Chapter 246 Killing Professor X

Chapter 246 Killing Professor X

Professor X immediately used Telepathy’s Ability to contact Magneto.

It wasn’t long before Magneto responded.

Magneto: “Is something wrong? Charles!”

Professor X said: “Old friend, I am in danger, can you help me?”

“What danger did you encounter?”

Magneto asked.

I met “a very powerful opponent, probably the pinnacle of Level Single Universe. I guess it is not his opponent that I joined forces with Chingray. If I can add you, it should be able to fight!”

Professor X said quickly.

Magneto was silent for a moment and said, “Okay! I’ll be right over here!”

At this moment, Zombie Qin Grey said: “That person is here!”

Immediately afterwards, with a loud bang, the entire academy collapsed, razing it to the ground in an instant.

Most of the Mutants in the school were smashed to pieces, and only the Mutants above the god-king level survived.

There are not many Mutants above the god-king level, only 7-8 people.

These people all looked up at the more than 10 people suspended in the air.

These 10 or so people are all existences above the level of the king of gods.

Three of them are from Level Single Universe, and the man in the lead is even more unfathomable.

This discovery made them tremble all over, and their hearts, which had no emotion, actually had fear in their hearts.

Zombie Qin Grey is particularly keen, and when he sees Han Qing, he exclaims in shock, “Are you a multi-universe existence?”

“That’s right!”

Han Qing said lightly.

When the few god-king-level zombies heard this, they were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

They were very fast, flying hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye.

Han Qing just glanced at them lightly, and then their bodies turned into fly ash.

Seeing this scene, Zombie Qin Grey and Zombie Professor X shuddered.

“How are you going to let us go?”

Professor X asked.

“You are slaughtered like livestock to feed people, your sin is unforgivable!”

Han Qing said coldly.

Professor X smiled bitterly and said, “We have become zombies. Our minds are driven by our body’s instincts, and we have indeed done a lot of hurtful things. We deserve what we deserve, so let’s do it!”

After saying this, he closed his eyes.

Meanwhile, he notified Magneto with Telepathy’s Ability.

Old friend, “Hurry up and run away! The opponent is too powerful, you can’t help at all, run away! Don’t come here!”

Han Qing saw his thoughts at a glance, and sneered: “Are you trying to let Magneto escape! It’s useless!”

He stretched out his hand, and the air next to him actually broke through a lot of space, and grabbed people thousands of miles away.

This man was dressed in black armor and a red cloak. He had a tough appearance and looked like an upright tough guy.


Seeing this big man, Professor X suddenly cried out.

Here comes Eric Magneto.

Magneto smiled bitterly and said, “It seems that this time the opponent is indeed terrifying, Charles!”

“I’m so sorry, Eric, for getting into trouble with you!”

Professor X said embarrassedly.

“It’s alright, I’m already tired of it, and it would be nice for my body to turn into dust sooner!”

Magneto looked at Han Qing very calmly and asked, “Sir, you should have the ability to completely destroy me, right?”

There was some desire in his expression.

Because he so desperately desires true death.

He hates this zombie body very much, but he can’t die.

He has thought of many ways to kill himself, but he has never been successful.

On the contrary, the thirst for blood in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He was afraid that one day he would not be able to control himself, and he would follow the path of Professor X.

Han Qing saw his thoughts at a glance, and a surprised look appeared on his face.

“I didn’t expect you to actually control your desire for blood, and you’ve never eaten a living person, um, very good, since that’s the case, I’ll let you go!

After Han Qing said this, he threw Magneto aside.

Then look at Professor X and Zombie Grey on the side.

“Go away with your sins!”

After saying this, the bodies of Professor X and Zombie Grey slowly disappeared, turning into flying ashes.

The two did not resist, and faced death calmly.

Zombie Qin Grey watched his body gradually turn into flying ash, but a smile appeared on his face.

She looked at Qin Grey and said, “You should be the Qin Grey of the other universe! Like me, the same Phoenix force, you must want to get my Phoenix force to break through your own realm?”

Qin Grey looked at her with some sympathy, nodded and said: “Yes, I want to get your Phoenix force, let me reach the multi-universe level, and then go and destroy that culprit (Nuo Mo Zhao) Thanos!”


Zombie Qin Grey’s face showed a hint of joy, and said: “Then I will fulfill you!”

After saying this, her body burned, turning into a huge amount of flame phoenix.

The flame phoenix uttered a cry, spread its wings, and flew towards Qin Grey with terrifying flames.

Such a destructive flame power rushed towards the face, Gwen and the others all changed their faces, and couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

Even Han Qing’s expression changed, and he quickly stood in front of Qin Grey.

Qin Grey pushed him away gently and smiled, “I feel her kindness, she won’t hurt me!”

After saying this, she instead greeted the flame phoenix.

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