Martial To Pieces

Chapter 42 Rewards From The Armed Forces Administration

When he got up in the morning, the second child was very energetic, but Lin Xing was still helpless, wondering what if he was exhausted.

Before he could think of any way to release his energy, his thoughts were interrupted by the vibrating sound of his bracelet.

An unfamiliar number on the bracelet called Lin Xing. After the call was answered, a bold voice came from the bracelet.

"Hey, is this Lin Xing? I'm Lin Hu."

"Oh, yes, I am Lin Xing, and you are Captain Lin. What can I do for you?"

"Haha, that's right. Come down first. I'm waiting for you at the gate of your community. If you have any questions, we can chat in the car." Lin Hu stated his purpose.

"Okay, Captain Lin, wait a moment, I'll go down right now." After Lin Xing finished speaking, he closed the door directly.

As soon as I got to the community, I was stopped by a group of uncles and aunties, and I finally broke away from their "encirclement and suppression".

After leaving the community, he saw an Armed Forces Administration car parked next to the community. When he got closer, he saw Lin Hu waving to him, so Lin Xing opened the door and got on without any pretense.

After getting in the car, Lin Xing saw several reporters carrying cameras running towards him, but when he saw Lin Xing's car from the Armed Forces Administration, he stopped.

After all, the Armed Forces Administration represents a national institution and is more majestic.

"Haha, how are you? It feels good to be famous, I see there are several reporters over there." Lin Hu looked at Lin Xing who had just escaped from a group of uncles and aunts, and couldn't help but joked.

"It's not good at all. Those aunts and uncles are so crazy. These reporters are so dedicated that they are still here." Lin Xing couldn't help but shuddered when he thought of the crazy aunts and uncles just now.

However, the past few days have really been tough for the gatekeeper at the door. When Lin Xing came out just now, he saw him sweating profusely and blocking outsiders. If he had wanted to enter and register before, he could have done so.

But things are different now. This community has Lin Xing, who is ranked third in the country. The leader of the neighborhood committee personally called the gatekeeper to pay attention to the prevention and control of the community and not allow idlers to enter the community.

"Just get used to it. You're not happy when you become famous. When I was taking the college entrance examination, I had no choice but to become famous. Now you have reached a level that I didn't even dare to think about." Lin Xing looked at the scenery and said, Lin Hu also thought about what he looked like after the college entrance examination. It was simply incomparable.

"By the way, do you know why I came to you?" Lin Hu said with a careless look at Lin Xing.

"Hmm..., it can't be my reward." Lin Xing thought for a while and then expressed his thoughts.

"Oh..., you actually guessed it, but you're only half right. You'll know when you get there." Lin Hu glanced at Lin Xing in surprise, but he didn't expect that this kid actually guessed half of it right.

Lin Xing looked at this car, with a trace of envy flashing in his eyes. In the past, he didn't even have the resources to protect his own cultivation, let alone an energy car like this.

"How about it, not bad. After you finish college, are you interested in coming to work in our Armed Forces Administration Bureau? If you come then, I will give you a whole car, haha." Lin Hu saw the look in Lin Xing's eyes. Envy, he said jokingly.

"We don't have this idea yet. Let's wait until we finish college." Lin Xing expressed his idea, but he did not refuse the good idea. Although he did not have this intention, he could have a way out, so why not do it.

"Hehe, if you have an idea by then, you will probably do better than me." Lin Hu also knew that Lin Xing would not agree easily, so Lin Xing's answer was unexpected.

The energy car is one of the products of the Practitioner era. As the name suggests, the kinetic energy it uses does not come from the gasoline used hundreds of years ago, but uses an energy crystal as a power source.

The energy contained inside this crystal far exceeds the gasoline used by ancient humans, and it does not pollute the air, making it more powerful.

There are not only energy vehicles, but also energy aircraft.

There is even a powerful weapon that uses this type of crystal as the main energy source. Lin Xing has only heard about it on the news. It is one of the barriers for defense in large bases. The magic crystal cannon is his name, and it is very powerful. .

After a while, Lin Hu's energy vehicle entered a majestic building with several large characters written on it - Armed Forces Control Bureau.

