Martial To Pieces

Chapter 28 College Entrance Examination—Written Examination [Text]

On the day of June 7th, Lin Xing slowly got up at the urging of his parents in the Lin family in a dilapidated old community.

"Xiao Xing, Xiao Xing, get up quickly. Today is the college entrance examination. Don't go late." Mother Lin had already asked Lin Xing to get up for the third time. Finally, under Mother Lin's wake-up spell, Lin Xing had to get up.

"Mom, it's only half past five. Our teacher said we should meet in class at seven, so it's still early." After Lin Xing got up, he yawned and said to Lin's mother.

"Why are you so early? It's already late. Hurry up and pack up and go to school. If you can't get into the exam room because you're late, I'll peel off your skin." Lin's mother looked at Lin Xing and said, Lin Xing looked like he hated iron for not being able to turn into steel. .

"Okay, okay, I'll pack up and go to school right away. I'll make sure you get a key exam from Wuhan University." Lin Xing said with a playful smile.

"As for you, your virtue, if you take the entrance examination of Wuhan University, which is a key point, then our old Lin family will be in high demand." Mother Lin rolled her eyes at Lin Xing.

Finally, under Lin's mother's urging, Lin Xing reluctantly left home and headed to school at 5:59.

"Brother, come on for the college entrance examination." After Lin Xing left the community, Little Brother Yehai showed his head next to the window and shouted to Lin Xing.

Lin Xing made an OK gesture with his hand.

For Lin Xing now, the college entrance examination is all about having the right skills. If he spreads his skills, won't he be able to get into the key point of Wuhan University?

No. 3 Middle School, Grade 3 Class 3.

The classroom was very quiet today. Different from usual, there were no noisy sounds in the class, but the sound of turning books.

It is indeed the final preparation before the college entrance examination. I don't know if it will be useful, but it will make people feel at ease.

Chu Nan also came to school early, sat in the classroom, and was reading a book.

"Hey, Fatty, what are you doing?" Lin Xing walked to Chu Nan and sat down, patted Chu Nan on the shoulder and said.

"Damn it, Lao Lin, when did you get here? Why did you walk without making any sound? You scared me so much." Chu Nan was slapped by Lin Xing, and his whole body trembled.

"What? You were obviously fascinated by the book, blame me." Lin Xing looked at Chu Nan, who looked melancholy, and smiled unkindly.

"Is it necessary? Read now..." Lin Xing said casually.

"You don't understand Lao Lin. This is called sharpening a gun before the battle. It's not fun at all." Chu Nan curled his lips and said.


"Students, the admission ticket will be sent to you now. Please wait and proceed in an orderly manner according to the teacher's requirements." Wang Paiping, the head teacher, did not know when he was already standing on the podium and handed the admission ticket to the two people in the front row. A classmate said loudly.

"Study hard for ten years and only focus on the present."

"I hope that all students will be able to perform exceptionally, achieve good results, and be admitted to their favorite Wuhan University."

"Teacher is here to bless you all and name your names on the gold list. I hope you can all become the mainstay of Daxia, hold up the sky of Daxia, and use the weapons in your hands to defend the territory of Daxia. I am proud of you... "

"Come on in the college entrance examination, you will win the college entrance examination." Someone in the class shouted, and everyone followed suit.

"Come on for the college entrance examination."

"You must win the college entrance examination."

"Come on for the college entrance examination."

"You must win the college entrance examination..."


"You've all got your admission ticket, grab your stuff and let's go." Wang Ping lowered his voice with his right hand and asked every student if they had their own admission ticket.

Finally, all the senior students of No. 3 Middle School got on the bus to the examination room under the leadership of their class teacher.

Today I have to complete the test in one day, and the test is all about... culture. Although it is in the Practitioner era, cultural knowledge cannot be left behind.

The current college entrance examination is not divided into arts and sciences, but in general, the final score of the college entrance examination does not only depend on the martial arts test scores, but the final score is the sum of the cultural scores and the martial arts test scores.

The total score of cultural subjects is 500 points. There are five subjects in total, namely Chinese, Mathematics, Practitioner History, Geography, and Demonic Beasts, each with 100 points.

