Harley Quinn looked at Luo Bing’s determined eyes.

For a moment, she was almost attracted by Luo Bing’s words, her eyes.

“But Mr. Joker, people want such a stable life.” Halle Quinn suddenly said unusually firmly.

This time, she neither backed away nor panicked.

On the contrary, it is unusually firm.

She looked at Luo Bing.

As if to tell Luo Bing that I will not be defeated.

Such a look made Luo Bing stop approaching her, just shook his head while sitting back on the small wooden chair.

Halle Quinn took her eyes off and put them on the table in front of Luo Bing.

She propped her hands on the table and looked at Luo Bing, as if she had a lot to say.

It seems to have been suppressed for a long time.

“Mr. Joker…”

“It’s beautiful for you to take off your eyes.” Just as Harley Quinn was about to speak, Luo Bing suddenly came to such a sentence for no reason.

This sentence made Harley Quinn open her mouth wide, and she was a little stuck for a while.

She froze in place.

Although she didn’t understand why Luo Bing said this to him.

But Harley Quinn vowed.

It was the first time a man told her that he was beautiful.

You know, Harley Quinn has always been described by others as dirt before.

Everyone thought that Halle Quinn was incomprehensible and unfeminine.

I will only blindly read and read.

Even her parents taught her that.

In the eyes of her parents, girls should be dignified and generous.

So Harley Quinn has always lived as they consider “beautiful.”

However, the aesthetic of the older generation is different from that of most young people.

So Halle Quinn has always been an unpromising one.

Whether it was a blind date, whether it was a dance, the men basically praised her: “Oh, Professor Halley, long admired daimyo.” ”

Never praised her beauty.

However, the clown said so.

This surprised and shocked Harley Quinn.

“It’s the first time you’ve heard someone praise you like that.” At this moment, Luo Bing suddenly spoke again.

What he said was straightforward.

Without a hint of warning.

After just giving Harley Quinn a candy, he quickly woke her up.

And, to Harley Quinn’s surprise, why did he know that it was the first time he heard someone praise her?

“Your eyes told me.” Luo Bing answered Halle Quinn’s doubts.

It’s like being able to read minds.

Accurately guessed what was in Harley Quinn’s mind.

This made Harley Quinn’s mouth open wider.

“I don’t know why you’re wearing glasses, do you think it’s beautiful?” Luo Bing looked at Harley Quinn and said to her with a smile: “I don’t think you think so, because your eyes tell me that I am the first man to say that you are beautiful.” ”

“You should know very well that you have seen yourself take off your glasses in front of the mirror countless times.”

“But why, don’t you dare to take off your eyes and live?”

“Because it’s like an invisible trap, like a rule that you know.”

“You think I’m trying to persuade you to take off your own eyes right now?”

“Nope. Because it’s not just you who haven’t taken off your eyes, there are many more people. ”

“You know, this world patient.”

“But you don’t dare to resist.”

“Because you’re just a psychiatrist.”

“You don’t want to lose everything you have now.”

“But if you want others to be like you, don’t resist.”

“Do you know why that’s here? Because you know very well in your heart that the world is sick. Someone wanted to cure her. But you don’t have this ability, so you can only advise those who want to heal to stop healing. You wish everyone in this world was like you. ”

“In this way, there will be no guilt in your heart.”

Luo Bing said and laughed again.

What he said made Halle Quinn silent.

But Harley Quinn’s face was more pronounced surprise, but she betrayed herself.

What Luo Bing said sounded to Harley Quinn.

There doesn’t seem to be any problem.

And, Harley Quinn couldn’t refute it.

To know.

Harley Quinn is not without such thoughts.

Maybe ordinary people will refute Luo Bing’s words.

Because Luo Bing said the dark side buried in her heart.

But Harley Quinn won’t argue with that.

Because she is a psychiatrist.

She understands human nature better than the average person.

Most psychologists will have more or less psychological problems themselves.

These problems arise because they know too much about human nature.

A person, once the grasp of the person’s psychology is too accurate, then she will have a certain degree of psychological problems.

It could be the dark side, the depressed side, and so on.

Because, this knowledge, these truths, will change with time and habit.

Subtly into their hearts.

Halle Quinn was surprised.

Surprised, Luo Bing’s understanding of human nature is too thorough.

Even more surprised.

A person who understands human nature so well not only does not care about any worldly gaze, but also says such things.

And unscrupulously, did it.

You know, the more a person knows, the more she will care about the eyes of others.

Care about what others think.

Because they know very well how people react when they do something or say something.

“Why be so serious?” At this moment, Luo Bing suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and continued: “When I was working in the circus before. I was in charge of playing the clown and holding up signs in the street. ”

“One day, there was a group of punks who snatched my sign, and after they snatched it, they ran away.”

“I tried desperately to catch up with them, and when I caught them, they beat me up.”

“A group of people, surround me and press me to the ground.”

“However, no one came to help me.”

“They hit me and said, hey. You are a clown, laugh one, why be so serious? ”

Luo Bing looked at Harley Quinn, he seemed to be telling a story.

But this story made Harley Quinn listen to it very fascinated.

“You don’t want to be someone who gets beaten.” Just as Luo Bing finished speaking, Harley Quinn suddenly looked at Luo Bing and said.

She walked towards Luo Bing step by step.

It’s like the devil is stunned.

“I’ve studied you. I’ve watched all your videos, and your story is different every time, and I’m curious to know what your stories are true. ”

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