Martial To Pieces

Chapter 60 Requesting Dragon Blood And Dragon Scales

The strange phenomenon in the sky should be a long way away from him, so Lin Xing was not worried that it would affect him.

The huge fire dragon figure in the sky and the sword full of sword intent collided with each other.


The aftermath of the collision reverberates in all directions.

And made a deafening sound. Seeing this, Lin Xing hurriedly hid behind a big rock to resist the aftermath of the collision.

For a while, sand and rocks were flying, and bursts of volcanic ash turned the air a little gray. There was also a smell of sulfur in the air. I don't know if it was the cause of the volcano, which made people cover their nostrils uncontrollably.

"Cough cough cough......"

"Fuck, I'm choking to death." Lin Xing accidentally took a big gulp of the volcanic ash brought by the aftermath, and almost didn't take a breath from his chest.

"Bang -" Suddenly there seemed to be a huge object, hitting the ground with a banging sound, which frightened Lin Xing.

"What's going on? You scared me." Lin Xing, who heard the loud noise, thought it was the sound of rocks flying from other places in the aftermath.

But Lin Xing was hit by a smell of blood. This smell of blood was very strong. It was not the smell of the tinder gorilla he had just killed. This smell of blood was even more pungent than the smell of the dead gorilla.

Lin Xingshunzhi walked slowly to the place where the noise had just been made.

As the pungent smell of blood became stronger and stronger, Lin Xing finally managed to see the true face of this object through the smoke of volcanic ash.

"Damn it, dragon, it turned out to be a dragon." Lin Xing saw that it was actually a dragon. He fell to the ground with scars and seemed to have expired.

"No, this is not a real dragon, it's a Flood Dragon." Lin Xing first used his own Mental Energy to sense it. After all, be careful to sail the Ten Thousand Year boat. For such a huge creature, if he pounced hard before his death, Lin Xing would probably Two lives are not enough to survive.

After realizing that the dragon seemed to be dead, he slowly approached with relief and carefully looked at the scarred Flood Dragon. "It's all blood red, and with some characteristics on its body, this should be the Blood Devil dragon."

"What's going on? According to the size of this Blood Devil dragon, this should be an adult Blood Devil dragon. You must know that an adult Blood Devil dragon is Rank Seven Cultivation Base, but now it is dead and has scars on its body. , are all stab wounds, he should be a sword cultivator with a very high Cultivation Base." Lin Xing looked at the scars on Blood Devil Dragon's body, and the sharp sword intent remained on the wounds. Lin Xing touched it with his hand, and his fingers were The remaining knife scratches.

And the originator of this dragon, Xue Wuya, is looking for the Blood Devil flower in the crater.

"Haha, I finally found it. How long did you waste daddy looking for this mobile secret realm." Xue Wuya looked at the blooming Blood Devil flower in his hand and couldn't help but feel joy in his heart.

"Which beast is it?" Xue Wuya used Mental Energy to spread out around the crater.

"Oh..., so it's here, huh? There's a junior." Mental Energy of Xuewuya found the body of the Blood Devil dragon, and also found Lin Xing next to the body of the Blood Devil dragon.

"This guy has a good chance." Xue Wuya was not a narrow-minded person. When he saw Lin Xing receiving the dragon's blood, he just slowly observed it.

Lin Xing, who was receiving the dragon's blood here, didn't realize that anyone was observing him.

Now Lin Xing just wants to get enough dragon blood quickly, and then leave this place of right and wrong. If the owner of the killed Blood Devil dragon sees that he is asking for his trophies, he will probably be blasted to pieces. Scum.

While Lin Xing put the collected dragon blood into his portable space, he also picked up the scales that fell around the Blood Devil dragon and put them into his own Interspatial Ring.

You must know that this dragon scale is just one, the size of a washbasin. Besides, materials of this level are hard to come by. Some ordinary people have never even seen a dragon in their lives, let alone Lin Xing who is currently in Blood. Next to Devil Dragon's corpse, materials were intercepted.

Originally, Lin Xing didn't have a container to hold the liquid, so he didn't know how to hold the dragon's blood. Finally, he tried putting the dragon's blood directly into his portable space.

Unexpectedly, the dragon's blood actually floated in the portable space and did not infect the objects inside. This discovery made Lin Xing extremely happy, so there was a scene of Lin Xing taking the dragon's blood and putting it into the portable space.

Lin Xing stopped what he was doing when he saw more and more content written in his pocket space.

Then he hurriedly ran in the direction where he came in. There should be the space crack where he came in. It was impossible for Lin Xing to bathe in dragon blood in this secret realm.

If that space crack disappears or is closed by then, wouldn't he have to be trapped here forever?

So it was better to go out first. Thinking of this, Lingxin couldn't help but quicken the pace.

"Oh..., this kid runs very fast. He takes things and runs away. He has the same demeanor as I did back then." Xuewuya couldn't help but see Lin Xing running away quickly after receiving the dragon's blood. smiled.

Immediately, he also quickly flashed to the body of the Blood Devil dragon and put the entire body into his own Interspatial Ring. Don't ask how big the Interspatial Ring of Xue Wuya is. Just ask, it just can fit it.

In Lin Xing's eyes, there was a black crack in front of him, which was exactly the same as the crack when he came in. Lin Xing felt happy.

He rushed straight towards this crack.

"Weng Weng......"

Feeling a dazzling light in front of him, and accompanied by a brief tinnitus, Lin Xing returned to the red maple forest.

"Suck..., ah——"

Lin Xing sniffed the direction in the air and couldn't help but become intoxicated. It was in sharp contrast to the air full of fire and sulfur in the secret realm of that space.

"Haha, I'm getting rich. I'm getting rich." Lin Xing couldn't help but feel happy as he looked at the large ball of dragon blood in his personal space and the hundreds of dragon scales in his own Interspatial Ring.

If so many scales were used to make a pair of dragon scale armor, how handsome it would be.

But Lin Xing can only think about it now and can only wait until later.

On the one hand, the Huaicheng base city does not have such conditions at all. On the other hand, if the news that he carries so many dragon scales and dragon blood spreads, he may be hunted down by many people.

Now in my Cultivation Base, I can't even protect myself, let alone my family.

Thinking of this, I concealed the joy in my heart, after all, obscene development is the way to go.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Lin Xing only noticed his position at this time. Now he seemed to be on the edge of the red maple forest.

Lin Xing did not expect that when he came out of the space crack, he would be teleported to a random location.

If he was randomly teleported into the Demonic Beasts' Immortal Cave, wouldn't he be doomed? Thinking of this, Lin Xing couldn't help but shudder.

"Tsk, tsk... I didn't expect it to be a random teleportation. This kid runs very fast." Xue Wuya, who had just come out of the crack, murmured as he floated in the air.

"That's all, let's see you again when we are destined."

And here, Lin Xing was returning to the Huaicheng base city with sparks and lightning.

It wasn't until he actually entered the Huaicheng base city that Lin Xing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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