"These displaced souls, I can save them! I can heal them, you shouldn't stop me! Peter!"

However, a shoe came out of the utility room and hit the lizard man in the face, causing the lizard man to roar angrily.

The little spider put on the suit jumped out of the utility room, landed firmly on the experimental table, and assumed the classic Spider-Man pose.

"Hey, although I know I shouldn't stand on the experimental table, don't you think I look handsome like this? And I don't know what you are talking about. No matter what you want to do, this is not something you are doing in school. Reasons for destruction.”

As he spoke, Peter fired two strands of spider silk and flew past the lizard man's head. The lizard man smiled contemptuously when he saw the little spider missed.

However, the little spider pulled hard, and two rows of light tubes flew towards the lizard man.

The lizard man hurriedly lowered his head to avoid it, but when he looked up again, he found that the little spider was gone.

The disappearing little spider appeared on the ceiling behind the lizard man, and jumped onto the lizard man's back.


Yelling in surprise, the little spider shot out two threads of silk to stick to the lizard man's claws, and then wrapped the lizard man's body in crazy toast.

"You are confused, doctor! Stop it, you are not the real you now!"

The lizard man roared, and he wanted to shake this annoying guy off his body, but every time he threw the little spider away, he could get back to the lizard man's back through the spider's silk.

For a moment, the lizard man was so angry that he slammed directly into the wall, slamming the little spider on his back against the wall.

The little spider felt pain and let go of the spider silk, and the lizard man took the opportunity to move his claws back towards the little spider.

Peter hurriedly jumped to the ceiling, and the lizard man's sharp claws directly tore the metal cabinet apart.

"Ugh, if this happens to me, I'll be doomed."

The little spider shouted to the lizard man again.

"Let's talk Doctor!"

However, the lizard man ignored the little spider and climbed up the ceiling like a gecko.

"Oh, I see you have added a lot of reptilian genes to yourself during this time!"

While speaking, Peter shot out a spider silk to stick to the lizard man, then pulled it down from the ceiling with a sudden pull, and then fired out spider silk frantically in an attempt to control the lizard man.

However, the lizard man with explosive power could not be controlled at all. He directly tore off the wall and launched a mad attack on the little spider again.

"Doctor, I think we can really talk again!"

The lizard man roared directly at the little spider.


The little spider blocked his mouth with a thread of silk.

"Well it looks like you don't want to talk."

As he spoke, the lizard man whipped him with his tail, and the little spider hugged the lizard man's tail.

"Doctor, don't make me hurt you!"

However, the lizard man swung his tail wildly and smashed Peter against the wall and floor, rubbing him wildly.

The dizzy little spider screamed something bad.

"Oh, it looks like I'm the one who got hurt."


With another sharp swish, Peter was thrown away, taking his broken tail with him.

The lizard man walked towards Peter. Peter saw the lizard man's tail rapidly regenerating. He looked at the tail in his arms and quickly threw it away.

"Oh my God, that's disgusting."


The lizard man roared and rushed forward. During the fight, he grabbed Peter's head and smashed it against the wall. He wanted to crush the little spider's head directly like this.

However, Gwen picked up a chair and rushed over from the side, hitting the lizard man directly on the head.

The lizard man also let go of Peter and walked towards Gwen.

"Hey big guy, don't bully girls."

Peter jumped on the lizard man's back again, quickly fired the spider silk, crawled back and forth up and down the lizard man's body, just like a real spider, and directly tied the lizard man into a rice dumpling.

However, taking advantage of the opportunity to control the lizard man, he directly used the spider silk to pull Gwen over, picked up the chair in Gwen's hand and smashed through the window on the side.

"Listen you gotta get out of here, I'm gonna throw you out the window."


Before Gwen could react, she was thrown out by Peter. She was caught by spider silk in mid-air, but landed smoothly.

At this time, sirens also sounded outside, and the New York police were once again late.

Chapter 180, Lizard Man’s Conspiracy and Dinner

In the corridor of the teaching building, the lizard man calmly broke free from the shackles of the spider web with all his strength. When he heard the siren coming from the window, he knew that he could not stay here any longer.

However, the little spider did slowly lean down and assume an offensive posture.

"Oh! Someone turned into a lizard monster."

Facing Little Spider's provocation, he was immediately enraged and rushed towards Little Spider.

In the library, a white-haired old man put on headphones and was sorting books while swaying to the music. He had no idea that a huge thing crashed through the wall and rushed in.

The two of them were trembling in the library. The lizard man picked up a table and threw it at the little spider. However, the little spider nimbly dodged and the table flew straight towards the old man who was actually sorting the books.

The little spider quickly shot out a thread of spider silk, grabbed the old man's table, and threw it at the lizard man. The two fought in the library, making the clean and tidy library a mess. However, the old man wearing headphones had no idea. He arranged the books in front of him and left the library with a rocking pace.

The lizard man took advantage of the situation and grabbed the little spider and threw it out, hitting the bookshelf that the old man had just organized.

