Chapter 9 Golden Late Immortal

Chapter 9 The Late Stage of the Golden Immortal

Han Qing continued to stay in this human tribe for more than a year, and after he completely taught the cultivation method to this human tribe, he left quietly, leaving only a letter.

In the past year or so, Han Qing has taught the basic cultivation methods of this human tribe. All of them have successfully embarked on the path of cultivation. In the future, they will survive better in this prehistoric world.

“It’s been more than a year since I came out, and now is the time to continue traveling in this prehistoric world.” Han Qing looked ahead and read silently.

Han Qing began to walk on this wild land, as long as he could walk, he would go.

More than ten days have passed, Han Qing has walked through many tribes, through many forests and grasslands, and has not stopped to rest.

Now that Han Qing is on a big mountain, he plans to go into the mountain to see what the scene is like inside.

“Huh? Why is there a mana fluctuation? It’s still very weak. If you don’t sense it carefully, you won’t be able to feel it at all?” Very suspicious.

Han Qing locates the position where the mana fluctuations are emitted, and walks all the way, he wants to see what it is.

When Han Qing came to that place, he saw a fruit that released a faint light in front of him. The whole body was shrouded in a mass of light, and it looked like there was an immortal energy.

“What kind of fruit is this?” Han Qing looked at the fruit in confusion. There was never any record of this fruit in his mind.

I saw Han Qing stretched out his hand slightly and wanted to touch the fruit. When he touched the halo, he felt that the fluctuation of mana became violent, but he did not have any hostility towards him. The fruit was successfully picked.

Han Qing took the fruit in his hand and played with it, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he muttered in a puzzled voice: “This other fruit is not too different, just don’t know what kind of changes it will make after eating it. .

After all, Han Qing swallowed the fruit without hesitation. At the same time, he turned the mana in his body and began to refine the fruit, feeling the changes in his body.

Under Han Qing’s refining, the medicinal power of the fruit gradually radiated out. Han Qing felt that the mana in his body was increasing at an extremely fast speed. Through his clothes.

At this moment, Han Qing is like being next to a stove, being grilled by hot charcoal, as if his body is about to catch fire, his mouth is constantly breathing, trying to relieve the heat in his body.

After a period of time, the strange feeling in Han Qing’s body gradually disappeared, and the breath in his body gradually calmed down.

“In the late stage of Jinxian, Han Qing felt the change of mana in his body, and he muttered to himself, at the moment he completely refined the fruit, and his cultivation base has reached the late stage of Jinxian.

Is it possible to improve my cultivation so much?

Han Qing was a little surprised. He thought that it would be good to be able to improve a little, but he did not expect that this fruit would allow him to directly break through to the late stage of Jinxian, and the effect of this medicine was really strong.

“This is really an unexpected joy!” Han Qing showed a happy smile on his face, and he was naturally happy with the improvement of his strength.

0 asking for flowers…

“Since this kind of fruit has appeared in this place, maybe not only this one, there are also some that may not release mana fluctuations, or some are hidden in more hidden places, anyway, they are all out to travel, find a few here. Heaven doesn’t matter, if I can find a few more fruits like this, then my breakthrough in cultivation will be very fast!”

Han Qing thought happily in his heart, he wanted to continue to search for similar fruits, and wanted a quick breakthrough in his cultivation.


Taking the fruit to improve his cultivation has no effect on his foundation, otherwise Han Qing would not choose this path.

Han Qing closed his eyes slightly and began to meditate. He felt the mana fluctuations on this mountain and wanted to investigate the whereabouts of other fruits.

After a few Roars sucked, Han Qing walked quickly towards a path, and he felt a similar wave of mana, but this time the wave of mana he felt was more subtle, and it seemed that it might dissipate at any time.

“It seems that my guess is correct. There are other fruits in this place.” Han Qing’s eyes released a hint of joy. If he can find all these fruits, I don’t know how much his cultivation can improve.

Han Qing has already begun to imagine the picture after the cultivation base has been improved, and there is a happy smile on his face.

Before reaching the end, Han Qing frowned slightly, stopped suddenly, concealed his breath, looked at the bushes in front of him, his eyes were piercing, his whole body tensed, as if something terrible was about to happen there. .

I saw two figures appear behind the bushes. So,

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