“Why?” Team America looked at Nick Fury, and his eyes were puzzled.

“If you catch him now, it will only cause greater chaos.” Nick Fury looked at Luo Bing, his eyes full of anger.

The reason why Nick Fury is silent, angry, and emotionally out of control is because he understands the situation.

Luo Bing’s purpose was not simply to go to Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D. from the beginning.

He used Pierce to make the beast in everyone’s heart burst out.

For the people who are rioting now, the clown is on their side.

Exposes the darkness and ugliness of this society.

If now the Joker is caught by the Avengers.

People will only think that they are trying to cover up this dark and hypocritical side.

Riots at the North Star, riots in New York.

That is Luo Bing’s purpose.

He did not come to surrender, he came to shout.

As if to tell the entire Avenger, look, I’m standing right in front of you, but you can’t catch me.

Otherwise, you will have to bear the consequences.

“In fact, if you don’t catch me, the chaos won’t stop.” Luo Bing looked at Nick Fury and shrugged.

He had a smile on his face.

This made it impossible for Nick Fury to even see if it was a smile of victory.

“Even if I don’t exist, the world won’t stop chaos.” Luo Bing looked at Nick Fury, looked at Team America, looked at the Avengers, and said lightly: “Before I appeared, Loki made the Battle of New York, and Banner made the Hulk. What about Tony Stark, using weapons made by Stark Industries, benefits the entire gang. Each of you knows in your hearts that even if the clown does not appear, the world will never stop chaos. But you just want to cover up this confusion. Wait until danger strikes and catch everyone off guard. ”

“You think you can save the world. OK, so how many people died during the Battle of New York? How many people died during the Hulk riot? Tony Stark, how many people have you killed. When people were attacked by missiles, they could clearly see that it said, Stark Industries. ”

Luo Bing said as he walked, as if telling a story, but mocking everyone in the Avengers.

“After you wash your hands, you say that you are an avenger and want to save the world.”

“You have asked everyone to give your lives to you, but all the time, danger is coming.”

“Even if I disappear, or if I die, will the world stop chaos?”

“No, the world won’t.”

“Because there are always careerists who want to integrate this world with their own ‘little world’.”

“You say I’m a conspirator?” Luo Bing pointed at Nick Fury.

“No, no, no, I just took those ambitions out of your hearts and used them. I am not a conspirator, you yourself are a conspirator. ”

“You think your plan is perfect, you think you guys can save the world.”

“You hide from everyone, even if you know that danger is coming soon and that the earth is about to end, you never tell anyone, you use each other and hide from each other. Let seven billion people be your self-righteous bargaining chips. ”

“OK, if you’re not Iron Man now, I’m Iron Man.”

“I know the world is about to face a crisis, but I won’t tell you. When the crisis has come to you, I will come to your rescue and tell you, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect things to turn out like this. ”

“And then you’re going to thank me for thinking I’m the superhero who saved you? You don’t think that’s, do you? ”

“You always want to hide, but you never think about it”

After Luo Bing finished speaking, he laughed to himself.

“What the hell are you trying to say, you lunatic!” The falcon looked at Luo Bing and said a bunch of inexplicable words, and then laughed, frowned and looked at Luo Bing, the expression on his face was a little speechless.

“I am darkness derived from chaos, and I live with chaos and die with chaos. Each of you has weaknesses. But you can’t find my weakness. Because nothing threatens me. Luo Bing did not answer Falcon’s words.

Just looking at such a sentence that came out of nowhere.

Perhaps Tony Stark and Team America did not understand what he said, and neither did Falcon.

But Nick Fury and Black Widow understood.

Luo Bing’s meaning is already obvious.

He is rebuking the Avengers and those who live at the highest levels for making the world the way it is.

He was reprimanding that when danger came, they would only be suspicious and distrustful of each other.

He is rebuking the world for not being fair, that there is no absolute balance.

So, he stood up.

Stand up and find a balance for all the people in this world.

Because in his heart, only chaos can bring absolute justice.

But, Nick Fury doesn’t think so.

“We are saving the world!” Nick Fury retorted with some anger: “Telling everything out will only make everything worse.” ”

“Not speaking out is making everything worse.” Luo Bing looked at Nick Fury and said.

“But at least, the world won’t be like it is now!” Nick Fury glared at Luo Bing, almost gritting his teeth and saying this sentence.

“But the world has become like this.” Luo Bing grinned.

This smile has been on his face from beginning to end.

It was enough to make every one of the Avengers angry at this moment.

“Oh, by the way, I shouldn’t have told you so much, I came to surrender, what are you going to do with me?” Just when the atmosphere was a little tense, Luo Bing suddenly said, his tone relaxed as if he was telling a joke.

It’s like trying to temper the atmosphere.

However, his words made the atmosphere even more tense.

“Nick, we can’t let him go again.” Team America looked at Nick Fury and said.

Although Nick Fury is also very similar to catching Luo Bing at this time.

But he also knew very well that once he couldn’t help but catch Luo Bing at the moment, it was basically equivalent to him having fallen into Luo Bing’s trap.

“I don’t think that’s very understandable.” Taking a deep breath, Nick Fury said.

At this moment, Tony Stark suddenly grabbed Luo Bing’s hand.

He looked at Luo Bing, as if trying to hide his emotions: “I won’t listen to Nick Fury, you may not know me well, I have been looking for you for a long time, you throw yourself into the net like this.” In my opinion, you are stupid. ”

“I won’t kill you because Pepper is still in your hands. But you better understand that once I know something happened to Pepper, you’ll be miserable. And you better pray every day, I won’t find Pepper. Tony Stark glanced at Luo Bing.

At this moment, it was not easy for him to hide the anger in his heart.

He didn’t hesitate.

But he knew that this time, Luo Bing must not be let go.

“That’s nature, I’ll pray every day, pray that you’d better find Pepper soon.” Luo Bing looked at Tony Stark with a meaningful smile on his face.

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