The little spider who was thrown hard got up with difficulty, only to find that the lizard man had disappeared. He quickly chased after him, and his keen hearing caught a hint of strange noise.

Chasing the strange noise, the little spider came all the way to the toilet, where a large pit opened up, leading directly to the sewer.

At this time, the shouts of the New York Police Department policemen came from outside.

"This is Deputy Captain William of the New York Police Department. The person you are meeting with sounds like you are surrounded."

In the school, the New York Police Department police, fire brigade and reporters rushed to the school. They took quick action to surround the scene. Professional medical staff were treating the students' wounds and providing psychological counseling. This incident Defined as a disgusting terrorist attack on a school.

Teams of fully armed policemen rushed into the teaching building. Seeing this, Gwen was very anxious. She still didn't know what the situation was inside, so she took out her mobile phone and dialed Peter's phone.

"Quick, answer the phone, Peter."

Peter, who followed the lizard man to the sewer, also answered the phone.


"Peter, you finally answered the phone, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

Peter comforted Gwen while carefully moving along the sewer.

"I'm tracking him in the sewers. Don't worry, I will stop him before he hurts anyone."

"Peter! I'm not worried about him hurting anyone, I'm worried about you getting hurt!"

Gwen said anxiously, she couldn't wait to rush to Peter now.

"Listen Gwen, I'm going to be fine, but now I need an antidote, an antidote to the lizard people. I need your help, can you make the serum?"

"Of course, that's what I've always done."

"Okay, great, really great, I need you to go to the Osborne Group and..."

After being told to play with Gwen, Peter put away the collection and carefully walked forward along the traces on the ground.

However, after turning a corner, Peter saw a scene that shocked him.

There is actually a laboratory in this sewer, which was obviously built by the lizard people, but the current lizard people are not here.

Peter walked to the laboratory and looked at the place carefully. On the computer, he saw several recorded videos of Dr. Connors in his human form.

Out of curiosity, he pressed the play button on his computer.

The video on the computer began to play, and Dr. Connors's voice came out.

"As a scientist, I have devoted my life to creating a world without defects, where no one will be abandoned because of physical defects, and everyone is very strong. But this is impossible, human beings are a A weak, pitiful, powerless animal, so why do we still want to be such humans?

Now we can become better, faster, and stronger. This is a gift I have prepared for you. Let us welcome the wonderful evolution. "

Peter's position shook while watching the video, and then he saw the Lizard Man's plan. He planned to use the device stored in the Osborn Group to spread the Lizard Man Serum throughout New York. He wanted to turn the entire people of New York into A monster like him.


In the orphanage, Mu En and Aixilia are making a sumptuous dinner for the children. Mu En is the chef and Aixilia is helping out.

Mu En in the kitchen is attentive and conscientious, making every cut neatly, and he is meticulous about the amount of seasonings used.

Aixilia couldn't help but smile knowingly as she looked at Mu En who was cooking seriously.

"Asilia, help me pass the shovel."

Mu En waved, but found no response. Mu En looked back in confusion.


"Ouch, uh, uh, shovel, shovel."

But I saw Aixilia's face turned red and she hurriedly turned around to find the shovel, but she didn't notice that the shovel was in her own hand.

Seeing his cute appearance, Mu En couldn't help but laugh.

"Little fool, the shovel is in your hand, where are you going to find it?"

After being reminded by Mu En, she finally reacted and hurriedly handed the shovel to Mu En.

"Sorry, here it is."

Mu En took the shovel and flicked Aixilia's smooth forehead as punishment.

"This is your punishment, little fool."

Aixilia held her forehead in grievance and continued to watch Mu En cook.

Soon, a golden-colored, fragrant and extremely tempting sweet and sour pork ribs came out of the pan.

For a moment, Ashelia's mouth was watering.

When Mu En saw this, he picked up a piece.

"As a reward for your help, I can let you try a piece first."


Suddenly there seemed to be little stars twinkling in her blue eyes, and the nature of the little greedy cat was clearly visible.

"Of course, but be careful it's a bit hot."

However, Ashelia doesn't care whether it's permed or not. As the Queen of the Fangire clan, would she be afraid of being permed?

"It's so delicious, Mu En, how did you learn such good cooking skills? Isn't your teacher a scientist?"

When the two were together, Mu En once told Aixilia about his past.

Regarding his cooking skills, Mu En shook his head helplessly.

"When you have a teacher who is very picky but doesn't like cooking, you will think of ways to learn how to cook."

When dinner time came, everyone sat happily in the dining hall waiting for the food to be cooked.

“Eat, eat, eat!”

Led by the big "kid" Dejia, a group of foodies gathered.

Mu En walked out pushing the dining cart.

"It's time to eat!"

While everyone was happily enjoying dinner, an urgent news break came on the TV.

On the TV, the lizard man is rushing towards the Osborn Group, and the little spider is being chased by the police.

"That is!"

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