Chapter 284.2 Demon King 2

Chapter 284.2 Demon King 2

It’s just that the demon king was too close to him just now, and he didn’t release his attributes at all, so Han Qing decided that he would not let this monster beast in the next time.

Han Qing pulled a distance from the demon king, and he jumped onto a tree, which happened to be the tallest tree in the entire foggy forest.

Even if the demon king slammed into the tree hard, he would not knock it down all at once.

The demon king was very angry and smashed his chest with two fists. The posture was very funny, as if he had broken a big stone in his chest.

As for the fact that 02 humans jumped from their eyes to another place, it was like a mouse fleeing from place to place, trying to avoid the cat’s pursuit.

But all these demon kings did not take it into account. He had already seen through the human being in front of him, but he was only in the realm of Xuanxian, and he was in the early stage of Jinxian.

Therefore, he concluded that he could swallow this human in one bite. Although the cultivation of this human was not as good as his own, if he swallowed a human in the realm of Xuanxian, his realm would also improve a little.

After Han Qing stood on the tree, he finally saw the true face of this demon king. Although the demon king looked like a hill, it was so huge.

However, the appearance of the demon king looks exactly the same as the orangutan in the virgin forest, and its hair is very thick and hard, and it is estimated that it can’t even match the pine needles.

It is estimated that “the fur of this demon king can be used as a weapon.”

Han Qing narrowed his eyes, thinking about what other parts of the demon king could rely on as raw materials for weapons.

He continued to look at the demon king, and after seeing the demon king’s eyes, he had a bold idea.

“Cough, this demon king’s eyes are really good, if it is made into a night pearl, it might be a good idea.”

Because the eyes of this demon king looked very bright, as if emitting a golden light.

That is, because of the golden light in his eyes, the circle outside his eyes became very flickering.

Although Han Qing didn’t know the function of his eyes, his intuition told him that the eyes of the demon king must be the most important part of him. If he attacked the eyes of the demon king, his chances of winning would definitely be higher. .


The demon king roared angrily, this human being who does not know how to live or die dares to think about his eyes and other parts of his body, now he is courting death, he must not kill this human being so easily in the past. , just play him to death!

Therefore, the demon king did not intend to swallow the market in one breath, but planned to use the golden light emanating from his eyes to form a closed space and wrap the entire tree 980%.

In the metal system, all the air will be blocked, and the metal is the hardest.

So even if Han Qing wanted to escape, there was no way, everything was blocked, and he couldn’t turn into anything to shield him.

“Hehe, if you only have this ability, then you gorilla can’t trap me.

Han Qing said very confidently that he was sitting on a tree and waiting for the attack of the demon king.

The demon king roared again, and he was pissed off by the contempt of human beings, and let out a roar that shook the heavens and the gods.

The monsters in the entire foggy forest hid and did not dare to come out.

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