When the third sound rings in the heart.

Polaris suddenly removes control of all vehicles and flies into the sky with his superpowers.

Neigh – boom!

The cars slammed into the cars they had been riding in before Polaris at the moment of the sudden end of control.

The huge impact caused the clown doppelganger to be instantly detonated.

The vehicle was immediately blown up.

The fire spread to other vehicles.

The streets of downtown New York are lit up like celebratory fireworks.

Huge explosions resounded in New York City one after another.

The fire continued to spread.

It’s like burning the streets clean.

Polaris was shaken to the ground by the shock wave of the explosion, and fell to the ground for a while, unable to get up.

But fortunately, she found out earlier.

Just put pieces of iron in your shoes.

Then use your super power to control the iron sheet to make yourself fly.

If it weren’t for the fact that he knew about this before, it would be difficult for Polaris to escape safely among so many vehicles.

Although the situation is not very good now.

Polaris frowned and rolled over with difficulty.

The pain stimulated every nerve in her.

It was as if he had returned to a long time ago, at school, when their group of boys gathered around the alley and beat them.

Those people passing by, one by one, ran and came and went.

It’s like, here, nothing happened.

Polaris looked at the sky a little dumbfounded.

Feel people running past her.

Screaming, roaring, siren… Various voices reach his ears.

Her consciousness was a little sluggish.

A tear flowed from the corner of her eye.

Even Polaris himself does not know why he shed that tear.

She just fell into the chaotic streets.

With his eyes closed, it was like someone had gone.

However, she did not know that in the same chaotic crowd across the street, a man with a clown makeup was crouching on the ground.

It’s not like all the panicked people.

He looked at the scene in front of him calmly, calmly, and said with a smile: “Every night… It’s all so… Calm. ”


“Are you awake?”

Polaris was a little surprised to see Halle Quinn appear in front of his eyes.

Especially now that Harley Quinn still holds water in her hand and asks her if she is awake.

This surprised Polaris even more.

She even suspected that her previous memories were all a dream.

“How do I…?” Polaris looked at Harley Quinn, looked stunned, and asked with some hesitation.

Why did she show up at Harley Quinn’s house?

She had obviously left.


She obviously went to save Luo Bing, but was reused by Luo Bing… And then fainted…

“I got you back. Someone sent me a message saying you were there. I don’t know who it is, and I don’t know why you became like this. Harley Quinn saw Polaris’s confusion and explained to her.

In fact, Halle Quinn is also confused.

You know, she has been struggling since she came back from Tony Stark’s house.

The so-called entanglement is that on the one hand, she really wants to admit Luo Bing’s words.

On the other hand, those things that are carved into the bones and subconscious are not so easy to remove.

So she got into a long tangle.

She began to suspect that she also had a mental illness.

So she pushed all the patients away.

She sits at home, from day to night.

All that flashed in his mind were Luo Bing’s words.

And the pair of glasses that were smashed by Luo Bing.

She didn’t even know what she had done during the period.

This continued until, last night.

There was a person who messaged her, and she didn’t quite know who sent the message.

All she knew was that the news contained the location of the North Star.

When she arrived.

The whole street was a mess.

Polaris lay quietly in one place, coming and going around him, all fleeing people.

She managed to get Polaris into the car.

Rescued her home.

“Someone sent you a message?” Polaris looked at Harley Quinn with a puzzled look.

She didn’t know who would message Harley Quinn.

Both of her parents died.

Friends of the Mutant Underground Association also had little contact during this time.

So it seems… Only clowns …

But the clown… Polaris has never seen him use a mobile phone!

And even if it’s a Joker, how would he know Harley Quinn’s phone number?

Also, that black car last night… Those who want to kill them … Who the hell sent it?

As soon as he thought of this, Polaris now hurts not only his body, but also his brain.

Just stop thinking about it.

On the contrary, she couldn’t think of a reason.

And the clown has offended people, but not just a little.

Who knows who is going to kill him?

“Thank you. Dr. Halle. Polaris looked at Harley Quinn and said politely.

“It’s okay…” Harley Quinn shook her head, put the water cup in her hand on the bedside table and looked at Polaris, “Did you go to save the Joker?” ”

Polaris was stunned.

She felt that the scene was somewhat familiar.

Same room, same posture, same topic.

Before Polaris went to save the Joker, he had a dispute with Halle Quinn over this issue.

Now Harley Quinn brings this up again.

A feeling of rejection arose in Polaris’s heart.

“Dr. Halle. Actually, I’m very grateful for helping me for so long. But I think my life is my own. Actually, you wouldn’t have helped me like this. Polaris said with a serious look.

The current clown is sensitive in the heart of Polaris.

Because she herself does not know what way to face the clown.

She would love to be with the Joker.

But Harley Quinn had previously told her that the mutant situation was a problem that forced her to control herself.

But this kind of control deepened the anger in her heart.

She hated such constraints.

Actually, the clown is right.

She is the kind of person who has been restrained since childhood, yearning for madness, but it is difficult to completely break through this layer of shackles.

“Actually, I guessed, you would go and save the Joker.” Harley Quinn smiled, ruffled her hair with her hand, and said lightly.

What she said surprised Polaris.

In the past, she should object, persuade, or treat herself.

Why, now she is so calm.


Polaris seems to sense something changed in Halle Quinn.

This change is subtle.

Probably, she took off the dull-looking glasses.

“Is it because you saw someone on Twitter send a message of the Joker, so are you sure that I saw it and will definitely go to save the Joker?” Polaris asked, looking at Halle Quinn.

At the mention of the Twitter message, Harley Quinn’s gaze dodged for a moment.

(I wish everyone a happy Christmas Eve ~ I want to eat apples today~)

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