Chapter 230 Integrate Soul Gem and Mind Gem

Chapter 230 Integrate Soul Gem and Mind Gem

When Han Qing heard the words of the goddess of death, he directly used his mental power to explore the pit below.

However, he did not notice the fluctuation of the energy of Infinite Gems.

He frowned slightly and threw an eternal blazing sun directly.

This spell, which was originally only a legendary spell level, has become a spell of Level Universe after being continuously optimized and upgraded by him.

Throwing it over like this, the entire quarry was plunged into a sea of ​​intense flames. These flames contained the terrifying Phoenix force, how terrifying and powerful.

Almost in an instant, the eternal blazing sun swept the entire quarry “Nine Three Three” field, and all the stone statues and stones in the quarry melted into fly ash.

The goddess of death, these people have the protection of their own energy, and did not suffer any harm.

But the three witches lost their power, and it was miserable.

Without the support of divine power, even if their divine bodies were extremely tough, they couldn’t hold it in the end and turned into fly ash.

“You bastards, you wait for us, and we’ll be back.”

The three witches turned into the atoms of the universe in an angry cry.

The goddess of death frowned slightly and complained to Han Qing: “You killed them like this, but let them go, you know? They are also the incarnation of the universe like me. As long as the universe is not destroyed, they will not die. You kill them now. After a while, they can be revived by the power of the universe!”

Han Qing pouted and said, “It’s very simple, they make me feel sick!”

After saying this, he turned his gaze to the center of the Quarry of God.

There were two brilliant rays of light.

One orange light, one yellow light.

Here are the Soul Gem and Mind Gem, respectively, pinned to the Infinity Gauntlet.

“These two gems are indeed here!”

Jean Grey laughed happily.

Han Qing’s thoughts flashed, and the two gems broke away from the Infinity Gauntlet and flew over in an instant, coming to his side.

Two gems were suspended in front of several people, exuding mysterious and powerful power.

The Goddess of Death looked at these two Infinite Gems with a complicated look.

Infinite Gems is nothing short of incomparably powerful, and if she can get the power, it will rise rapidly.

It’s a pity that her eyes are too special, and these Infinite Gems can’t help her.

Han Qing’s thoughts flashed, and the two gems flew to him as if being held by an invisible hand.


The two Infinite Gems melted into his body at once.

At the same time, the sound of the system rang out.

“Beep, master integrate Mind Gem!”

“Beep, master integrate Soul Gem!”

“Beep, the master integrate Mind Gem reaches 10%, get the skill Mind Control!”

“Beep, the master integrate Mind Gem reaches 10%, get the skill Soul Control!”

These two gems are different from other gems, as soon as integrate reaches 10%.

It should be six Infinite Gems assembled, and the speed of integrate has suddenly increased a lot.

If this is the case, then Han Qing retreats and cultivates, and six Infinite Gems can be fully integrated in a short time.

The goddess of death looked at him and asked expectantly: “You have fully integrated six Infinite Gems now, has your body changed?

Han Qing felt it and said: “I feel that my ability has increased by at least twenty times. I can cultivate in this state and become a multi-universe level in a short period of time!”

“So can it be a Super Universe Level?”

Goddess of Death asked 0..

“It should be possible, but certainly not in a short period of time!

Han Qing shook his head slightly and said regretfully.

A smile appeared on the goddess of death’s face.

“That’s good, anyway, I have time, as long as you help me get my main body!”

Han Qing frowned slightly and said: “It’s no problem to get your main body, but now the most difficult thing to do is your old man Thanos. After Thanos left the customs, the terror far surpassed the multi-universe. Under that kind of terrifying power, We simply have nowhere to live!”

The goddess of death said: “That Cosmic Cube is so powerful? It can surpass Infinite Gems?”

“Universe Cube is not much different from Infinite Gems, but I can’t integrate all of them yet! If I can integrate all of them, it should be no problem to reach the Almighty Universe Level!”

Han Qing said.

The goddess of death suddenly smiled: “Then you can put your mind on 2.1, Thanos’s universe cube is not complete, and he has been manipulated by me, he can’t be integrated in a short time, wait for him to exit At that time, I think he is only the peak of the multi-universe level, it should not be possible to reach the level of the Super Universe level, to achieve it, like you, he must consume a lot of time!”

When Han Qing heard this, he felt relieved.

He knew that the goddess of death was a scheming woman, and he was not at ease with anyone, and it was normal for him to secretly do something to Thanos.

“In that case, let’s get out of here first!”

Han Qing looked around and said to everyone.

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