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The little head melon seed directly rubbed back and forth in Wang Wei’s arms.

Look at this Kaos who is coquettish in his arms. Wang Wei lightly pressed on his head and said with a smile!

“I miss you too. Kaos. Have you been well-behaved lately? ”

While speaking, Wang Wei gently rubbed Kaos’s little head melon seeds.

In Wang Wei’s villa, there are not many people who can come back.

The four of Icarus, plus, Alice, Tanya and others.

In addition, the rest of the people either avoided suspicion or did not have time to come.

And during these times when Wang Wei was not in this villa, Wang Yuyan came over from time to time to take Icarus and Kaos out to play.

“Kaos is super well-behaved! Sister Yuyan said that Kaos is really well-behaved! ”

Kaos, who seemed to want to be praised by his old father, opened his big eyes to Wang Wei.

Look at this Kaos who longs to be praised by Wang Wei.

Wang Wei did not have the slightest stinginess!

Directly praised a good meal of kaos! “By the way, Icarus, hasn’t Nimfu been back lately?”

Looking at the empty appearance in this villa, Wang Wei directly raised his head and asked!

“Nimfu hasn’t come back recently, saying it’s almost the same as programming the system they designed!”

The well-behaved and lovely Icarus nodded at Wang Wei and said seriously.

Icarus, who is always a dull look, is always the easiest to touch the cute point in Wang Wei’s heart.

Looking at Icarus like this, Wang Wei’s whole person couldn’t help but jump his index finger!

“Come here~”

In Wang Wei’s raised smile, although Icarus was a little puzzled, he still walked towards Wang Wei!

“Hard work on you. Icarus! As Wang Wei’s soft voice sounded, Wang Wei’s big hand also gently pressed on Icarus’s head.

Under Wang Wei’s touch, the power furnace in this Icarus’ body felt a boiling feeling.

Like, as if steam was about to come out.

Looking at Icarus, who seemed to be about to steam out of his body. Wang Wei smiled lightly and directly shouted out the polar silver fox!

“Go Stark Group!”

As Wang Wei’s voice fell, the polar silver fox directly took Wang Wei and Kaos sitting in Wang Wei’s arms and Icarus above the co-pilot directly rushed towards the direction of the Stark Group.

After arriving at this Stark Group.

Wang Wei directly entered the room where Tony was specially opened.

This room can be regarded as Tony specially prepared for everyone’s peacekeeper!

“You’re pretty much doing this, aren’t you?” Looking at Dr. Reid, Dr. Banner, Tony, and Nimfu, who were drinking coffee and chatting, Wang Wei asked with a smile!

“Wang Wei is here! Come, sit! “When the king arrived.

The guys who were chatting were welcomed!

But seeing this, Wang Wei directly smiled and waved his hand and said, “I won’t drink coffee at your place, I’m going to take Nimufu back!” After all, there are some things that need Nimufu’s help! ”

“Is that okay?” While speaking, he asked the people present in an imperative manner,

“The system setting of the peacekeeping plan is basically no problem. If you want to take Nimfu, you can too! ”

“But, Wang Wei, to be honest, this sister of yours is really strong!”

“For the first time, I am the first time in history that I have been severely defeated in this aspect!”

“If it weren’t for my age, I would have wanted to be a teacher by Nimufu!”

Tony, who smiled, joked directly to Wang Wei.

“I don’t mind, your name is Master Nimfu!”

Wang Wei, who had a hint of teasing in his eyes, looked at Tony like this.

For Nimfu’s ability, Wang Wei is also well aware.

Otherwise, why would Nimfu think of following Red Queen to create an intelligent AI civilization?

People have the strength and have this capital.

“Brother~” Watching Wang tease Tony and make fun of herself by the way, Nimfu’s whole face was a little shy.

After all, this look is really shy.

“Hahahaha! Okay, don’t talk to you, I’m leaving! ”

Seeing the shy Nimfu, Wang Wei took it away directly.

With Wang Wei taking away, these guys were also chatting with each other and bragging and farting.

Wang Wei, who returned to this villa, began to communicate with Nimufu!

“Nimfu, I’m ready to create this intelligent angel civilization now!”

Looking at the Nimfu in front of him, the corners of Wang Wei’s mouth hooked a smile.

After all, for this intelligent angel civilization, the only one who really cares must be this Nimfu.

“Really? Really? master! ”

Hearing Wang Wei say this, a look of excitement appeared on Nimufu’s little face.

After all, for this only electronic intelligent angel Nimfu. Creating the intelligent angel civilization is really a deep desire!

“Really, so. Let’s work together! Looking at the excited Nimfu in front of her.

Wang Wei slowly stood up and gently stroked the little head melon of Nimfu. said with a smile.

“Hmm!” Nimfu, who was killed by Wang Wei’s head, gradually showed a blush on her face.

Excited and joyful responses.


Far away in an unknown star field.

“General, one of the cruisers we sent in the direction of the Nine Realms lost contact!”

A black-armored soldier whispered to a general sitting on the stage!


The general on this stage, the deep voice reveals an aura that cannot be underestimated.

“Hundreds of years ago, we planted an observation point in the Blue Star of the Nine Realms, and the data was abnormal, in order to observe that place, so as not to disturb the Lord of the Nine Realms, Odin! Therefore, only one cruiser was sent to check the situation! “_

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