"How about we make a deal?"

"No, haven't I already said that I will not make any deal with you, let alone sign any contract."

Making a deal with the devil, is Mu En still confident enough? Anyone who tries to take advantage of the devil will basically have a bad end.

"Don't refuse so decisively. Listen to me first."

Mephisto still kept smiling.

"Previously, your friend the Skeleton Knight injured my messenger, which caused my messenger's strength to be damaged and unable to complete my mission perfectly, so shouldn't you help me?"

Mu En frowned.

"It's a fair duel between the two of them. Regardless of the outcome, it's all their own problem. As the Lord of Hell, do you have the nerve to say that?"

But the smile on Mephisto's face was indeed bigger.

"I say this just because I am the Lord of Hell. After all, insidious, cunning, and evil are all synonymous with me."

Immediately, Mu En's face darkened. This guy is indeed a devil. He is so shameless. How can he make it look like he is very honorable even though it is a derogatory term?

"Okay, you are so shameless and invincible."

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

For a moment, Mu En was even more speechless. He could only say that he was indeed a devil from hell and could not be thought of from an ordinary human perspective.

Looking at Mu En's speechless expression, Mephisto spoke again.

"Mortal, don't worry, I won't let your help go in vain. As long as you can help Johnny send my son back to hell, I will give this to you."

As he spoke, a dark stone appeared in his hand, which looked like a piece of coal.

Mu En didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a moment.

"No, I'm telling you, do you think that the king of hell, a top boss who has lived for who knows how many years, just gives away a black stone as a reward?"

"No, no, no, this is no ordinary stone. A mortal should use the special power in your body to take a good look at this stone."

Although Mu En was a little confused, he still tried to use the Demon Emperor's power to observe the stone. With the blessing of the Demon Emperor's power, Mu En's eyes turned golden and red. When he looked at the stone again, , but saw something different.

When Hei Buliuqiu was originally like a piece of briquettes, at this moment, he was actually emitting endless mysterious light, just like the starry sky that had existed for countless years. A breath from the ancient times was conveyed, as if he had been there since the world was formed. It has always existed, and it will continue to exist forever.

Feeling the specialness of this stone, Mu En couldn't help but take a breath.

"What on earth is this?"

Seeing Mu En's surprised reaction, Mephisto smiled with satisfaction.

"Haha, this is a good thing. Don't you know a lot of things? Have you ever heard of eternity?"


Just two words, but they exploded like thunder in Mu En's ears. When it comes to the top beings in the Marvel Universe, those beings who are known as immortals cannot be avoided. One of them is eternity.

Even those as powerful as Thanos and Mephisto are somewhat insignificant compared to those immortal beings.

Seeing the change in Mu En's expression, Mephisto became more and more satisfied. The stone had a good effect, but since he reacted like this, it proved that he really knew a lot.

"How about mortals, are you excited?"

After recovering from his shock, Mu En breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Although it is a bit unexpected, how do I know whether the thing in your hand is real? If it is really related to eternity, how can you be willing to give it to me?"

Facing Mu En's question, Mephisto suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha, good boy, you are really thoughtful. I appreciate you more and more. To tell you the truth, I got this stone of eternity a long time ago. It has been so long that I have forgotten when. Get his.

But I can assure you that this is definitely a genuine piece. It’s just that I haven’t researched its purpose, and I’m too lazy to research it. Why don't you make a deal and help my messenger get rid of my son? How about giving this stone to you? "

Faced with this transaction, Mu En hesitated.

To be honest, as a scientist, he is really interested in the Stone of Eternity, but he doesn't really want to make a deal with Mephisto. After all, he is making a deal with the devil. Mu En still thinks he doesn't have that. ability.

Just when Mu En was thinking, a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

"Promise him."

"Master Ancient One?!"

Mu En was a little surprised, but the voice was indeed that of the Ancient One Mage. It seemed that he had already discovered Mephisto's clone, and one was watching from the side.

"Yes, it's me. I really agreed to his deal with the things, but I just asked him to give them to you first."

With the support of Master Gu Yi, Mu En also made up his mind.

"Okay, I agree to make this deal with you, but you have to give me the things first."

Mephisto narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke after a moment of silence.

"Wise choice, boy."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and handed the Stone of Eternity to Mu En.

After receiving the Stone of Eternity, Mu En deeply felt the power contained in this seemingly inconspicuous stone.

"Is this eternal power?"

Mu En smashed it in the mouth, but it was just a stone the size of a coin. The energy contained in it was simply beyond Mu En's imagination.

"Okay mortal, the things have been handed over to you, don't forget the agreement between us."

After saying that, Mephisto turned and walked towards the end of the alley, and at the same time, his figure became more and more blurred, until he finally disappeared completely.

"have they gone?"

