Martial Gods

Chapter 215 Xiao Chen will definitely lose!

Xiao Chen's spiritual pressure was instantly elevated to the sixth level of spiritual master.

And because of the increase in physique, his overall strength is comparable to the eighth level of the spiritual master in his peak state.

The two are already ready to go.

No reservations.

in the auditorium.

Manager Liu of the Cangxuanyu Chamber of Commerce was staring at Luo Hao seriously.

"His physique is the Moke Poison Curse Body ranked 41 in the top 100 systems, and it can probably increase Luo Hao's strength by one level or more."

"In addition, I have heard about his kind of Dharma body very early."

"It should be called the Thousand-faced Crazy Spider Body, a very special all-around Dharma body, regardless of attack, defense, speed, or support, it has a very bright place!"

Manager Liu's gaze shifted from Luo Hao to Xiao Chen.

The expression that had been tense, relaxed slightly.

"Of course, Xiao Chen's physique, although I don't know what kind of physique it is, can increase his strength in the double realm, but it is enough to show that the physique is stronger than the Moke Poison Curse Body."

"The Anti-Sky Demon Ape Dharma Body is also an almighty Dharma Body."

"Just talking about means, Xiao Chen is indeed better than that Luo Hao, but in a comprehensive judgment, Luo Hao is definitely better. I really don't know, what kind of trump card can Xiao Chen come up with to turn the situation around..."

"Hoho, I'm looking forward to it more and more."

Wu Ning pouted.

Nothing was said.

The mood is very complicated.

She hoped that Luo Hao could crush Xiao Chen well, and she didn't want Xiao Chen to die in Luo Hao's hands, because once that happened, once the meteoric fire in her body erupted, she would have to 'accompany Xiao Chen' together!

"Forget it, presumably that Xue Changge and the inner sect elders of the Poison Sect would definitely not watch Luo Hao kill Xiao Chen. Even if they really didn't make a move, Manager Liu would definitely not ignore it."

Steward Liu's love for Xiao Chen has reached a level that is close to a 'magic stun'. Thinking about it, whoever dares to hurt Xiao Chen, he dares to throw away his identity as the steward of the chamber of commerce.

On the martial arts stage.

Luo Hao, who was in the center of the huge Dharma body, was looking at Xiao Chen with his arms around him.

With a cold smile, he said, "Is this all your means? If you deal with me the same way you deal with other people, you should get off the stage as soon as possible."

"With this level of strength, it's not even worthy to lift my shoes!"

"Bone palm!"

Luo Hao didn't want to talk nonsense with Xiao Chen anymore, so he launched an attack directly.

He displayed a four-star martial art called Bone Palm.

This martial skill is obviously on a par with Lei Shi's 10,000 zhang thunderbolt. Although the name is unremarkable, in the hands of Luo Hao, who is in the ninth level of spiritual masters, it exerts even more terrifying power.

Spiritual energy shot out from Luo Hao's palm, and the dharma body that synchronized with his movements also waved six spider blades in unison, directly increasing the power to a stronger level.

I saw that the spiritual energy and the physique energy condensed into a huge palm like a bone, which was more than ten feet huge, and pressed against Xiao Chen and his dharma body.

The huge bone-shaped palm print, but halfway through the path, suddenly half-held, as if to blow Xiao Chen's dharma body away and crush him.

Xiao Chen was not to be outdone.

It is also the third seal of the Great Wilderness Seal.

Although this kind of martial arts can no longer match his current strength, Xiao Chen also understands that now is not the time to use the Buddha Locking Heaven Finger, because Luo Hao is not serious at all.


The first time he used the Buddha Locking Heaven Finger, he had to waste a little time. Xiao Chen had to make sure that he performed it smoothly and that he could use his martial skills to their effect.


The first stage is to stalemate with Luo Hao!

Until you are ready!

"Boom, boom!"

Two completely different martial arts collided.

In the space of the formation, the air flow frantically overflowed, and every spiritual pressure shot out, like a sharp scraper, tearing at Xiao Chen and Luo Hao's dharma bodies.

"Okay... so intense!" Xue Xianruo said in shock.

Mo Kan Xiao Chen had already cast the Sky Mark once during the fight against Lei Shi, but compared with the Sky Mark that he displayed this time, the difference was still very obvious.

"Boom boom boom!"


The bone claw and the print are in a frantic confrontation, and they make a special sound.

But it was only stalemate for five or six breaths of time.

Without waiting for everyone to speak loudly, Xiao Chen's imprint of the sky was suppressed by the bone claws, the momentum of the martial arts became smaller and smaller, and the aura above it became weaker and weaker.

The first elder narrowed his pupils and muttered: "Not good, bad, if Xiao Chen really has no other cards, relying only on this kind of martial arts, he will definitely be defeated by Luo Hao!"

"Also, this is only half of Luo Hao's strength, and there are other hidden martial arts that have not been displayed. Otherwise, it will only take a moment to make Xiao Chen disappear!"

"Looking at this, Luo Hao no longer needs to continue to use martial arts."


"After all, Luo Hao is my proud disciple and the face of our Poison Sect's disciples. He deserves the first place. If even a Xiao Chen can't be suppressed, he won't be laughed at if he spreads it out?"

"Then Xiao Chen, it is quite rare to be able to reach this stage!"

"I have to admit that as long as he is given enough time, it will not be a problem to surpass Luo Hao. Unfortunately, the grand ceremony is today, and there is no so-called 'if'."

"It's also good to give him a little setback. Xiao Chen is indeed a little too crazy. Only after a few blows can he understand what it means to be outside the sky and there are people outside."

Seeing Xiao Chen being suppressed, Xue Changge showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"As expected of Luo Hao."

"Just suppress him like this and let Xiao Chen be defeated by you. In this way, I can obtain his secrets, which is of great benefit to me and the Poison Sect!"

As long as Luo Hao didn't kill Xiao Chen, Xue Changge and the elder of the inner door would remain calm.

On the martial arts stage.

Luo Hao hummed.

"That's it!"

"Crack, click!"

On the mark of the sky, several cracks suddenly appeared.

Moreover, the cracking sound is getting louder and louder, and the number of times is increasing. Everyone can already see through the physical body that the cracks are covered with martial arts, and they are afraid that they are about to shatter into light spots.


With a loud bang!

Xiao Chen's martial arts completely collapsed!

The light spot in the sky was swallowed up by the bone claws in an instant.

His Dharma body met Luo Hao's martial arts head-on!


The Anti-Sky Demon Ape Dharma Body, which was hit in the chest, roared like a real Anti-Sky Demon Ape, although it was not a sound made out of pain.

"Crack, click!"

Xiao Chen's dharma body, although it is an almighty dharma body, is also very dazzling in terms of defense, but after all, it can't withstand the attack of martial arts.

At this moment.

Lu Ying, Xue Xianruo, Steward Liu and others couldn't sit still.

Because if it continues, Xiao Chen will definitely lose!

"What the hell is the sword master thinking, is it...Is there really no way..."

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