Chapter 125 Scarlet Witch’s Power (Fifth)

Chapter 125 Scarlet Witch’s Power (Fifth)

This “is a very good idea, I really like to do digging around!”

Tony Stark smiled and turned on the mecha’s speaker and spoke to Quicksilver.

“Hello! Hello, you’re Quicksilver, right? And your sister is Scarlet Witch, right? Let me introduce myself, I’m Tony Stark, the Iron Man that always appears on TV, you look at me like this know who i am

Captain America all looked at him suspiciously.

Why don’t you call, why are you still chatting?

But Tony Stark has always been very smart, I guess he has something to do.

Seeing that the other party recognized him, Quicksilver simply stopped and appeared in front of everyone.

“Hello, playboy, I definitely know you. I used to envy your life very much. You should be changing girlfriends every day, right?”

Quicksilver said with a smile.

Tony Stark smiled and said: “I don’t change girlfriends every day, but a girlfriend has appeared before ten days! If you are interested, I can teach you how to change girlfriend-friends!”

“I’m not as rich as you are!

Quicksilver said helplessly.

Tony Stark said quickly: “It’s not easy, you just need to make yourself rich!”

“It’s not that easy, it’s not easy to become rich!

Quicksilver said.

“No, you are wrong, it is difficult for ordinary people to become rich, but you are different, you are a powerful Mutant, you can rely on your Ability to get a lot of money and easily become a multi-millionaire Billionaire, in this case, you can change girlfriends often?”

Tony Stark smiled slightly.


Quicksilver’s eyes lit up and asked, “Then how do I use my Ability to make money? You wouldn’t let me rob a bank, would you? Then I won’t do it! It’s illegal! I never do it. of!”

Everyone was speechless.

You have already done things that destroy the world, so this is even more excessive, isn’t it?

But it can also be seen that this young man is not bad in essence.

Captain America and these guys now know Tony Stark’s plans.

Tony Stark was trying to win this young man over.

Tony Stark laughed: “When it comes to making money, man, I’m definitely the most profitable person in the world, you admit it?”


Quicksilver nodded.

“Then I can teach you about making money, if you will listen to me!”

Tony Stark laughed.

Quicksilver suddenly got a little hesitation.

Making money is quite tempting to him. After all, he was a poor child since he was a child, and he was very eager for money.

It’s just that he is a kind person and doesn’t want to use his super ability to steal and rob.

But wouldn’t he betray his master if he was with Tony Stark now?

He shook his head and said, “No, I have to follow my master. He said that when this world perishes, he will make me a lord of this world!”

Tony Stark said: “The world is perished, there is no one left, what’s the use of you being a lord?”

There will always be “some people who survive, although not many!”

Quicksilver said.

“But in that case, everything in your previous life will be gone, and the days when you want to change girlfriends every day are probably gone too!”

“Even if you become a lord, there are quite a few women, but these women are just afraid of you, but they hate you in their hearts, and they don’t like you willingly!”

“And when you get these women, you can’t pretend to show off!

“Look at me, I often change girlfriends, take beautiful girlfriends in and out of those high-end places, show off and pretend to be everywhere, what a dashing life I live!”

Don’t you long for such “days? Instead, you like that cold life!”

“Looking high above, in fact, it’s just a life without thoughts and feelings!”

Tony Stark kept persuading.

His eloquence is indeed very good, and he just does what he likes.

The simple-minded Quicksilver was slowly persuaded by him.

He thinks what Stark is saying makes a lot of sense, and the life he used to long for was the kind of life Tony Stark was talking about.

If Tony Stark was willing to help himself, why did he kill the world?

Thinking of this, he said: “You are so right, Mr. Stark, this world should not perish, everyone should live well, so that we can keep showing off and pretending, and keep changing girlfriends. , there is something delicious and something to wear

Hearing his words, Captain America and the others were all speechless.

Sure enough, such a prodigal son still has to be persuaded by a prodigal son!

Tony Stark was delighted: “So Quicksilver, can you get your sister Scarlet Witch to join us?”

“OK, all right!”

Quicksilver flashed back to his sister Scarlet Witch.

“Sister, I don’t think we should do the end of the world, it’s too scary!”

“Well, okay! Then don’t do it!”

Scarlet Witch said indifferently.

At this time, he shouted in disgust and anger: “You two idiots, are you going to betray your master?”

“Betrayal is betrayal, it doesn’t matter!”

Scarlet Witch said coldly.

In fact, she did not agree with the end of the world.

The reason why he was willing to follow Apocalypse was because his brother was bewitched.

She and her brother are inseparable and depend on each other for life. Since her brother is going, she will follow.

Because to her, it doesn’t matter what the end of the world is.

As long as I can be with my brother.

“I killed you!”

Disgust left the Hulk directly, and roared angrily and rushed towards the siblings.

Scarlet Witch moved his hands, and a red Magic ball appeared.

As soon as this Magic ball appeared, strange things happened.

The running hater stumbled over his right foot, and a dog fell to the ground.

He was completely bewildered!

Did your left foot catch your right foot?

This is something that has never happened!

It’s so weird that it happened today!

He quickly got up from the ground and just took a step.


His left foot twisted and broke.

I fuck!

Wicked foot!

how so!

I have never had my feet since I was 7 years old!

He looked at Scarlet Witch in front of him.

Suddenly I realized that the continuous occurrence of such strange things must have something to do with this young girl.

What doom magic this guy might be using!

He stood up, gritted his teeth and said, “I hate Regenerative Healing Factor, you can’t help me.

His tongue was bitten.

Blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

But he was right, this injury was nothing to him at all.

This guy’s strong physique will soon be able to recover.

He endured the pain and rushed forward with great strides.


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