Chapter 223 Eternal and Nonstop Amnesia

Chapter 223 Eternal and Nonstop Amnesia

Han Qing felt a little strange.

He had already sent it to him, why did he say he didn’t receive it?

Are there any concerns about these things?

But the Induction Ability of the God of Creation told him that this eternity did not seem to lie to him.

“You really didn’t receive the message I sent you?”

Han Qing asked again.

“Really not! What was that thing you told me just now? Well, why can’t I remember it, it’s strange!”

Eternal said with some shock and some doubts.

Han Qing and the others also showed shocked expressions.

Would a creator god forget what he just said?

How can this be?

He is the God of Creation! It is impossible to have Alzheimer’s disease!

And his memory can’t possibly be faulty!

How powerful is the memory of a creator god, every thing he experienced in his life, every word he said, and every question he thought could be clearly remembered.

How could they forget what they said just now?

Thinking of this, Han Qing hurriedly asked: “I’m talking about the universe cube, can’t you remember the four words of the universe cube?”

“Cosmic Cube?”

Eternal doubted and said: “Did you just tell me this thing! I really have no memory at all… What’s going on? How can I have no memory at all… Is there something wrong with my memory? ?”

“Your memory is indeed wrong, you should have been manipulated!”

Han Qing thought for a while and said.

Yong Yong was shocked and said: “Who has such a great ability to modify my memory, what the hell you said, I can’t remember it again, what is the function of this thing! Someone wants to block my memory, what is his purpose?”

Han Qing said: “This thing is called Cosmic Cube, and it may threaten the entire Almighty Universe, so someone doesn’t want you to report this news to the Life Court!”

Dangerous “Almighty to the Universe?”

Eternal was taken aback and said, “If this is the case, then I have to tell this news to the Life Court..

When he was about to pass the news to the Life Court, his mind suddenly went blank and he said, “What did I just say, what am I going to do? By the way, I’m going to tell the Life Court, what am I going to tell him? What’s going on! I can’t remember, oh my gosh, what’s going on…

He felt that he had forgotten something again, and suddenly screamed in horror.

Han Qing and several people looked at each other, and their hearts became cold again.

Even characters like Eternal have their memories modified at will, so they are not as easy to modify as Eternal.

Thinking of this, the faces of the girls like Qin Grey became a little terrified.

Han Qing was also quite surprised and said, “It seems that the person who blocked you is very powerful. We are not his opponents at all. Eternal, it seems that you can’t inform the court of life!”

Yong Yong gritted his teeth and said: “I don’t believe that I can’t notify the Life Court, I have to tell the Life Court, by the way, what am I going to tell the Life Court, please tell me quickly, so that I can notify the Life Court!

Han Qing shook his head slightly and said: “Eternal, you don’t have to waste your efforts, you definitely can’t do it, I told you you will still lose that memory, or let me tell the life court, you put the spiritual coordinates of the life court tell me!”

When the girls like Jyn Grey heard this, they immediately became worried.

They wanted to stop Han Qing from taking the risk, but they couldn’t say it.

Yong Yong said: “No, your strength is not as good as mine! I can’t do it, let alone you!

Han Xin said: “Don’t worry! I have a way to block those powerful psychological abilities, so you can leave it to me at ease!”

He has systematic protection and can be immune to the damage of those spiritual abilities.

“Since you have a way, then I will tell you! The spiritual coordinates of the Life Court are…

When Yong Yong was about to say something, his mind suddenly went blank. He was stunned for a while before he said, “Well, where did I just say, what did you just say?”

Well, his memory lost even more!

Han Qing smiled bitterly: “I asked you to tell me the spiritual coordinates of the Life Court. When you were about to do this, you suddenly lost your memory. It seems that person wants to prevent our universe from contacting the Life Court!”

“damn it!

Eternal anger is extremely incomparable, the entire small cosmos temple is shaking, and the cosmic energy begins to chaotic.

Han Qing said quickly: “Don’t be impatient, don’t think about contacting the Life Court, and don’t tell him anything, just contact him and see if you can contact him!


As soon as Eternal heard this, he knew Han Qing’s plan.

Han Qing’s plan is to connect Eternity to the (promised) court. Although he doesn’t say anything, the existence of the court of life will definitely pay attention to this universe.

As long as the Life Court notices this universe, he will definitely feel it.

This method is really good.

But unfortunately, Eternal found that he had lost his memory again.

“I..I can’t remember the spiritual coordinates of the Court of Life…My God!”

Han Qing and the others were immediately surprised.

What the hell does it exist! It can actually do this.

Eternity has lived in this universe for tens of billions of years, and during this long period of time, he does not know how many times he has contacted the Court of Life. That existence can actually destroy these memories easily.

That’s how scary this guy is!

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