"Yes, Mr. Dean, after this battle, I finally realized my own weakness, so I hope that I can become stronger, so that when the next crisis comes, I can be qualified to stand beside everyone. Come forward and protect the innocent people.”

Mu En looked at Danny in front of him. After getting along with him during this time, Mu En also got to know him to a certain extent. Compared to the wily Daredevil Matt and the muscular Luke Cage, Shepherd likes Danny more.

Perhaps it's because all his skills come from China. We always feel that Danny has a chivalrous spirit, and he still appreciates such people very much.

"Okay, no matter what, we can be regarded as comrades who have experienced hardships together. This matter is easy to discuss."

In the end, Mu En brought Danny to the Dragon Castle again.

And Danny came prepared. He took off his suit and put on the dark green combat uniform. With the blessing of the dragon's power, he activated the power of the iron fist in Danny's body, and the two forces met. Fusion, tempering Danny's body.

Mu En looked at Danny's glowing fist and suddenly remembered what Suowanda had said before. The Shoulong who gave Danny power was actually the same as Heikong, a demon from another world. Since Heikong was crushed by him, , can also be reincarnated with the help of his followers, so can Shoulong do the same?

Thinking of this, Mu En said.


Danny, who was practicing, woke up.

"Is there any problem, Mr. Dean?"

Mu En said straight to the point.

"Do you remember what Sowanda said? About your own power."

When Danny heard Mu En mention this, he subconsciously looked at his fist. The golden light bloomed on his fist and was filled with extremely destructive power. This was a power that was obviously not human.

"Mr. Dean, in fact, I already know the source of the power of the Iron Fist. I once felt confused because of this matter. It is really because of this that when I finally inherited the power, I only obtained half of the Iron Fist. Power."

As he spoke, his eyes were filled with determination again.

"But after experiencing so many things, I understand that no matter what this power comes from, it is now a power under my control, and in order to protect everything I love, I also need this power .

As Master Gu Yi said before, power is neither good nor bad, it just depends on how you use it. "

Looking at Danny who was so determined, Mu En also smiled and nodded.

"That's a good realization. I believe in you. You will definitely be able to control this power."

"Thank you, Mr. Dean."

Looking at Danny who was starting to practice again, Mu En said.

"Why don't we two compete? Don't use other powers, just use the simplest physical skills."

Danny was stunned. In his opinion, Mu En's strength came from the different sets of armors, and even if he didn't have the power of the Iron Fist, he was still a serious Kunlun martial artist. Moreover, fists and feet have no eyes, so what should I do if the thing hurts Mu En?

Mu En also noticed Danny's concerns and smiled.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem, it's just a simple discussion."

"In that case, let's do as the dean said."

Mu En also took off his coat and put on a posture.

"Then, please enlighten me."

"Please enlighten me."

Chapter 253, Party Invitation

In the castle hall, Mu En and Danny fought together, but for a moment they were evenly matched.

Danny, who was trained in Kunlun, is quite good at boxing and kicking. After all, he has been studying in Kunlun since he was a child, and boxing and kicking are compulsory courses every day. Moreover, he has passed the test of inheriting the power of the Iron Fist, and his fighting skills are definitely at the master level.

Mu En, on the other hand, is a dabbler who has become a monk on the way. All his fighting skills come from Eric, and every move is a killing move that directly hits the enemy's vital points. But after countless life-and-death battles, some fighting moves have almost become Mu En's instinct. Coupled with the strengthening of the body by the Demon King's power, Mu En's fighting skills are also ridiculously powerful.

The two of them fought in the hall for two full hours. In the end, Mu Enqi missed a move and was knocked back by Danny with a palm.

Mu En, who was slumped on the floor, let out a long sigh of relief.

"No fight, no fight. He is worthy of being a Kung Fu master born in Kunlun. I am convinced that I lost."

Danny also moved his limbs and crossed himself.

"Mr. Dean, you are joking. Your fighting skills are beyond my imagination. I think that even Kunlun disciples are very few who can defeat Mr. Dean."

Mu En waved his hand.

"Haha, you don't need to pat my horse. I know how much I weigh."

Danny said seriously.

"What I said are all facts, and I don't mean to compliment Mr. Dean. Although your moves and methods are a bit too simple and single in my opinion, when a single thing is done to the extreme, then the full effect will be achieved." The power that comes out is also very powerful. That is..."

As he spoke, Danny changed the subject and stopped talking.

"That's what? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Danny looked at Mu En and then continued.

"All your moves are too murderous, as if every attack is bound to kill the enemy."

After hearing Danny's words, Mu En laughed.

"Hey, I thought it was something, but it turned out to be this. It's nothing. Unlike you, I didn't receive formal training. The basic moves were taught to me by Eric, and all the fighting skills were taught by me. Slowly accumulated in the battle, the opponents I faced before, if you don't kill him, the person who will die will be myself, so I gradually got used to it."

