Johnny was confused.

"Is what I said funny?"

Carter Shiley smiled, holding his shovel in both hands.

"It's sarcasm. People here like to mock others."

As he spoke, he pointed to the tombstone beside him.

Johnny felt a little creepy.

“Where is my motorcycle?”

"There, behind you."

Johnny looked back and saw that his motorcycle was indeed parked in front of a tombstone. He shook his head and walked towards his motorcycle.

The memory of being the Ghost Rider last night gradually came back to him, and his head hurt like needles. Looking at the motorcycle in front of him, he suddenly seemed to have turned into a ferocious ghost chariot.

"F**K, is this a hallucination? Again."

After finally regaining consciousness, he saw that the car in front of him was still his own car, so he didn't think much about it.

Just when he was about to get on the car and leave, Carter Shirey suddenly spoke.

"What? Do you feel like you have been a little unusual lately? Don't worry, this is all normal. Your power has awakened, but you haven't accepted your other identity yet, which is why you are in this situation now. .”

"what are you saying?"

Johnny looked at Carter Shirey with some confusion.

"who are you?"

Carter Shirey replied, pointing at Johnny with a smile.

"The question shouldn't be who am I, but who are you?"

Johnny felt a little bored, and he wanted to leave here quickly. One night, because of that abominable devil, he had missed the date with his girlfriend, and now he had to go back and explain to her.

Just when Johnny was about to leave, Carter Shirey suddenly shouted.

"You are the legendary knight, Ghost Rider. Get used to it as soon as possible, it will be much better for you."

As he spoke, Carter Shirey picked up the shovel and pointed to an open space on the side and smiled.

"If you can't accept yourself as soon as possible, then I just have an open space here that can be used as your grave."

Johnny was a little speechless. He felt that this old guy was a lunatic and wanted to leave here while pushing his motorcycle.

But Carter Shirey followed and said beside him.

"They've seen you, they'll be waiting for you, you're going to need help if you want to survive."

But Johnny stepped on the engine and said impatiently.

"The last time I asked a stranger to help me, it ended badly, so no more."

After that, he started the car and prepared to leave.

Looking at Johnny's back, Carter Shirey said calmly.

"There are some things you can't change. From the moment you sign the contract, you are destined to have this day."

As soon as he heard the word contract, Johnny finally stopped the car.

He looked back at Carter Shirey, and then turned off the motorcycle's engine.

Carter Shirey smiled when he saw this.

"Great, now your chance of success has gone from zero to slim."

"There is only hope, right?"


Carter Shirey took the two of them to the place where he was staying temporarily.

Johnny took off his coat, revealing a hideous scar on the back of his shoulder. Mu En sat aside and watched curiously.

"Ghost Rider is the devil's bounty hunter, who is responsible for hunting down those who have escaped from hell and sending those sinful souls to hell."

As Carter was speaking, he was fiddling with a suture needle and cotton thread, passing the cotton thread through the suture needle and handing it to Johnny.

"Help me disinfect it."


Looking at the suture needles in front of him, Johnny was stunned for a moment. His mind was now filled with things about Ghost Rider.

Then he subconsciously assumed a neutral posture, as if he wanted to inspire some superpower to disinfect the front line.

Carter Shirey said somewhat speechlessly.

"With alcohol, to your right."

Seeing this scene, Mu En couldn't help laughing.

Johnny was a little embarrassed and used alcohol to disinfect the needle and thread, and then asked doubtfully.

"What are you doing here?"

Before Mu En could speak, Carter Shirey spoke first.

"He is stronger than all of us. He is a man who rejected the devil."

"Rejected the devil?"

Johnny looked at Mu En in disbelief.

"It's not that powerful, it's just that I didn't sign any contract."

Carter Shirey took the sterilized needle and thread and began to sew up Johnny's wound, saying as he sewed it up.

"It's better to continue telling your story."

Johnny asked a little confused.

"Is the Ghost Rider you're talking about the flaming skeleton? Why did I become like that? Why do I have the memory of becoming a skeleton, but I couldn't control myself at that time? And..."

Johnny asked all the doubts in his heart in one breath, eager to get the answers.

Carter Shrey did not answer him one by one, but said to himself.

"During the day, you will be a normal person, but at night, or when facing evil, another you will take over your body.

The reason why it becomes like this is because you reject 'it' in your heart, but you cannot violate the provisions of the contract. "

Chapter 270: Carter Shirey’s past, the devil who signed a contract with Mu En

Listening to Carter Shirey's words, Johnny let out a long sigh.

"Last night, I met a young gangster. Through his eyes, I saw the crimes he committed, which were ultimately inflicted on him."

Carter Shirey said while suturing the wounds on his body.

"That is the Eye of Judgment. It is the most powerful weapon of the Ghost Rider. All knights have this ability."

"What? All the knights? Anyone else in the same trouble as me?"

Johnny asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"Otherwise, why do you think the devil would look for the right person to sign a contract? A new knight was almost born yesterday, but he refused the devil's temptation."

As he spoke, he pointed at Mu En, who was watching the show.

When Mu En saw Carter Shirey directing the topic to him, Mu En shrugged and smiled.

"Well, you can't say that. Although I didn't sign a contract, I am also a knight, so I am a little different from you."

"Different knights?"

Johnny suddenly remembered the other skeleton knight who almost killed him.

"Kamen Rider?"

Mu En smiled and nodded.

This time it was Carter Shirey's turn to be a little confused.

"What is that? Someone who made a contract with another devil?"

Mu En stretched.

"Signing a contract with the devil, that's okay to a certain extent."

Johnny suddenly asked Carter Shirey.

"Do you know any other Ghost Riders?"

"Other Ghost Riders, speaking of which, the last Ghost Rider dates back a hundred and fifty years ago."

Carter Slay's voice full of age began to tell the story of the previous generation of Ghost Riders.

"One hundred and fifty years ago, there was a small town called Santa Fanganza. It was a very good town, and the residents in the town were very kind.

Until a strange man came and signed a contract with the residents. The people, driven by greed, fell into madness and began to kill each other.

In the end, St. Fangansa was drowned in his own blood, and those souls were forever trapped in the place forgotten by God. "

Johnny asked a little confused.

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