Watching Mephisto disappear, Mu En narrowed his eyes.

At the same time, an orange space door appeared beside Mu En, and Master Gu Yi stood behind the door and said hello to Mu En.

"Long time no see, Mu En."

Mu En scratched his head and handed the Stone of Eternity in his hand to Gu Yi.

"Master Ancient One, you asked me to agree to the deal with Mephisto. Is there any way to do this?"

The Ancient Master took the Stone of Eternity and looked at it.

"No problem. This is indeed an eternal stone. It seems that Mephisto really appreciates you."

Mu En looked ashamed.

"Come on, stop entertaining me."

Chapter 267: Making a Deal with the Devil

At this moment, Mu En was really speechless. Whether it was Ancient One or Mephisto, these two were definitely top bosses.

But I don’t know what’s wrong with these two big guys, they both want to recruit me.

Please, he just wants to be a quiet handsome man. Although he occasionally appears as a knight who saves the world, he doesn't want to be targeted by such a big boss who can destroy the world at every turn.

Faced with this situation, Mu En had no choice but to sigh, saying that there was no way things were going to change, and the big intestine wrapped around the small intestine.

"Master Gu Yi, are you sure there is nothing wrong with this stone?"

Mu En asked Gu Yi curiously again.

"For example, did the insidious devil leave a curse on it or something."

Ancient Yi shook his head and gave the Eternal Stone tube to Mu En.

"Don't worry, although Mephisto is a devil, he still doesn't bother to use such low-level and inefficient means as curses. If he wants to kill someone, he usually does it directly."

Listening to Gu Yi's words, Mu En couldn't help but feel angry.

It is true that at their level, cursing and other things are indeed too tasteless, and it is better to slap a big mouth directly than this.

"Well, since you have said so, Master Gu Yi, I will keep it for now and study it carefully another day."

Gu Yi didn't say much, just asked.

"What are you going to do next? Travel to make your appointment with Mephisto?"

Mu En nodded.

"Since that old devil didn't play any tricks, then as an outstanding young man of the new era, I can't possibly be worse than him, the devil.

Besides, this is the human world, and I can't let those guys from hell do evil. "

After listening to Mu En's words, Gu Yi nodded with satisfaction.

"In that case, let me remind you that Mephisto's son has a very special ability. He can see through people's hearts and find the most vulnerable places in a person's heart, so you should be careful when dealing with him."

Mu En was stunned. Does Wu Xin Mo still have such ability? How come it didn’t show up when watching the movie?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that Gu Yi doesn't need to lie to himself. In short, he just needs to be careful.

"I understand, then goodbye Master Gu Yi."

"Do you need me to send you there directly?"

Mu En shook his head and grinned.

"No, it's not the time for the final battle yet. Although I promised Mephisto to deal with his son, I didn't say when. Why don't you send me back first so that I can prepare."

After hearing Mu En's words, Gu Yi also laughed.

"You're such a cunning guy. No wonder Mephisto likes you."

As he spoke, he casually opened the portal leading to the orphanage.

"Okay, just be careful."

"Don't worry, I won't tip over easily."

With a wave of his hand, Mu En passed through the portal.

Gu Yi shook his head slightly and closed the passage.


Back in the laboratory, Mu En unzipped his coat and took off his belt.

After experiencing the dopant attack on the school, Mu En became smarter and brought Mr. Belt with him every time he went out. However, he didn't have a fourth-dimensional chrysanthemum like those orthodox knights, so he could only tie his belt in advance and cover it with a large coat.

Kurim, who had been bored all night, also breathed a sigh of relief and asked with a serious expression.

"Mu En, is that old man really the devil?"

Mu En nodded.

"Yes, that guy is the king of hell in this world, the devil Mephisto."

"Magic, technology, devil, this world is really too chaotic."

Looking back, Kurim couldn't help but sigh after experiencing so many things after coming to this world.

Seeing Kurim sigh, Mu En also smiled.

"What does this mean? Mr. Belt, before you came to this world, you met gods and ghosts, but you still believe in science."

Kurim was stunned and realized what Mu En was going to say.

"It's different. Things about Kamen Rider are not that simple, but what we see in this world are real magic and devils."

Mu En shrugged and did not argue with Kurim. Instead, he placed the Stone of Eternity given by Mephisto in the detection instrument.

"Izzy, help me analyze this stone in all aspects."

"Good master."

Soon Izzy started to analyze extremely.

But soon it stopped again.

"Warning, warning, unknown energy detected, cannot be resolved, cannot be resolved."

Mu En scratched his head helplessly.

"That's true."

He had already guessed that the process of analyzing this stone would not be easy, but he didn't expect that it would be impossible to analyze it.

"Mu En, what exactly is this stone, and what is this eternity you are talking about?"

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