Listening to Mu En's words, Danny was also a little surprised. In his opinion, Mu En was not that old, so what kind of enemies did he face to train such ferocious fighting skills?

Mu En stood up and dusted himself off.

"Okay, that's it. You can continue practicing. If you need anything, just call me and tell me."

After saying goodbye to Danny, Mu En left the Dragon Castle and happened to meet Frank who was about to leave with Nissen.

"Frank, are you ready to leave?"

Frank nodded.

"Yes, we have been repairing it for a while, and it is time to continue to pursue the matter of Gaia's memory."

Nissen said with some excitement.

"Mr. Dean, I feel that my fighting skills have improved tremendously during this period, and I can't wait to show off my skills."

Mu En couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

"In that case, you can take this."

Mu En handed Frank the two memories of Luna and Metal.

Frank took the memory and took a look.

"Is this a special memory that can be used directly with the drive like the previous ones?"

Mu En nodded.

"Yes, I think it should be able to play a greater role in your hands."

"Okay, I'll accept it then."

Nissen looked at the memory in Frank's hand with envy. He had already seen the power of the memory. He immediately turned to look at Mu En and pleaded.

"Mr. Dean, can you also give me a driver, so that I can better help the teacher."

Mu En was stunned. He didn't expect that Nissen would take the initiative to ask for the drive. Although he had mastered the production method of the Lost Drive, the only one that had been successfully produced was currently in Frank's hands.

But there were already a lot of problems. Frank was able to successfully transform because his compatibility with the skull memory was so ridiculously good.

"Driver, although I can make another one, becoming a Kamen Rider is not that simple. First of all, you need to have extremely strong mental strength, and secondly, you must find a memory that matches you well. .”

"Is there enough memory to match? Will this work?"

He took out the violent memory Frank gave him from his pocket.

Mu En shook his head.

"I'm afraid this won't work. After all, I really don't see any compatibility between you and violence."

"All right."

Neeson put it away with some regret.

Frank slapped him on the back.

"Okay, you're a dabbler and you're still far from being a Kamen Rider. Let's study hard first."

Neeson shook off his previous regrets and cheered up again.

"No problem, teacher, I will definitely want you to study hard."

After all, in his opinion, being able to follow Mr. Frank is already very satisfying. Even if he can't become a Kamen Rider, he still wants to become a tough guy like Frank.

Looking at the children, one large and one young, who got on their motorcycles and left the orphanage, Mu En smiled and shook his head, as if he saw himself and his teacher in the past, but compared to Frank, his teacher was simply bad. .

He stretched out towards Mu En, looked at the bright sunshine outside and yawned.

"Hahu~! It's such a nice weather. I'm afraid we won't see such peaceful days in the future."

Just as he was about to return to his recliner and lie down, Mu En received a call. It was actually from Peter.

"Hey, it's strange that our friendly neighbor Little Spider has time to call me if he doesn't go out to do some good deeds."

After complaining, Mu En answered the phone.

"Hello, I'm Mu En."

Peter's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey Mu En, it's Peter. How are you doing during this time?"

Mu En scratched his head.

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

It's really not bad. Since leaving school, it seems that apart from having a fight with Shou and Hui, and then almost being beaten to death by the demon from another dimension, my life has not been too bad.

Peter on the other end of the phone invited.

"It's like this. Harry organized a party and wanted to invite all of us to go out and have fun. Of course, it's just a few of us. He asked me to ask if you would like to go out."

"Class reunion?"

Originally, Mu En was not willing to attend any gatherings because he thought such gatherings were troublesome. But when he heard Peter say that there were only a few of them, Mu En thought it was okay and acceptable. After all, Peter and the others were also As one of the few friends of the same age, he immediately agreed.

"Of course, no problem. Where are you planning to hold the party, Harry?"

"You agreed, that's great. I'll tell Harry later. Harry said it would be this weekend, and then he invited everyone to go to Disneyland."


Mu En hung up the phone, feeling like he had forgotten something.

"That's weird. What did I forget?"

Chapter 254, Party of Three People

Over the weekend, Mu En went to the Osborne Group for an appointment as agreed, preparing to attend the party hosted by Harry.

"Hey~, Mu En!"

Peter, who was a few steps away from Osborne and had just arrived, waved to Mu En.

Mu En also waved his hand and responded.

"Hey Peter."

Peter gave Mu En a big hug and smiled.

"Long time no see, Mu En, I'm glad you can come to the party."

"We are all classmates. Since Harry has sent out the invitation, I have to come, right? By the way, where is Harry?"

"Harry, he said he'd be there soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Harry drove a luxury car from the direction of the Osborne Group's garage.

"Hello everyone, long time no see. I'm glad you can come to our party."

Harry stopped the car and greeted Peter and Shepherd warmly.

A few people exchanged pleasantries, and suddenly Harry asked Peter.

"Hey man, where's your girlfriend? Didn't I ask you to invite Gwen too?"

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