The two groped all the way.

After getting on the elevator and going straight to the basement of the explosive warehouse, I saw a bunch of old desktop computers and confirmed that this was really the place where the signal source was sent.

“Steve, do you remember the clown man who came to us before, told us, told us where he remembered to send it from? I didn’t expect that what he said turned out to be true. Black Widow looked at everything around her and said with some surprise.

Although these computers look like a long time ago.

But it has to be denied that the signal detector they took out from Nick Fury detected the documents from here.

“I’m now more and more suspicious of him as Hydra’s man. But you still think he’s not. The American team looked at the computers around and said with some surprise.

Black Widow pouted.

Without rebuttal or admission, she looked at a USB port on the table.

Directly inserted the USB flash drive.

Moment. All the computers around started and lit up.

“Do you want to start the program?” A mechanical voice asked from all around.

Black Widow and Team America looked at each other and typed the old man with the keyboard: “YES.” ”

At this moment, the computer screen in front of them lit up, and a green human-like thing appeared and began to speak: “Steve Rogers, born in 1918.” Natasha Alenova Romanov. Born in 1984…”

The face in the computer was talking about their message.

This made Black Widow wrinkle her entire face and mutter, “This is a video? ”

“I’m not video!” The face in the computer was a little resistant, and quickly replied: “Maybe I am not the same as the captain caught me in 1945, but I am still alive.” ”

Team America looked at the faces that appeared on the computer and quickly understood.

He looked around, and as he looked at the black widow, he said, “He is Arninzora.” Red Skull’s men. A German scientist. But it should have been many years dead. ”

“To be correct, I’m Swiss and I’m still alive. Science cannot save my mind, but it can save my consciousness. Zola from the computer again came the voice of dissatisfaction.

Team America frowned and walked to the back of the computer to check.

And no one was there.

Indeed, all sounds come from the computer.

But to the surprise of the American team, a bunch of computers here can talk to them indiscriminately.

“Why are you here?” Team America looked at Zora and asked.

“By invitation.” He replied, “They need me to help them save the world.” ”

Team America knew very well what Zola was saying that they were referring to Hydra.

“What the hell are you guys for!” Team America looked at Zola and asked with a serious expression.

“For seventy years, Hydra has been fomenting crises and sparking wars behind the scenes of S.H.I.E.L.D. When history doesn’t move as expected, change history…” Zola said, the computer screen resting on the material.

“Impossible, S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t leave you alone.” When Zola said this, Black Widow immediately stepped forward and interrupted him.

All of them knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. had now been infiltrated by Hydra.

It’s just that they don’t know, seventy years ago, when S.H.I.E.L.D. was established.

Hydra has already infiltrated it.

In seventy years, if all wars were instigated and provoked by Hydra behind the scenes.

Isn’t anyone inside S.H.I.E.L.D. noticing?

“Accidents are always inevitable.” Zola said lightly, in the picture, there is information about the accidental death of Tony Stark’s father, as well as the information of Nick Fury’s accidental death, and the assassin shown on it is the same person – Bucky the Winter Soldier.

Black Widow and Team America were obviously stunned when they saw this.

Glancing at each other, the two did not say a word.

But judging from the look on their faces, both of them seemed a little embarrassed.

“From Nick Fury let you implement the first mission. That is to start saving people at the hands of international pirates, and all this is what we planned. In fact, those hostages are all our people. Our purpose is to cause you to pass. Just then, Zola continued to speak.

His words attracted the attention of the two.

“We deliberately sent news to Nick Fury. Explain that our ship has documentation. This document is our plan. So Nick Fury naturally let Black Widow have another mission when she was on a mission with Team America, which was to intercept our intelligence. ”

“But isn’t that intelligence from S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

Before Zora could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Black Widow.

“Until now, is there any difference between S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence and Hydra’s intelligence?” Zola asked mechanically.

This made Black Widow a little dumbfounded.

Indeed, now S.H.I.E.L.D. has basically become Hydra’s.

Therefore, the information in the black widow’s USB flash drive, who exactly is, is no longer so important.

“The purpose of our planning this step is to get you here. Because I want to tell you our purpose with my own mouth. Zola said, showing the information again.

“Our goal is simple, to use Zola’s algorithm to kill everyone who is harmful to S.H.I.E.L.D. We used Zola’s algorithm to implant into three helicopter motherships, and then connected satellites for global positioning, solving all the people who would be harmful to Hydra, which should be millions of people. Zora said.

In fact, Hydra’s plan.

Black Widow and Team America have listened to it three times.

The first time was said by the Joker.

Although they didn’t believe it at the time, they listened carefully.

The second time, it was Nick Fury who said it.

He said a rough idea, and did not mention Zola’s algorithm.

And the third time, it was said by a member of Hydra himself.

Surprisingly, what he said now is basically not much different from what the clown said.

Neither Black Widow nor Team America told Nick Fury that the Joker had sought them out.

I don’t know what kind of mind I’m in.

Maybe it’s because Nick Fury faked his death to hide them.

As a result, they now have a mustard for Nick Fury. It could also be because they don’t fully believe what the clown says.

So these things were not told to Nick Fury.

But now, the people of Hydra have told them in person what happened to them, and their plan is still inseparable from what the clown said.

This made Black Widow and Team America look at each other.

For a while, there was some silence and surprise.

What the clown said to them turned out to be true??

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