Chapter 235 Odin of Other Universes

Chapter 235 Odin of Other Universes

Captain America, these superhero, stood aside and did not participate.

The strength of these super zombies is not weak, and these people are estimated to be unable to beat them.

When these super zombies are defeated, they will go to the fisherman to benefit.

But Thor Thor felt disgusted when he saw these zombies, and directly summoned a thunder and lightning to strike.


In the sound of earth-shattering thunder, an incomparably thick thunder and lightning smashed into the huge amounts of potholes.

The zombies in the pothole were instantly shattered by the terrifying power of lightning.

Captain America and the others looked at him like “Nine Thirty-seven” and easily killed these super zombies, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They also heard that this Thor Thor is already the realm of the creator god.

It can be seen that the gap between the realm of the creator gods and them is so big.

Thor Thor flew to the top of the pothole and waved his hand, trying to summon Mjolnir from the cave.

But that Mjolnir didn’t even bother him at all, and remained stuck in the hollow below, not flying into the sky at all.


Thor Thor frowned slightly, when he flew down and took it with his hands.

Suddenly there was movement from Mjolnir below.

hum hum hum!

Mjolnir trembled slightly, then suddenly flew into the sky, flew directly beside Thor Thor, and flew to the hand of a person in the sky.

The man was very old, pale, in golden armor, holding a spear of eternity in one hand and the Mjolnir in the other.


Thor Thor cried out in surprise and delight when he saw this man.

The old man stared at him with blood-red eyes for a while, and said in a hoarse tone: “The blood energy on your body is also very strong, it seems that you have also reached the Level Universe!”

“That’s right!”

Thor Thor reacted at once, staring at the old man vigilantly.

“You are not the father of this universe, and you are also a zombie?”

The old man sighed and said, “Yes, even if I am the King of God, I have been infected by this ferocious zombie virus, but fortunately I can still maintain some sanity.”

“If that’s the case, what are you doing in our universe? Are you also here to find food?”

Thor Thor said coldly.

“I think of your universe to see if it can cure this virus and restore our universe to its original state, no longer the terrifying zombie universe!”

Odin said.

“Is this zombie caused by a virus?”

Thor Thor asked in surprise.

Thor the zombie nodded slightly and said: “Yes, a doctor on earth got a virus vector in outer space and carried out research, and then the virus broke out and infected the whole earth, and finally the nine kingdoms were also infected, and then is the whole universe…

“It’s so terrifying, so will our universe be infected as well?”

Thor Thor said in fear.

“If you can’t create a virus vaccine, your universe will follow us, and all of them will become zombies. It’s just a matter of time.”

Zombie Thor said solemnly.

Thor Thor remembered the strength of Han Qing and the others, and said coldly: “Our universe is so powerful that it can completely wipe out all of you zombies!”

Zombie Thor said indifferently: “I have seen it, there are several creation gods on this earth alone, but it is far from enough!


Thor Thor looked at him suspiciously: “Do you still have horrors in your place?”


The zombie Thor said with some fear: “Our universe Thanos has already obtained 6 Infinite Gems, which are collected on the Infinity Gauntlet. He is invincible in our universe. This time, he opened the space door and came to your universe through his Infinite Gems. the power of!”

Thor Thor was shocked when he heard this.

Gathered 6 Infinite Gems? Isn’t he even scarier than Han Qing?

Then he asked suspiciously: “Your Universe Infinite Gems were not collected by Han Qing? Instead, they were collected by Thanos?”

“Han Qing? Who is this person! I’ve never heard of it!

Zombie Thor asked curiously.

“Haven’t heard of it?”

Thor Thor was immediately surprised and said: “Han Qing is very powerful in our universe. He has changed from a mere mortal to the existence of the Level Universe in a short period of time, and several girlfriends of 2.1 around him are also helping him. He quickly grew into the existence of Level Universe! With such an excellent character, how could your universe not exist?”

Zombie Thor said: “Every parallel universe is not the same, there will be great changes, such as our universe has become a zombie universe, and you have not yet, this is the biggest difference!”

“However, this Han Qing can become the existence of the Level Universe in a short period of time, he is definitely not an ordinary character, and he is very likely not from your universe, but from other universes, such as the super universe, or even the omnipotent universe!

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