Martial To Pieces

Chapter 26 The Experience Is In Progress, Bringing Ye Hai Home

After Lin Xing returned to the house I rented, the meat of the leopard and the long-haired rabbit had been cooked to a crisp. They were spread out on the table in the small courtyard, watching the starry sky, and eating the stew, which had a unique flavor.

In the starry sky, Lin Xing slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Xing, who was practicing swordplay in the yard, heard someone knocking on the door.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin, I'm Xiao Hai." When Lin Xing heard Xiao Hai's voice, he put down the sword in his hand.

With a creak, the old wooden door was slowly opened, and an innocent face emerged from the door. The dusty clothes could not hide the brilliance in his eyes.

"Brother Lin, you haven't eaten yet. I bought some steamed buns and brought them to you." Ye Hai raised the steamed buns in his hand and said to Lin Xing with a smile.

"Oh... you are interested, Xiao Hai." Lin Xing looked at Xiao Hai and said with a smile.

"'s okay, Brother Lin."

"You also practice swordsmanship?" Lin Xing looked at Ye Hai and said slowly.

"Ah..., I like Bladesman." Ye Hai scratched his head in embarrassment and said.

"From now on, you can practice swordsmanship with me when you have time. I will give you some pointers when I have time."

"Ah..., okay, okay, thank you, Brother Lin." Ye Hai almost jumped up with joy.

A new day of hunting begins.

Lin Xing carried a backpack and a sword, and followed the original route to the Demonic Beasts Forest, fighting and practicing in the forest to improve himself, his own strength, and his own Martial Skill.

First Demonic Beasts

Second Demonic Beasts

The Third Demonic Beasts

The fourth Demonic Beasts


Lin Xing was immersed in the feast of killing. In the fight, Lin Xing's actual combat ability continued to improve, and his Martial Skill proficiency increased rapidly.


"Damn it, kid, throw your backpack over and let me check it to see if there are any of our things in it." A big man with dark skin and a rough face said to Lin Xing.

Lin Xing looked at the four people blocking the road without making any move. He just silently observed the Cultivation Base of the four people.

The black-faced man in the lead is Rank One early stage Cultivation Base, and the remaining three are all quasi-peak Practitioners, so they are not a concern to me.

"Boy, do you hear me talking to you?"

"I'll let you taste how red the flowers are."

Lin Xing slowly took off his backpack and threw it towards the four people.

"Oh... that's right. Fortunately, our boss is not angry, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to walk back today." A younger brother next to him said very happily when he saw Lin Xing being so knowledgeable.

However, little did they know that when Lin Xing threw his backpack at the four people, Lin Xing quickly approached with a sword in hand.

The two boys at the front were kicked by Lin Xing before they could see clearly. They were kicked out and fell heavily to the ground. They didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

The black-faced man was shocked when he saw Lin Xing's movements. He quickly used the weapon in his hand to block it, but he was still a step too late. Lin Xing's sword knocked the black-faced man's weapon away like a ghost, like a Divine Armament weapon. block.

A head flew down from the wide-open eyes of the black-faced man. It is estimated that the black-faced man did not expect that he actually saw his corpse before he died, and the last boy was stabbed in the heart by Lin Xing's gravel fist and was violently exposed on the spot. shoot.

Lin Xing looked at the corpse on the ground and felt no discomfort at all. It was not like he had never killed someone when he was doing black boxing. The world is like this. If you don't work hard, you will fall behind and others will beat you to death. The same goes for Including your family.

In this era, Practitioner must strive to take a step forward to achieve a bright future and step back into an abyss.

Practitioner must compete, is the hymn of this era!!!!!!

Lin Xing picked up his own backpack, put it on his back, and then began to search for the trophies on these four people.

"Wori, these four are poor people. They have nothing now, just a few kilograms of scrap metal and rubbish."

"At this level, it's really shameful to come out and rob someone."

Lin Xing cursed and returned to the slum.


Time flies by, and 20 days have passed slowly. During this period, Lin Xin's strength has grown rapidly, and Saber Technique has reached the pinnacle Realm of Great Completion, and is almost able to break through to the Returned to Origin Realm. The biggest improvement is still Yunyanbu has returned to Origin.

The closest Lin Xing came to Death was when he was chased by a Rank Two middle stage Demonic Beast. It was that time when Yun Yanbu broke through to the Returned to Origin Realm, but the harvest was also very rich. The spiritual fruit guarded by this Demonic Beast—— Zhu Guo, I just left.

Not only that, but his Cultivation Base has also reached the Rank One late stage, which is basically a random choice among Wuhan universities across the country.

Lin Xing was lying on the bed, thinking about the gains of the past 20 days. In addition to hunting Demonic Beasts every day, he also gave Yehai guidance from time to time. Yehai's Cultivation Base was also constantly improving.

Lin Xing was also surprised by Ye Hai's talent. Now, with the support of Lin Xing, Ye Hai has reached the peak of the quasi-Practitioner middle stage. You must know that Ye Hai barely reached the quasi-Practitioner early stage.

