Martial To Pieces

Chapter 12: The Fisherman Gains

Every time he returns, he will take away the life of a coyote. When the coyote king discovers the situation here, it is already too late.

There was only one injured coyote left. This coyote had lost its front paws. It was probably the price paid for killing the female bear just now.

The Coyote King originally wanted to save his subordinates. If all his subordinates died, wouldn't he become a bare commander?

But he was entangled by the thick-earth bear and couldn't escape. The thick-earth bear also noticed the situation here and understood that it was this human who had avenged his companion.

At the same time, it also solves the worries for myself and no longer worries about being attacked in the back.

After Lin Xing eliminated the last coyote, the battle between the Houtu Bear and the Coyote King also entered its final intense state, with both sides attacking each other desperately.



The two sides collided again, stirring up bursts of smoke and dust. It was not until the smoke and dust dispersed that the final scene was seen.

The right paw of the thick earth bear penetrated straight into the brain of the coyote king, and the front paw of the coyote king penetrated hard into the chest of the thick earth bear.

Both sides fought for their lives at the last moment and wanted to kill the other until the last moment of their lives.

In the command room.

Everyone was silent as they watched the ending end like this.

Because everyone has an answer in their mind, including Lin Xing. Sometimes Demonic Beasts really value love and justice more than humans.

Lin Xing began to clean the battlefield and collect the loot. He had no choice but to be poor.

When collecting materials, Lin Xing suddenly became energetic and carefully dug out the Spiritual Herbs from the soil. At the same time, he did not forget to enter the thick soil bear cave to see if there was anything good, and he really found something.

"I went to o( ̄ヘ ̄o#), but I didn't expect that there was extract grass here."

Lin Xing looked at the three extract grasses in his hand, one of which was of high quality, and he felt very happy.

Seeing that the roots of the Extract Grass are still very fresh, I guess it was just picked by the Houtu Bear this morning, and he got a little advantage in the end.

Lin Xing thought to himself that with these three extract grasses, his physical strength could probably be improved.

Lin Xing plans to take Spiritual Herbs when he breaks through the Practitioner to break through the Practitioner barrier.

Other Spirit Medicines were also found in the cave, but none of them were top-grade. But think about it, Demonic Beasts, which didn’t even have top-grade Spirit Medicine, how could there be so many top-grade Spirit Medicines.

Is this normal? If it's too much, then it's abnormal. After sorting it out, Lin Xing left this place with his own backpack on his back because the smell of blood here was too strong.

Not long after Lin Xin left, a team of four people came here cautiously. When this team arrived, they were stunned by the scene.

Although several people have killed several Demonic Beasts, they are still nothing compared to the situation here.

Several people originally heard the howls and roars of wolves here, and also encountered many fleeing Demonic Beasts. Several people also gained a lot of points based on this.

However, several people still did not dare to approach the place where the wolf was howling. They did not slowly approach the place until the howling stopped, and they saw this scene.

The visually striking picture makes people feel a little nauseous.

"Wori, look at the body of the coyote king and the body of the thick soil bear."

The leading young man looked in the direction of one of the team members' fingers and his eyes widened.

The other two team members were also shocked. Although the materials on Demonic Beasts had been taken away, they could still tell that the bulk was there after all.

Captain Zhao Sen saw a hole over there and called his teammates to go check it out.

"There might be something good in a cave over there."

After a while, four people came out of the cave mouth cursing.

"Nothing at all"

"Oh, it was a waste of time"

Watching the sun set, several people decided to spend the night here.

Although the smell of blood here is very strong, almost all the Demonic Beasts in the surrounding area have escaped, so it is still very safe here.

The final beneficiary of this incident, Lin Xing, was in a steep cave in the southeast. The original owner of Shandong had become one of the many materials in Lin Xing's backpack.

At the same time, Lin Xing also scattered the feces he picked up in the thick soil bear cave around the entrance of the cave.

Because this can prevent other Demonic Beasts from being disturbed to a certain extent, the bright moonlight shines in from the entrance of the cave and shines on Lin Xing's body.

Naturally, Lin Xing would not give up such a good training environment. He took out a plant of body extract grass from his backpack and swallowed it in three mouthfuls, regardless of whether there was any soil on it.

As he swallowed it, his mouth was filled with a bitter taste, earthy taste, and even a hint of poop.

With the effect of Cultivation Technique, Lin Xing calmed down and started working on Cultivation Technique. The physical quality of Cultivation Technique is constantly improving under the influence of Cultivation Grass.

Similarly, the power of moon yin generated under the moonlight is also constantly tempering the body. Not only the strength of the body is improved, but also the bones are tempered to a certain extent.


During the process of bone refining, Lin Xing gasped in pain.

But the strong moony power in the surrounding air relieved the pain.

After the effect of the first extracting herb ended, Lin Xing took out the second extracting herb, and did not swallow the high-quality extracting herb until the end.

As the first rank herb extract is swallowed into the body, one can clearly feel the efficacy of the first rank herb extract, which far exceeds the combined efficacy of the first two herb extracts.

And it was even more powerful than before, as if there was a force rushing through his body, and the pain in his body at least doubled. Lin Xing gritted his teeth and kept running the Cultivation Technique.

One Universe, Two Universes…


With the slight sound, a barrier in his body seemed to be broken. The numbness of this breakthrough instantly spread throughout his body, making Lin Xing almost scream out.

This kind of physical sublimation directly affects the soul, and as the physical fitness increases, the strength of Cultivation Technique's absorption of Spiritual Qi in the air also accelerates a lot.

It wasn't until this feeling was completely over that Lin Xing reluctantly opened his eyes, exhaled a breath, stretched, stood up and stretched his muscles, making a snapping sound from his body.

Lin Xing feels that his current physical strength can beat his former self.

The surroundings were surprisingly quiet, and I felt like something was staring at me, looking outside.

Outside the cave entrance, pairs of green eyes appeared in front of him. Feeling the thin Spiritual Qi around him, Lin Xing suddenly understood.

It turns out that the richness of Spiritual Qi around me attracted these crawling practitioners in the night - shadow cats.

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