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Form a shield anti-destroyer effect, run fast, fight fiercely, and even be able to hit two or three a dozen times.

At that time, the special lady’s, just pull out thousands of small fleets, plus those hundreds of ships.

Thanos, I just ask you if you dare to come?

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Wei’s was a little excited!

“Well, but the Military Academy still needs to reopen a few subjects,” Ling Liang, who nodded, also felt that several subjects needed to be opened in this Military Academy.

If it is the captains above those ships, the greatest value is to dispatch those troops and convey some of the instructions above. In the case of damage to the ship, the damage management of the battleship is carried out.

And those small warships are not as good as those destroyers.

But it also needs to be sent in with a large number of soldiers.

At that time, intelligence, coupled with this endless wave of warships.

It’s exciting to think about!

“Your Excellency, General. Are you able to train some captains of space warships or something? ”

Although the five temporary staff officers are discussing something.

But Admiral Xu’s ears were not deaf, and Admiral Xu, who obviously heard some problem points, looked at everyone after looking at everyone.

Directly asked Ling Liang and Wang Wei!

“Yes. There is indeed a series of officer academies on my side that specialize in training these space battleship commanders and so on! ”

“Why, are you interested?”

Seeing Admiral Xu’s somewhat embarrassed look.

Wang Wei’s eyebrows raised slightly.

This situation was completely expected by Wang Wei.

After all, the entire Blue Star does not have a military combat system that can perfect the cultivation of space combat!

“Yes, a little. The subordinate wants to ask Mr. Wang. It is this officer academy, do we have a chance to enter? ”

“Of course. We also know that we are not suited to this cosmic way of fighting. Our thinking is fixed. We will select enough students to come and learn! ”

While speaking, Admiral Xu looked at Wang Wei with an expectant look.

Including Admiral Xu, the remaining four temporary staff officers also looked at Wang Wei with expectant eyes.

This kind of eye-to-eye look. It really made Wang Wei’s little heart cluck a little.

You said you guys were a bunch of girls yet. A bunch of big old men, like this. Aren’t you ashamed?

“At that time, let’s convert it according to military merit!”

Wang Wei, who supported his forehead, said a little helplessly.

So far, the officer academy on the Red Police Planet is not a simple officer academy.

Although it is said to be an officer academy, it is also a complex of buildings arranged in the school city.

In this fleet officer academy alone, there are more than ten kinds of subjects.

Not to mention some military subjects about the Marine Corps and so on.

Scattered, almost hundreds, right?

But fortunately, this red police base is powerful.

It is possible to carry out large-scale recruitment of some preparatory trainees.

Otherwise, Wang Wei would definitely have to worry about having some enough students.

“Thank you, Mr. Wang. We will definitely strive to get the greatest military merit! ”

A red flush appeared on his face, and this Admiral hurriedly saluted Wang Wei.

“Okay, so be it. About these generals who came here this time, and some of the people who led the team. If there are ideas. I can place you in this session of the Military Academy. If not, forget it! ”

“This is me, some extra care for you!”

“In the future, you will need to use military merit to obtain it!”

Wang Wei, who shrugged his shoulders, at least maintained a certain good impression of Admiral Xu and the others!

After all, none of the people who can do their position are mediocre or stupid.

They are all very shrewd people. How could he do that kind of behavior like a mentally retarded and stupid to provoke Wang Wei?

That kind of people are directly locked up by their country and imprisoned to death. Just don’t release it to you!

“Thank you. Thank you very much Mr. Wang for your support! ”

It was also a great honor for those of them to be honored to receive an additional place in the Military Academy.

After all, they only need to report all the things in this battle to their own countries.

At that time, there must be a group of people who will not be allowed to be sent to Wang Wei’s officer academy!

“Nothing, nothing. As long as you can stabilize the situation in Blue Star. It would be nice not to let the bad situation of Blue Star expand! ”

“After all, this universe is dangerous. Many people have pointed their fangs at Blue Star! ”

“Eager to eat the Blue Star.”

Saying that, Wang Wei gently revealed a little news and waved his hand directly.

Hearing Wang Wei’s remarks, including Admiral Xu. Everyone turned heavy.

They had also heard about these things Wang Wei said. After all, before, when the Krigan battleship arrived, some of them had the privilege of understanding.

But wait until this time to understand. All are heavy.

Blue Star, why is it so popular and memorable?

“We can’t guarantee you, Mr. Wang. But we will do our best to get a better result! ”

“Now, for us. Develop the power of Bluestar. Guard our Blue Star. It’s the most important thing! ”

Admiral Xu, who was silent for a while, nodded and said seriously to Wang Wei.

This kind of thing cannot be guaranteed at all.

The things that are in power, plus the messy things. They also have a headache.

After all, the separation of military and government. This is the norm in every country. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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