Martial To Pieces

Chapter 10 The Trial Is In Progress

In the command room

Lin Hu looked at the people on the screen and couldn't help but sigh.

A total of one hundred and ten people withdrew from the trial during the day yesterday, and even more at night, more than double the number of people who quit during the day.

It also further establishes that wilderness areas are often more dangerous in the evening than during the day.

At this time, people who got up early had already started looking for Demonic Beasts, and some were practicing, but Lin Xing surprised everyone in the command room.

In the picture, Lin Xing was roasting a whole rabbit and staring at it, as if he was afraid that the roasted rabbit would grow wings and fly in the blink of an eye.

"Uh~~, Lao Xu, Lin Xing from your school is quite special."

Liu Zhuang looked at Lin Xing who was roasting rabbit meat on the screen and said jokingly.

"Yeah, I'm getting hungry just looking at it."

Wang Qiang answered from the side. Xu Youwei looked at Lin Xing's actions on the screen and was speechless and didn't know what to say.

"Hey~, this little guy has quite a personality! He eats better than me."

At this time, the door of the command room suddenly opened and there was a casual voice. You didn't need to look to know who it was. Liu Yuejin was holding a bun in his left hand and soy milk in his right hand, very casually.

"Hey~, okay."

After a long wait, the Lightning Rabbit meat has been roasted until it is golden brown and oily.

"Hiss~, so hot, so hot."

Lin Xing held it in both hands and took a big bite with his mouth. It was so hot that Lin Xing breathed out.

But the smell of barbecue deeply stimulated Lin Xing's taste buds, and he unknowingly speeded up his eating.

After a while, there was only a pile of bones left, and Lin Xing patted his belly apologetically.

"Uh~, why does this kid eat so deliciously? The buns in his hands seem to have no taste at all."

Liu Yuejin looked at Lin Xing on the screen, who was picking his teeth with a small wooden stick he found somewhere, and then looked at the bun in his hand, feeling puzzled.

"Yeah, I want to eat it just looking at it."

Liu Zhuang's mouth almost watered as he watched Lin Xing eating so deliciously.

Lin Xing then cleaned up the mess, packed up his things, and started today's hunting.

Walking into the forest, although the inside is more dangerous than the outside, risks and opportunities often coexist.

Little did he know that there was a pair of wild eyes staring at Lin Xing in the dark.

When the leaves rustle in the breeze, what the breeze brings is not the fragrance of flowers from nature, but the air with a faint smell of blood.


Lin Xing smelled the smell mixed in the air and frowned slightly. Although the smell of blood was much masked by the smell of nature in the forest, it was still smelled by Lin Xing's nose.

There is no way, who makes Lin Xing very sensitive to smell? He is born with it, you will not envy him.

Lin Xing moved in the direction of the wind, and with the rapid movement of his steps, the smell of blood in the air became heavier and heavier.

At this time, Lin Xing stopped because he saw the culprit.

Not far away, a spotted tiger was tearing into today's breakfast, and a tusked pig that seemed to have just died had its blood staining the grass red.

Lin Xing looked at the spotted tiger, only the Cultivation Base that was quasi-Practitioner late stage.

Without saying a word, he rushed towards the spotted tiger with his sword in hand. The spotted tiger did not expect that something would suddenly jump out of the bushes.

I thought it was one of the Demonic Beasts seeking death, coming to snatch my own food, but unexpectedly it was a human.

The piebald tiger thought to himself that a weak human would dare to disturb Uncle Tiger from eating breakfast.

But the piebald tiger still stood in front of the fanged pig carcass, staring at Lin Xing with a pair of cold eyes, as if Lin Xing would be killed by its claws if he made any small move.

Lin Xing looked at the movements of the piebald tiger and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The basic footwork of the Returned to Origin level shows amazing explosive power. The sword in his hand is swept out, and the Great Completion's "Breeze Saber Technique" is waved, which is known as the breeze sweeping away fallen leaves.

The piebald tiger here noticed Lin Xing's movement and immediately rushed towards Lin Xinghu, but Lin Xing dodged it.

But Lin Xing's knife left a deep mark on the spotted tiger's back.


The spotted tiger roared in pain and whipped its tail towards Lin Xing like an iron whip.

At this time, the spotted tiger only felt a cold light flash in front of his eyes. The spotted tiger's pupils contracted, and with a crack, a knife was inserted straight from the eye into the spotted tiger's brain, and he died on the spot.

In front of the sword, the spotted tiger's head was like tofu.

With a "Bang~~~~~~~" sound, the body of the spotted tiger fell to the ground.


Lin Xing really wanted to shave his own ears. Why should he be so cool when he turned such a good tiger skin into such a bear-like shape?

Now, the price of this tiger skin has been greatly reduced, and it is not even worth a few bucks.

"Oh! Why is this thing so easy to cut?" Lin Xing muttered quietly while collecting valuable materials from the spotted tiger.

If the piebald tiger knew that Lin Xing not only collected materials from him, but also looked disgusted, he would probably get up from the ground and fight Lin Xing for 300 rounds.

One detail is that Lin Xing was collecting materials for the spotted tiger, but he did not put down the sword in his hand.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the bushes behind Lin Xing. Lin Xing seemed to have known about it for a long time.

He dodged with a backflip, and then performed a gorgeous flying kick in mid-air.


The black figure was kicked away by Lin Xing and hit the tree trunk with a dull sound.

"Little Leopard, as for your sneak attack on technology, you should practice it in your next life."

That's right, the one who attacked Lin Xing was a shadow leopard.

The Shadow Leopard seemed to hear the disdain in Lin Xing's words. He shook his dazed head, exposed his sharp fangs, and ran toward Lin Xing with vigorous steps.

Looking at his eyes, he seemed to want to bite the human in front of him to death to wash away the shame just now.

But reality gave Shadow Leopard a loud mouth.

There was a flash of silver light, and in a trance, the Shadow Leopard seemed to see his body. Perhaps the Shadow Leopard himself did not expect that at that moment, his head and body would separate.

There was cheers in the command room.

"Fuck you, the sword force, it's Xiaocheng's sword force that's fighting back."

Liu Zhuang cursed when he saw Lin Xing's gorgeous sword kill on the screen.

"Genius, definitely a genius."

Wang Qiang was also surprised in his heart. Xu Youwei's mouth was so happy that he never closed it, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the base of his ears.

There is no way, such a talented and hard-working talented student has a lot of achievements, who will be unhappy if he is let go.

Lin Hu was also surprised in his heart. He thought that Lin Xing could only master some of the skills of the sword, but it turned out to be a surprise for everyone. He was an absolute genius in this base city, even in large bases. A common genius.

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