“What happened?” The US team sitting on the plane also noticed that the situation was wrong and quickly asked.

The Stark Tower, located on the top floor, has a circular roof that is set up to the scale of a small airport.

There is a place with the letter “S” engraved on it, which is a sign for parking the plane or when the plane lands.

At this time, there was a plane parked above, and the two American team and Black Widow happened to be disguised on this plane.

Because of the relatively high position, the American team can see through the glass in front of the cockpit, and the city’s display screen lights up again after going out in an instant.

The difference is.

Most of the ads on the display before going out were in the picture, but now the picture showed the clown and two strange-looking men behind him.

Looking at their location, it was easy to tell that they were inside the Stark Building.

This made the American team wonder.

“The Trial of the Joker.” Black Widow composed her face and squeezed these words out of her mouth.

“Trial?” The American team did not particularly understand.

“Steve, turn on the device!” Just then, Tony Stark’s eager voice came from the other end of the communicator.

It can be seen from the fact that he called out the real name of Team America that he is a little panicked at the moment.

“Now?” The American team was a little surprised, and said busily: “According to the plan made between us, at least they have to wait until they go up half the building to open it, and now they are on the second floor, which will turn on the device, and there is a high possibility that they will escape.” ”

“I’ve lost the Joker’s position, and if I don’t turn it on now, we probably won’t be able to catch him.” Tony Stark insisted.

“No, I think we should wait.” Team America shook his head and said, “Now that we can locate his position in the whole city, we don’t need to be in such a hurry, Tony.” ”

“Your style of doing things is too old-fashioned, and I think you might be better suited to live in World War II.” Tony Stark said dissatisfiedly, without taking the protest of the American team, and said to Jarvis:

“Jarvis, turn on the installation in the building!”



After two or three city-wide trials.

People hardly have to think about it, they know that after a burst of darkness, that familiar picture will come as expected.

Anticipation, excitement, taking over the whole spirit of some waiting for the reveler.

Some even took out the masks of clowns and put them on, starting their.

Although most people still choose to flee screaming after seeing the clown appear.

But I have to deny that the clown’s avid fans have slowly increased.

A group of people wearing clown masks gathered in the street, looked at the clown’s face in the picture, and quieted down.

At this time, Luo Bing, who was located in Stark Industries, was walking slowly, followed by the tombstone and the scorpion.

“Hurry up.” Tombstone said to the clown who was walking slowly.

The live broadcast is directly implanted into the Marvel universe by the system, and the picture will switch according to what Luo Bing thinks.

You don’t need to take pictures with your phone or anything.

So at this time, the tombstone and scorpion who were located in the Stark Building and could not see the situation outside did not know that their every move had been watched by the whole city.

Just as they were heading towards their destination.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded in my ears.

Before the two of Tombstone and Scorpion could react, they saw countless lasers appear on the walls around the Stark building.

Those lasers were connected together at a very fast speed, directly surrounding the three of them in a dense laser array.

“Damn it!” The scorpion cursed, wanting to ignore the laser and quickly escape the place.

However, as soon as I touched the laser, I heard a “whoosh”.

A strong sound of electricity sounded inside the building.

In just a few seconds, the scorpion fainted on the ground by electricity.

And the body is still constantly convulsing.

Seeing this, the tombstone had roughly understood the role of this laser in his heart.

If you touch it, you will be clicked.

However, the superpowers of the tombstone are inaccessible, body insulation, and high temperature on the body surface, so he did not put these lasers in his eyes at this time, quickly crossed these lasers, and walked towards the trapped Luo Bing position in front.

He wanted to take Luo Bing with him, after all, he still needed a pathfinder.

Who knew that the moment he just touched Luo Bing, it exploded again.

“MD! Another fake! Tombstone clenched his fists in annoyance, you know, he had been played twice in a row by Luo Bing!

However, at this time, it was not only him who was angry, but also Tony Stark and others.

“Shett!” Tony Stark said angrily, “Could it be that you still think that the clown is just a simple ordinary person?” I said to let you start the device earlier, you know, this is the third time! ”

“Tony, it’s not a matter of sooner or later the device starts, maybe he has already run away when you lost the Joker’s position just now.” The American team analyzed seriously.

“So you’re blaming me now? Think I lost the Joker? Tony Stark questioned.

“No, I’m just stating a fact, Tony, and I suggest you calm down.” Team America persuaded.

“Calm down? If someone blew up your bank, ruined your company, and livestreamed the whole city, making your move to stop the Hulk from destroying the city feel like you’re fighting the Hulk in an underground boxing match, and repeatedly escaping under your nose, can you calm down? Of course, I think you can still do it, after all, you have been in the ice for 70 years, you should be calm enough. Tony Stark chattered.

It’s like venting.

After he finished speaking, there was a sudden burst of laughter in the city.

And a laugh is louder than a one.

This burst of laughter caught Tony Stark’s attention.

God knows.

At this time, he was appearing in the live broadcast of the whole city.

“Oh… Oh my God, so all the things I just said, have already been broadcast? Tony Stark muttered in a somewhat dull whisper.

“Yes…” Black Widow’s wordless sigh rang in Tony Stark’s ears.

Tony Stark: …


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