When entering the examination location, there are many entrances to the examination area, and the Armed Forces Administration Bureau personnel are guarding the entrance. Not only that, candidates who enter must go through an inspection formation.

The main function of the test formation is to check whether you are carrying cheating equipment. If it is found, you will not be allowed to take the college entrance examination within three years at the least. In serious cases, you may be sent to the border area.

Hold your own admission ticket number one for 16 consecutive sessions, and enter the detection formation one by one in order. If the detection formation shows green light, it means it is normal, but if it shows red light, you are doomed.

After many rounds of inspections, Lin Xing finally entered the examination area as he wished.

After entering the examination room, you have to go through another formation test, then a fingerprint test, and finally sit in your own seat.

I watched the students in the examination area enter one by one. As the announcement sounded, the examination area was closed. No one was allowed to enter or exit, otherwise they would bear the consequences.

After the exam time begins, under the guidance of the invigilator, use the dedicated computer in front of the desk to answer questions.

There are five subjects in total. No matter which one you write first, you must complete it within the specified time. The exam baking time starts at eight o'clock and lasts for five hours until the exam ends at one o'clock in the afternoon.

If a student wants to go to the toilet midway, he needs to raise his hand to report to the invigilator. Then the invigilator will ask his superiors, and finally he can go to the toilet under the guidance of the Practitioner.

Lin Xing first wrote about Demonic Beasts. In fact, for Lin Xing, this year’s college entrance examination questions were okay, not difficult, just a bit abnormal...::...

For example, the solution to the first question learned in Demonic Beasts:

: [Candidates please write your answers in the blank area below. If the answer exceeds the blank area, the answer will be invalid. ]

Question 1: How to identify male and female piranha flowers...

His MD, a plant, you asked me to tell you the male and female. Are there male and female piranha flowers? No, that's not right. It seems there are.

After Lin Xing thought for a moment, he directly wrote down the answer and started the next question.

(What do you think the answer is...( ╹▽╹ ))


As time continues to pass, some students are scratching their heads and scratching their heads anxiously, and some students start to use metaphysical methods. Various methods emerge in endlessly, like a group of demons dancing around...

Finally, after the dedicated computer test countdown reaches zero, no one can answer the questions and the test ends.

After the exam, all the candidates had a common phenomenon, that is, all the candidates rushed to the toilet. It is estimated that the toilet may not be able to fit...

I went back to the bus and sat down. I had just exhausted all my strength and felt so comfortable. Finally, the students began to discuss the difficulty of this year's college entrance examination questions and the answers to some questions.

The whole carriage was buzzing with discussions. Some students who wrote correctly jumped up with joy, while those who didn't write it sighed...

"Hey... Fatty, looking at you, you must have done well in the exam." Lin Xing couldn't help teasing him when he saw Chu Nan getting into the car with a happy look on his face.

"Damn..., sprinkle some water on me." Chu Nan looked pretentious.

"But by the way, Lao Lin, how did you do in the exam?"

"It's okay, I feel like I'm performing normally."

"Not bad, not bad, you have the three-point style I had back then." Chu Nan looked like he was in need of a beating, and patted Lin Xing's shoulder pretending to be deep.

When the three classes of students all arrived, the class teacher said to the class, "We will meet in the class as usual tomorrow. We will take the Martial Heaven exam tomorrow. I hope students will not be late. Remember to go to bed early today and don't stay up late to prevent poor energy." , it will have an impact on tomorrow’s martial arts exam, and it’s not worth the gain…”

After returning home and arranging a table of delicious food, neither Father Lin nor Ye Hai asked Lin Xing how he did in the exam.

Lin Xing just said lightly, "Perform normally," Lin's father and Lin's mother knew that this year's cultural score was stable. According to Lin Xing's usual test scores, it is absolutely no problem to get a score of 400 or above out of 500. Therefore, parents feel at ease.

After finishing everything at night, I started to sit on the bed and use the bright moonlight to keep running...

( ╹▽╹ )(≧▽≦)(・∀・)Thank you all for your support, yahoo——…….

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