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Seeing that Wang Wei had nothing to do, Nakaos was like a wallaby, hanging directly behind Wang Wei. The whole person is like a loli girl who coquettishly treats her father!

And the man’s little ghost big Nimfu pointed to Wang Yang’s sea-like books on the ground, smiled at Wang Wei and said.


Looking at the situation of these books, Wang Wei was suddenly choked.

If this is put back as it is, I don’t know how long it will take to sit it.

“Huh? Wait first. It doesn’t seem like we need to swing it back! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei directly ripped off the Asteria in his arms and looked directly at the invisible magic array on this book, as well as the magic array map on those bookshelf.

Wang Wei instantly understood the meaning of the formation diagrams on these books.

A magic similar to the return of the milk swallow.

Being able to put these books back in place on their own.

“I’ll try it first.” Wang Wei, who dispatched this magic type in his mind, directly followed the cat and began to operate!

With the large amount of magical power emanating from Wang Wei’s palm, these books flew up one after another, flying directly back to those bookshelves like milk swallows returning to their nests!

“Okay, let’s go!”

Saying that, Wang Wei rubbed Nimufu’s little head, held Nimufu’s small hand with one hand, and held Kaos hanging around his neck with the other, leading Asteria and Icarus towards the door!

“Mr. Wang!”

After Mordo, who was guarding outside the door, saw Wang Wei come out, he glanced at the magic hall and nodded slightly.

“Thank you!”

“I have a question, though. Isn’t there white magic in this? ”

Although I don’t know what this Mordo is here for. But it’s always good to say thank you!

“The mage said that if Mr. Wang asked about the white magic.”

“Then when Mr. Wang returns from Asgard, the mage will give the white magic to you!”

As if expected, Mordo explained generously to Wang Wei!

“What if I don’t ask about white magic?”

Wang Wei, who raised his eyebrows slightly, seemed to realize something.

“Then the mage won’t have to give the white magic to Mr. Wang!”

Wang Wei, who said this expected answer, was a little bad!

“So, I hate dealing with people on your mysterious side the most!”

While having a black face, Wang Wei took his Luo and directly activated the scientific magic mark on the body of Thor God!

With Wang Wei’s scientific magic imprint.

The sea holding the Rainbow Bridge suddenly felt an inexplicable breath!

“What people?”

Heimdall, who directly pulled out the long sword in his hand, stared coldly at the suddenly flickering magic array in front of him.

The light of magic shone through his eyes, and under the gaze that could see through the nine realms, Heimdall saw that the source of this magic array was Kama Taj on the blue star.

It was also in such a place that Heimdall did not start.

Who knows if the Supreme Mage suddenly came over? Although he remembered the breath of the Supreme Mage.

“You guys, is that how Asgard welcomes guests?”

Wang Wei, who came out of this magic array, looked at the armored man holding a long sword in front of him. With a sneer, look directly at Heimdall!

Although Wang Wei did not know who this person was, Wang Wei knew where he was.

The gates of Asgard.

In other words, the man in front of him holding a long sword and wearing armor is a man who watches the gate.

Uncle, you are a gatekeeper, what gives you this temper? How can you welcome your guests?

“Guest? I don’t remember any guests in Asgard who barged in without saying hello! ”

Heimdall, who also had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looked at the young man in front of him, as well as the strange girl Lori.

Heimdall felt a star-destroying force in the bodies of these girls Lori!

Who is this guy?


Look at Heimdall’s vigilant look!

Wang Wei laughed directly.

Asterea, who was beside Wang Wei, directly pulled out the lightsaber in her hand and stared at the big black man in front of her with a vigilant face.

“I don’t know if this can work? After all, your god king said that as long as I have the ability to come to your Asgard, I will welcome my guests! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei threw out a token-like thing given to him by the stupid son of the landlord!

Heimdall, who had knotted this thing, took a strange look and directly threw the token back.

At the same time, he took back the long sword in his hand!

“Sorry! But your arrival is indeed a bit rude! ”

While speaking, this Heimdall apologized slightly to Wang Wei.

“Do you need me to take you to the palace?”

As if to inquire, Heimdall was ready to ask someone to take Wang Wei and the others to the palace.

“No thanks! I’m ready to take a good look at your Asgard’s majesty! ”

While laughing, Wang Wei directly rejected the idea of Heimdall’s people to follow.

“Thor, your friend has arrived. Go and welcome him! ”

Odin, who was gradually facing a deep sleep in this palace, suddenly called his stupid son Thor over!

“Yes, Father!”

Hearing Odin’s order, Thor rushed directly in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge!

“Hey, Wang Wei! There you are! ”

For Wang Wei, Thor can’t talk about how much good feelings he has, but he can’t talk about how many bad feelings he has.

At least, Wang Wei looked greedy. Thor didn’t like it.

Wang Wei, who was about to leave the gate of this rainbow bridge, saw this Sol walking over. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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