Martial To Pieces

Chapter 103 Soul Contract, Breakthrough Rank Four

From the original Rank Four early stage, Mental Energy has now reached the Rank Five middle stage, which can be said to have benefited a lot.

What Lin Xing didn't know was that during the process of his breakthrough, the black egg next to him also changed.

Cracks began to appear on the black egg, which should have reached the edge of hatching.

Suddenly, a black stream of light flew out of the egg, entered Lin Xing's body, and integrated with Lin Xing.


From the egg, a loud cry came out.

A black spiritual Qi in the shape of a bird flew into Lin Xing's eyebrows.

Anyone who knows will definitely recognize it. This is a soul contract.

It means that only certain beasts with high bloodline spirit can master this skill.

This is a true partner, a partner from life to death.

With the formation of the contract, Lin Xing felt that a shackle on his body was instantly broken. This was the result of the spirit beast's feedback.

In an instant, Lin Xing's Cultivation Base reached the peak of Rank Four early stage and truly entered the realm of mid-rank Practitioner.

Then, a powerful suction force emerged from the black egg, and the blood of the remaining Demonic Beasts around it, as well as the middle and low-level Demonic Beasts lying on the ground, all rushed to the top of the egg shell, connecting the three Rank Six Demonic Beasts. It was no exception, the blood on his body evaporated quickly and rushed to the top of the black egg.

A black Spiritual Qi constantly shuttles through the blood, making a squeaking sound, as if it is removing Impurities.

Finally, a ball of blood mixed with golden blood poured into the black eggshell and was completely absorbed.

"Peng Peng......"

The sound of the heartbeat keeps ringing in the egg. This is the most primitive sound and the essence of life.

Then, the black eggshell slowly dissipated and turned into the purest Spiritual Qi, which poured into the body of the conceived life-the black bird. Then, the black bird flapped its fleshy wings and lay down in Lin Xing's body. In his arms, he fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Xing, on the other hand, knew nothing about the outside world and was still immersed in lost cultivation.

At the same time, in a space in the starry sky, the surroundings were filled with black stretching mountains.

In the tallest mountain peak, a huge bird was sleeping with its eyes closed. It slowly opened its eyes and looked in the direction of the blue star with a pair of golden pupils.

"Clan's aura? Interesting little guy."

This is where the phoenixes live, and it is one of the forbidden areas in the starry sky. Although the total number of phoenixes is not large, their combat prowess ranks high among all the races in the starry sky.

Of course, what Lin Xing didn't know was that he and the little black bird next to him were being watched all the time.



As the Spiritual Qi in the body has reached a state of balance, the human heart slowly opens its eyes and stretches.

Although the breakthrough has ended, there is still a large amount of Spiritual Qi stored in the body, which is the Spiritual Qi stored in Yin & Yang Guo.

"Huh? What is this? Why is there an extra bird?" Lin Xing looked at the black bird lying in his arms and couldn't help but feel confused.

"Chirp chirp......"

The little black bird also opened a pair of golden pupils, chirped, and looked at Lin Xing.

"You are not the black egg, are you?" Lin Xing looked around, but did not find the previous black egg. Looking at the black bird again, he seemed to feel that something different had hatched from that egg. It must be this little black bird.

"Haha, little guy, I see you look like a briquette, so I'll give you a name. I'll hang out with you and make sure you enjoy the hot food." Lin Xing looked at the very cute black bird and opened it. own cheating method.

"Chirp, chirp..." The black bird tilted its head and chirped.

"Well, how about I call you Briquette from now on." Lin Xing thought for a moment and thought of a name that was very suitable for the black bird.

Lin Xing didn't care whether the black bird agreed or not, even if the briquettes were screaming, the black bird would jump up and down happily.

"Haha, let's go. We have to get out quickly." Lin Xing thought of something and picked up the briquettes.

Just as he was about to set off, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the corpses of all the Demonic Beasts on the ground. They seemed to have been drained of blood and were lying peacefully on the ground, as if they were skin and bones. Even the blood in the surrounding open space had dried up.

Looking at this strange result, Lin Xing was very confused, and there was even a flash of fear in his eyes. After all, the unknown thing is the most terrifying thing. You know what it is, sucking all the blood of these Demonic Beasts. .

If you encounter this kind of situation, wouldn't it be cool?

Of course, Lin Xing would not know that the culprit was the briquettes in his arms.

"You have to get out of here quickly, this is really weird." Lin Xing used Black Teeth to pick out all the valuable materials and Monster Cores from all the surrounding Demonic Beasts and put them into his own personal space.

Of course, we cannot let go of the three Rank Six Demonic Beasts.

Although these Demonic Beasts that have been drained of their blood cannot be eaten again, their valuable materials are not lost, and even the Monster Core is retained.

After quickly harvesting the materials, Lin Xing hugged the coal briquettes and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

I'm afraid that if I leave a little later, that ghost will come back again, and then I won't be able to leave even if I want to.

There is already a long queue at the exit of the secret realm of Dark Canyon.

Lin Xing was waiting in line at the back obediently. Now he was carrying a lot of materials with him. Even if he was investigated, Lin Xing was not afraid. After all, those materials were placed in his own personal space and not in the Interspatial Ring at all. Inside.

In addition, Master Own is the Blood Emperor - Xue Wuya. There are only a few people in Daxia who can touch him.

Time passed little by little.

Many Practitioners were already impatient and began to lose their temper.

"What happened? Why do we have to investigate one by one? Time is precious." A middle-aged Practitioner with a beard said angrily.

"Please cooperate well. As long as you enter the formation and check it out, you can leave. In the same way, you can also get a bottle of third rank training potion." A superior commander said to the Practitioners.

Other Practitioner leaders only have such a simple request, and they can also get a bottle of third rank practice potion, so why not.

After all, he is a bastard if he doesn't take advantage of it.

Then, with everyone proceeding in an orderly manner, the team began to become faster.

However, there was still no change in the formation, which made the captain and commander frown.

"Okay, next one." The soldier in front shouted.

When the soldier saw Lin Xing's young face, he was a little surprised, but then he started his own mission.

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