"Your Majesty."

Bart has a simple and straightforward temper, and he was already angry when he heard Athena say that there are demons thinking about him and Tina.

I can't wait to find the other party and blow that guy up with my giant horn.

Tina's eyes were wide open, and her small face was full of murderous intent. After undergoing transformation and becoming mature, her personality also changed a little. One word is good, and she has a sharp weapon to kill herself.

Kyle vetoed the idea of ​​the two: "The other party is very good at hiding, you can't find him."

"However, he should not give up, you need to be careful."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

If a powerhouse at the level of the Heavenly Father wants to hide, Saints like Bart and Tina, who have just become sixth sense, will never be able to find them.

But this matter can also be regarded as an experience for two little guys.

Facing the threat of the Demon King directly will make the little ones grow faster, but before that, she needs to do one more thing.

After explaining, Kyle chose to leave.

As the shining starlight spread like ripples, her figure also disappeared in the Parthenon.

And Bart and Tina looked at each other, glanced at the crowd outside, and Tina said: "Bart, let's go back first."

"Well, Mama Nora is in a hurry when she finds out we're leaving."

Bart's powerful mental power covered the whole of Athens. Seeing the situation in the orphanage, his face suddenly became a little complicated, um, a little scared.

Even though he is now the guard of the goddess Athena, the golden saint, he is still afraid of the majesty of Nora's mother.

Tina secretly smiled, and then said expectantly: "Mother Nora will be very happy knowing that we have become Saints."


While talking, the two of them didn't delay any longer. They stepped on the ground and instantly turned into two figures and shot straight into the sky. Accompanied by the sound of sound explosions, they completely disappeared into the night under the eyes of everyone.

"Is that the sound barrier? It has already flown just after being selected, and its speed has reached the speed of sound?"

A look of horror flashed in the eyes of the heads of various countries and some caring people.


New York, the top floor of a building with a trident shape.

"Two ten-year-old children can fly at the speed of sound, and have the physical strength to withstand this level of pressure?"


In the modern office, a bald one-eyed black man in a black trench coat pressed the pause button, and the holographic image in front of him froze as Bart and Tina disappeared into the night.

One eye is full of dignity.

This is also a huge shock to him, the director of the U.S. Department of Unnatural Events.

Even if you personally experienced the big event in 1995.

At any rate, that old friend gained great power because of an accidental contact with a cosmic treasure, plus an extraterrestrial experiment, but what happened to these two ten-year-old children?

Likewise, how powerful is the goddess Athena who can empower two young children?

The Twelve Lord Gods, this name is too important. In Greek mythology, the Twelve Lord Gods are the bosses who can easily destroy the universe.

Through observation, Athena seems to have been severely injured because of the battlefield of the gods and the battle with the gods, but no one knows how strong it is.

(The time difference is at night during this period, so the update is also at night, and I also ask for flowers, the outline is sorted out, and now the goal is ten more!).

Chapter 12 Mephisto's Calculation (seeking a monthly ticket for flowers)

But breaking the earth shouldn't be a big deal, right?

Such a big boss suddenly came to the earth, he really has a headache.

Originally, there were two powerful mutants at the level of natural disasters in the United States, Magneto and Professor X, and now there is a mythical god.

It is also suspected to be a **** of the main **** level.

Compared to him, he never believed that the goddess Athena was so benevolent, and devoted all her energy to cultivating warriors for the earth and protecting the world.

Judging from malicious speculation, that goddess is Athena. Maybe it is the time for both sides to be injured in the battle of the gods, and it is time to start to accumulate and cultivate. be prepared.

In the same way, is it possible that the earth will become the battlefield of the battle of the gods?

Can the earth support this level of war?

Obviously impossible.

"Director, are you worried?" The female agent standing in front of her saw that the chief was in a bad mood, and said bluntly.

"Sill, what do you think of the Athena who appeared?"

asked the chief.

Agent Hill did not hesitate, and said: "Whether Athena is as merciful as she said is unknown, but what we know is that she did not cause any harm to the earth, and she possesses incredible power. Last night, She can carry out long-range strikes from a distance of 65 kilometers from the city of Athens."

"An island covering an area of ​​6,000 square meters was blown into ashes, and the preliminary estimate of the lightning bolt was close to 200 million volts."

After speaking, he shrugged.

The director understood what Hill meant, walked to the desk, took a sip of the half-cold coffee cup and said, "So if she wants, she can incinerate any known substance on the earth, and you may I can't see her shadow."

"That's why I'm bothered by Hill, the people in the White House are crazy now."

"They covet and fear the power of the gods. Those idiots are likely to anger a god. I don't want 300 million people in the United States to be buried with them for their stupid decisions. I don't want to bet on whether an angry **** is willing to use her power. kindness."

Hillary understood.

But he still said helplessly: "Sir, although I don't want to say it, neither the goddess Athena nor the higher-ups are in our control."

