Marvel: Anime Extraction

Chapter 221: Thrilled Thor

Asgardians are naturally strong in physique, and Thor is the best among them, especially since he is Odin's bloodline, he also possesses divine power in his body.

Although he hasn't awakened yet, and he can't use it very much, he is still one of the top powerhouses in Asgard. Of course, the premise is that he has a hammer.

After Fini got up, he immediately flew into the air with a sky dance, and Thor chased after him with a hammer.

Although Thor can fly with Thor's Hammer, he is actually not good at aerial combat. After all, flying with a hammer in one hand will inevitably affect the action of the attack.

And the fourth skill that Finney drew was Air Dance. Over the past few years, air combat is also one of the fighting methods he is most familiar with.

As the saying goes, a mage who can't fly a kite is not a good mage. Fini considers himself a qualified mage, so he adopts this fighting method belonging to mage.


The pillar of fire suddenly appeared. With the double-layered blessing of the 'Golden Evolution Technique' and the 'Breathing Technique', the 'explosion magic' was not weak even if it was instant.

Thor, who was chasing after him, was accidentally shot down to the ground.

But Thor, as the prince of Asgard, besides the hammer is a divine weapon, the armor on his body is also not ordinary. After suffering this blow, he did not suffer any damage.

Seeing this, Fini began to sing:

"Darker than black, the darkness of darkness,"

"Combine with my true red!"

In order to let the surrounding Asgardians know about his magician, Fini also increased his voice a little so that they could hear him.

"The time of awakening has come,"

"Fall into the realm of infallibility!"

Of course, the consequence of this is that Thor also heard it. Thor had seen the power of Fini's 'explosive magic', and he also learned from Heimdall that Fini used this magic to destroy the entire Zeta. Rui fleet.

So his expression changed, and before he could fly to Fini's side again, he immediately raised his arm and raised Thor's Hammer high, the arc flashed on his body, and a small thundercloud gathered above Fini in the blink of an eye.


Before Fini could finish singing, a silver lightning bolt suddenly fell from the thundercloud, which struck Fini accurately.

Perhaps because of the lack of brewing time, the lightning was a little small, but Fini still didn't want to be hit.

He didn't close his eyes when he chanted. When Thor lifted the hammer, he saw it. In addition, there was such a big movement above his head that he could hear it even if he couldn't see it.

Facing Thor's thunderbolt, Fini didn't choose to dodge and move, but continued to chant with his palm stretched out, while raising his other hand and quickly drawing a circle above.

In an instant, a golden portal with sparks appeared above Fini's head.

The lightning speed was very fast, and it passed through the portal with a 'swish', and when it reappeared, it fell in front of Thor.

Seeing the lightning that was going to be used to interrupt Fini's spell casting suddenly appeared in front of him, Thor couldn't help being stunned.

Although the lightning was sent by himself, the lightning stopped without seeing him, and it still hit Thor accurately. Fortunately, the lightning was not very powerful, but it only caused his body to tremble slightly and be a little paralyzed.

"Fall into infallibility,"

"Walking into an invisible twist."


But after a while, Fini's 'Explosion Magic' has been sung.

The crimson magic circle shrouded most of the duel arena, and the red light that filled the sky made the surrounding Asgardians stop and cheer, standing dumbfounded, watching the scene in front of them in horror.


The deafening explosion sounded, and the Asgardians saw the only 'explosion magic' in the universe for the first time!

Although the 'explosion magic' was extremely powerful this time, Fini actually controlled it intentionally. At least the center of the explosion did not lock on Thor.

After all, he didn't want to kill Thor. If he really dared to do that, he would probably kill Odin on Earth soon.



But the people around didn't know what Fini was thinking, and they screamed in worry, and even Sif wanted to rush over, but fortunately, they were stopped by Fandral by his side.

The explosion was only a short moment. After it was over, everyone quickly looked at Thor's previous position, which made them a little relieved.

At this time, Thor was half-kneeling on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

However, although it looks a bit miserable, the injury is not too serious.

When the surrounding Asgardians saw this scene, they didn't get angry or cursed, but started to shout and cheer.

"Come on! Prince!"

"Stand up, for the glory of Asgard!"

"Thor, come on!"

"come on!"

Hearing the encouragement of the people around him, Thor clenched the Thor's Hammer tightly, suddenly felt a lot of power emerging from his body, and stood up all of a sudden.

Seeing Thor stand up, the surrounding crowd cheered loudly. They didn't know that Fini deliberately controlled the attack. Already very powerful.

And Finney, who was in the air, suddenly felt something was wrong after seeing Thor stand up.

At this time, Thor was looking up at him, with arcs shining on his The most important thing is that his eyes were also faintly emitting electric lights, which looked silvery.

Fini's face became serious, Thor's appearance seemed to be about to wake up!

If Thor truly awakens his divine power, then the heifer is sitting on the wire, and he is so powerful that he has lightning.

After finally being arrogant, Finney didn't want to be turned into a victory. The most important thing was that if he lost, it would not only be shameful, but he also lacked experience.

Before he had time to think about it, Fini slammed another blast of 'explosive magic', hoping to end the battle quickly before Thor had recovered.

Seeing the fire pillar that suddenly appeared, Thor was not hit this time. The arc on his body flashed, and he left the place with an acceleration. Then he raised the hammer and a bolt of lightning came back towards Fini.

Not only was the lightning speed much faster, but it was more than twice as thick as before.

Fini's face changed slightly, he didn't dare to be careless, he dodged and dodged, feeling a little regretful. He should have brought the center of the explosion a little closer to Thor, even if he was seriously injured, the big deal is that it will take some time to recover with the four bullets. Enough.

But at this time, regret is useless. Finney let out a sigh of relief, and his face became serious under his visor. This time, he no longer had to worry so much, and he could fight how he wanted.

Anyway, as long as you don't kill him, everything is fine.

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