During the same period, I also talked to my parents several times on the phone, but my words told me not to work too hard, but in order to let my family live a happy life, Lin Xing felt that all the hard work these days was worth it.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin, please save my grandpa. Brother Lin..." Lin Xing was thinking about the problem in bed, and there was a rapid knock on the door, with a cry in his voice.

Lin Xing quickly got out of bed, opened the door to the yard, and asked, "What's wrong, Xiao Hai, what happened?" In these days of contact, Lin Xing has regarded Ye Hai as his own relative, and he learned from Ye Hai's unyielding will. , saw myself as I was before.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Lin... Brother Lin, I... my grandpa, it seems he is not going to be able to."

"What, hurry up..." Lin Xing quickly pulled Ye Hai towards the old alley on the left.

"Cough cough cough——."

Before entering the house, I heard a heavy coughing sound. The coughing sound was very forceful, short of breath and weak, and it seemed that it could cough up blood.

Pushing the door open and entering, the old man who looked like a dead tree lay on the bed, his face was pale and bloodless, and he was about to die.

"Grandpa Ye, how are you? Your body..." After so many days of communication, Lin Xing also knew that the old man's surname was Ye, and that Ye Hai was picked up by the old man.

Looking at Grandpa Ye's physical condition, Lin Xing hesitated to speak. In fact, he had already checked Elder Ye's physical condition.

The vitality of the internal organs has been exhausted, unless those high-quality medicines can be found to sustain life, and Spirit Medicine that can restore vitality can be found in a short time.

"Xiao Lin, I seem to be dying, old guy." Mr. Ye looked at Lin Xingyou and said weakly.

Lin Xing hurriedly grabbed Old Ye's hand and used "Nine Nether" to check Old Ye's physical condition. He found that the little vitality inside his body was also passing away rapidly, and he probably wouldn't be able to survive tonight.

Ye Hai looked at Lin Xing helplessly from the side.

"Okay, okay, Xiaohai, don't cry."

"Xiao Lin, can I ask you a favor?" Old Man Ye propped up his body that had run out of oil, sat up and grabbed Lin Xing's hand with both hands and said sincerely.

"Grandpa Ye, if you say it, I will definitely do it." Lin Xing quickly agreed.

"Ahem... After I leave, can you help me take care of Xiaohai." Old man Ye looked at Lin Xing with pleading eyes.

"Don't worry, Ye Hai is my Little Brother. If I have a bite to eat, he will never go hungry. Besides, even if you don't tell me, I will take him into my home and stay with me for the rest of my life. "

Lin Xing's eyes were red. He didn't expect that Grandpa Ye's wish before he died was this. In fact, if Grandpa Ye didn't say it, Lin Xing would do the same. After spending more than 20 days together, Lin Xing has truly regarded Ye Hai as his own. family.

"Okay, okay, thank you. The old man has no chance to repay you in this life, so let's repay him in the next life." Old man Ye's hands were shaking when he saw Lin Xing's promise.

Because he knows that his grandson can live his life in the slums and suffer here, and he still hopes to become a high-ranking Practitioner and have the opportunity to attend a school in the city. Even if he dies, he will feel relieved.

"Grandpa..." I also heard that my grandfather was pleading before he died for himself, and he couldn't help but throw himself on Grandpa Ye and cry loudly.

"Okay, don't cry. Xiao Hai has grown up. It won't look good if he cries again." Grandpa Ye stroked Ye Hai's head kindly.

"Our Xiao Hai is going to become a Practitioner, and he is also the most powerful Practitioner. Don't cry." Grandpa Ye looked at Ye Hai with reluctance in his eyes.

Grandpa Ye held Lin Xing's hand tightly with one hand and put the other hand on Ye Hai's head. He slowly closed his eyes, with a smile on his lips, and walked peacefully. Ye Hai seemed to feel that his grandfather was already there. Leaving, crying even more sadly.

Lin Xing did not disturb Ye Hai because he knew that crying loudly was the best way to vent.

The next day, Lin Xing and Ye Hai buried his grandfather in a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. After Ye Hai knelt three times and kowtowed nine times in front of his grandfather's grave, he followed Lin Xing and left the place.

Lin Xing took Ye Hai to Practitioner's House first to sell the Demonic Beasts materials and Spirit Medicine harvested in more than 20 days, but the Vermillion Fruit Lin Star was not sold.

At the same time, he also purchased Martial Skills and soldiers for Ye Hai, as well as medicines used for training. Lin Xing stopped buying only when Ye Hai kept saying enough.

In Lin Xing's words, own Little Brother pampers himself.

When they returned home, their parents were a little surprised to see Lin Xing leading a 15 or 16 years old boy. However, after explaining Ye Hai's situation to their parents, they agreed with both hands.

Lin Xin decided to go to school tomorrow to send Ye Hai to the sophomore year of No. 3 Middle School.

Not only that, but Ye Hai's identity information will also be finalized tomorrow.

In the gentle company of her parents, Ye Hai gradually came out of that shadow and watched TV happily with her parents, and the family lived in harmony.





(≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)Thank you everyone for your support! Yeah ho... Yeah ho...

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