Martial Sage

Chapter 1261

Chapter 1261: Sit And Watch The Situation

The words were extremely heroic, and after listening to the old Qian’s effort to wash the prince’s horse cupped hands, the Tang family cared very much about this kind of friendship.

“Uncle Cheng, I have said that the land deed in your hands is a huge sum of money. We can’t make all of this money, nor can we make it. Most of the land in a big city has become ours. It is not suitable. Choose a better one. You stay here, and the rest will be returned to the government. You have already made the government lose a lot of money. You can’t be greedy.”

Everyone was stunned by Tang Hao’s words, and they didn’t know what they meant. After looking at each other, the old Qian knows his general’s temperament best, and asked the general in a low voice, “You said that if you don’t lose money, you can make a lot of money. Then the water pirates in the lake are all fake, there are not as many as 50,000 people? ”

Seeing the old Qian’s question, the other housekeepers even held their breath, wanting to learn from the general that this was a trap of him.

For two days, watching the silver coins flow out from the hands, it was really distressed.

“That’s right, there are more than 56,000 people in the water pirates, and they are still growing.” Tang Hao put down the tea bowl in his hand and said nonchalantly.

This sentence made them decadent all at once. He and the local merchants had the same opinion that the court would definitely win, but the war in Yuezhou would be over. If you don’t catch them all on the lake, it’s up to the sky. , This city cannot be built.

It’s all a piece of white ground, how can there be a new city?

“Uncle Cheng, do you know where your boss Cheng Feng has gone?” Tang Hao lowered his voice and asked the old housekeeper Cheng.

“Well, the old serf… I really don’t know. He is your majesty. The old slave never asks what he wants to do. You know, you can’t affect his future because of this.”

The old housekeeper, as long as he mentions his boss, he becomes like Maitreya Buddha. The most prosperous child in this family did not rely on the help of the Cheng family and the Tang family. He was admitted to the academy. After graduation, he didn’t know what his majesty sent to do. .

I don’t see each other once a year.

“You don’t know, I know. Now Cheng Feng is the master of the third village of the water thief Zuoshao. Commanding three thousand water thief is preparing to fight with me. Qin Zhan of the Qin family is the master of the sixth village, Yuchi There is also a village owner at home.”

Oh my God, all murderous characters. Several housekeepers trembled when they heard it, and the first thing to understand was the old money.

“General, the old slave has never seen Kitty come out. Is he also the leader of the water pirate?”

Shan Ying is the most suitable robber in the family. Da Ya’er hasn’t seen him even after giving birth. There is only one possibility.

“Yeah, he went to the thieves camp to supply Liu Fang, the biggest leader of the water thieves, as an escort, and he couldn’t come back for a while.”

“General, do you mean that the head of the water pirate is Mr. Liu Fang? So, the water pirate belongs to our family.” The old Qian was shocked, and Tang Hao sent these people impatiently and ordered Wu Tong to take them all. Shut on the navy ship.

Take good care of the delicious and delicious food, and then release it after the war. Han Che kept listening to the spies’ report. When he heard that the merchants had all returned the contracts in their hands, Tang Hao. There was finally a smile on his face.

The fiasco of the last time left him with no confidence to face Tang Hao for a long time. Now he can, and finally he can fight Tang Hao face to face to see who is the real hero.

Tang Hao’s source can only be traced back to the Great Wasteland in Longyou. If that wasteland has nothing to do with Bai Yujing, Han Che would not believe it.

Originally, just waiting for Bai Yujing’s people to clean up the door by themselves. Unexpectedly, after waiting for almost ten years, Bai Yujing seems to have forgotten this person. Han Che believes that being a family of heroes will naturally help Bai Yujing correct his mistakes. mission.

Don’t stop Tang Hao from being obsessed, let’s go back to the reclusive place of own and continue to watch the changes in the world, watch the time, let the ants kill each other, Han Che is very willing to bet with General Zhen Guo.

Wasn’t it a thousand times stronger to bet on the rise and fall of a dynasty than to go out in person?

Standing on the edge of the cliff, watching one after another ship out of the water village, Han Che’s heart was filled with pride. He didn’t know how long it would take Tang Hao to kill all of these people.

In the innermost part of the water village, a magnificent ship sailed out, covered with white silk, with a gold corpse sitting in the middle.

An angry face, snarled at Bai Sensen’s teeth, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat, his two hands were stacked on his knees, and his left hand was missing two fingers. Bai Sensen’s phalanx could be clearly seen at the broken stubble. This is Han Che A gift specially given to Tang Hao.

Liu Fang suggested to Han Zhe in a low voice: “Young Master, we must have some people entangled in the Lingnan water lion, so as to give the elite brothers some time to break through the Yuezhou city.”

Mr. Han Da also suggested: “The old farmer has inquired that Tang Hao’s Lingnan water lion is among the champions of a hundred battle lions. It was invincible in the first battle in Liaodong. The land of the South China Sea and the East China Sea is their backyard territory, which is a real hero. We want to win and complete Young Master’s plan. It is impossible without the necessary sacrifices.”

This is not a battle with victory as the goal. Han Che can only demand the destruction of Yuezhou City and the destruction of Tang Hao’s construction achievements for more than half a year.

Victory, this kind of thing is dispensable in Han Che’s eyes.

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