"Let's go, I'll take you in." Lin Hu asked Lin Xing to follow him after getting off the car.

"Captain Lin..."


Entering the interior, many staff members saw Lin Hu entering with a young man. They said hello and left without asking any questions.

After leading Lin Xing around a lot, he stopped at a door and knocked on the door.

At this time, Lin Xing saw the number on the door - Deputy Director Liu Yaowen.

"Please come in." A thick voice came from inside.

Lin Xing felt that the owner of this voice must be very tall, because the voice was very muddy.

"Director Liu, I have brought you the genius of our base city."

Sure enough, just as Lin Xing guessed, a burly middle-aged man was sitting on a chair, checking the information in his hand.

"Haha, he is indeed a talented person. He is worthy of being the third genius in the country." Deputy Director Liu Yaowen put down the information in his hands, stood up, patted Lin Xing on the shoulder, and asked Lin Xing to sit down.

"This is our Deputy Director Liu Yaowen and Director Liu." After sitting down, Lin Hu began to introduce the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Hello, Director Liu," Lin Xing said hello out of politeness.

"Oh..., don't go to such trouble. Just call me Uncle Liu." Liu Yaowen looked very easy-going.

"Uncle Liu." Lin Xing responded.

"Let's make a long story short. Because you have done a great job for our base city, and because of the reform of this year's college entrance examination model, there are different rewards for the top 100 in the country, especially the top three. Even I, a Rank Five Practitioner, seem to be Very excited.”

Lin Xing was very surprised. He didn't expect that the middle-aged man in front of him was actually a Rank Five Practitioner.

"Although we were attacked by orcs during the college entrance examination, it did not affect the results of this year's college entrance examination. Damn, those beast god sect's bastards are also good at choosing the right time. If Old Tang and I hadn't left because of something to do a few days ago, , that group of bastards can't make any waves at all." At this point, Liu Yaowen said viciously.

"Oh... Old Tang is our director Tang Dahai. Just a few days after the college entrance examination, there was a secret realm that had just appeared. The director and deputy director were ordered to go to check the situation, but the group of people from the Beast God Cult took advantage of the loophole. ." Lin Hu explained from the side.

With that said, Liu Yaowen took out a small red notebook and handed it to Lin Xing.

Lin Xing was shocked when he saw it. It turned out to be a house in Practitioner Community. You know, Practitioner Community is one of the safest places in the city.

This community is directly affiliated with the Armed Forces Administration, and now I have actually obtained the right to live in the Practitioner community, which is a house with three bedrooms and one living room.

And the head of the household above is himself.

Liu Yaowen looked at the surprised Lin Xing and said, "This is one of your rewards. It was also decided after discussion between Old Tang and I. If Old Tang didn't have an unshirkable task, I guess he would have rushed back to see it right away." Look at the genius in our base city.”

Lin Xing quickly thanked him, "You deserve this." Liu Yaowen waved his hand and said.

"By the way, I heard that some rewards will be distributed from above, but we have to wait a few days first. I will ask you to come over today. I will explain it to you first, and then I will give you the rewards from our base city first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Hu got a big box from nowhere and pushed the big box to Lin Xing. After opening it, he saw a set of combat uniforms.

"This is an A-level combat uniform and an A-level sword." Lin Xing said in surprise after seeing this combat uniform.

"Hahaha, our Huaicheng Base Municipal Armed Forces Management Bureau is bleeding a lot because of this set of equipment of yours." Liu Yaowen knew when he saw Lin Xing's eyes full of surprise that he was very satisfied with this reward.

"Okay, there are only so many things to do today. I will ask Lin Hu to inform you after the reward comes out." Liu Yaowen saw that the time was almost up, and he still had many things to deal with. Don't let Lin Hu take care of it. Lin Xing leaves.

"Thank you so much, Director Liu." When Lin Xing saw Liu Yaowen asking him to leave, he also understood that Liu Yaowen still had many things to deal with. After thanking him, he followed Lin Hu and left carrying his own big box.

"Hey..., this kid really reminds me of my old self." Liu Yaowen looked at Lin Xing walking away and smiled, as if he was recalling his past events.

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