"That's right, Hill." The director put down the coffee cup: "We can't do many things within the system, so we need a special team that is not subject to jurisdiction, and can stop people in time when they do stupid things."

"So I hope you can give me good news, so that I can drink a cup of hot milk tonight and fall asleep peacefully."

"Great news, sir." Hill handed over the documents in his hand, and saw that the director had already started to read them, and said at the same time.

"We're looking for seven targets, three people with special energy, two mutants, one genetically modified enhanced person, and the other has a bad temper."

The chief flipped through the pages, without changing his expression, and replied casually: "We need a grumpy guy. Only such a guy can wake up those idiots."

"Director, I don't think the military will agree."

"They've been scrambling over this guy, some people are getting impatient, and I'm going to push this plan up."

"So, what's the name of this team?"

"the Avengers."


The director closed the document and his expression became confident.


The **** dimension is a purgatory full of **** flames, chaos, and death, where the living cannot enter.

Only the undead and demons can survive.

For tens of millions of years, there have been fighting, conspiracy and calculation here all the time.

There are countless powerful demons and evil gods in hell, but in name, the one who can really be called the master is the **** lord Mephisto.

Also known as the King of Demons.

At the end of hell, stands the castle of the demon king, the demon king Mephisto, with dark red skin, a red cloak, and a demon tail flicking at the end, standing on the balcony of the castle meditating.

Before that, his soul incarnation walking in the world suddenly sensed a mighty divine brilliance.

That's when a truly powerful **** descended on Earth.

Mephisto is very strange, there is that woman of the ancient one on the earth. Where can I say that all the gods who came to the earth were either killed by the woman of the ancient one or expelled.

So much so that the earth is now almost becoming a forbidden zone for the universe and all dimensions.

Gods would not dare to step into any powerful evil gods, but it turned out that some gods dared to step into the world.

So curious, he went to the earth where the spirit of the gods is the most intense, wanting to see the situation.

As a result, just after taking a look, the powerful female **** directly chopped the soul clone into ashes. Fortunately, there was still a ray of soul that escaped back to hell, so he knew the situation.

This made Mephisto terrified.

The female **** was so powerful that he, like the old Odin, had the authority over thunder and lightning. Mephisto knew very well that he must not be the opponent of the female god.

Even now recalling that peerless figure, the soul can't help but tremble.

Instinct told him that he must not provoke this goddess.

really will die.

But Mephisto was a little reconciled. He valued the soul and specialness of those two children. If he could obtain those two pure and powerful souls, his strength would be improved again.

This is very important to Mephisto.

After all, if he wants to improve his current strength, it is calculated on the basis of millions of years.

Two souls can shorten this process, why would he want to give up?

Greed and cunning are the nature of demons, Mephisto decided to take a risk, he believed that the woman Gu Yi would not just let a **** on earth like this.

If the two sides fight, his chance will come.

The seeds of conspiracies took root in Mephisto's mind, and he was familiar with the tricks and schemes secretly.

However, just when Mephisto was making plans.

The sky of **** suddenly opened a huge crack, and the crack stretching for tens of millions of miles wantonly spread a vast and powerful sacred aura.

Under the influence of this sacred aura, the whole **** began to vibrate violently.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers!).

Chapter Thirteen Into Hell

Mephisto looked up sharply.

His soul began to tremble unconsciously, and he actually felt death at this moment.

That's right, the powerful **** lord at this moment, at this very moment, actually breeds fear and fear because of death. This is simply ridiculous, but it really happened.

Mephisto looked up at the sky.

At this time, the sky above **** was originally crimson, blood-stained, as if a blood-colored river poured down, but now, in such a blood-colored river, a hole was torn open by an inexplicable force.

In that crack that stretches for tens of millions of kilometers, densely packed stars glowing with light can be clearly seen, as if in this crack, there is a vast new universe.

"Could it be?"

Seeing the crack, Mephisto suddenly had an incredible idea in his heart.

He stared intently at the crack.

Sure enough, in the next second, a bright star fell down from the crack, spreading a boundless aura of light. Hundreds of millions of undead and demons in the entire **** felt the rich and sacred light, and they all wailed.

They found that under the light, their bodies and souls were melting


Even if they hide in a dark corner, they cannot escape.

Can only helplessly with despair, completely turned into a particle and merged with hell.

Hundreds of millions of kilometers of land, the boundless hellfire was wiped out, and all creatures on the red ground were washed by light.

The great **** descends, and **** trembles.

In the dimension of hell, there are many powerful beings and evil gods. All of them immediately sensed that a great existence had come to hell. Each of them felt the danger, so they curled up in their own territory without hesitation. Did not seek death.

Anyway, there is Mephisto, the titular **** lord, on his back.

At this time, Mephisto was staring at the beautiful figure slowly emerging from the stars hanging above the sky under the crack, he couldn't believe his eyes.

That woman, tore open the dimensional boundary so directly and violently, and broke into the **** dimension?

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