Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 340: Icelandic guardian

The huge breath was released from the blood of the Shinto. When this power began to spread and diffuse as he continued to rise, the eyes of the Emperor and the God of the Emperor had subtle changes.

At this point, they all know that they really looked down on this embarrassment. It turns out that this cockroach has hidden so well that even they can't see through it.

He Yiming’s heart is secretly funny. This relic of the eyebrows is not the general sacred relic, but the real Shinto relic. With the existence of this Shinto relic, even his master can not fully understand the embarrassment, let alone other people.

Although the emperor's release is the peak of humanity, although the **** operator is the first **** in the world, but after encountering something related to Shinto, it is still the same powerless.

This is the Shinto, the power of the "God."

Slowly raised his arms, the air in the entire earth seems to have suddenly stopped for a moment, and even everyone's breathing began to become difficult.

In addition to He Yiming, the rest of the people are in a state of sorrow, although they have already known in advance what power Shendi coagulation will release, but in this s1, they still can not help but be a little scared. No matter whether it is powerful, such as the emperor's release of the heavens, or the artemisia that once saw the power of Shinto, there is no exception.

"Call one by one, one and one one"

It was as if a huge gust of wind whizzed past, and the whole sky suddenly became frantic.

The Shinto coagulation is like an exhaust fan with unparalleled power, which draws the entire desert air, causing a huge change in the world.

The endless power of the heavens and the earth is surging in the madness of the cosmic people, just for a moment, the power of the heavens and the earth in the radius of a hundred miles has been taken away by him.

This time, even He Yiming’s face became a bit unnatural.

Because he is now, this coagulation person seems to have a more proficient and powerful trend when he uses the power of the world.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, the power of the heavens and the earth absorbed and released by the Shinto coagulation is so powerful that there is no such thing as a strong or weak point. However, He Yiming, who has the same power, can clearly feel that Shendi's coagulation people have indeed changed slightly in the power and application of the world.

As if he is constantly summing up his experience, he relies on a strong battle instinct to make appropriate improvements.

This requires powerful wisdom. It is definitely not a matter of knowing what you can do.

A long sigh, He Yiming's heart is in contradiction, anyone who has such a helper will feel very happy. However, when this helper grew beyond his prep, and there was a feeling of detachment, it was not so good.

Just as He Yiming’s heart was lingering, the arm of the Shinto coagulation had been drawn from top to bottom.

The vastness of the heavens and the earth is manifested in this moment, and the incomparable tremendous pressure is falling from the sky, almost waiting for people to squash on the spot.

Among them, Deng Yuying and Ai Wenbin, who were the lowest among them, couldn’t help but tremble their legs. The pressure of the more humane realm was not directed at him, but it also gave them a feeling of being like a year.

The sky lit up with a thick light, so in front of everyone in the straight strokes of the past.

All the sand that touched this light disappeared in an instant, and in front of them, there was a huge trench that was more than three feet wide.

This trench begins in a place where their sights are hard to reach, and in the other direction, it also ends where their sights are hard to reach.

Standing in front of this trench, only one person will have a sense of inferiority.

This is the power of God, the absolute power of the gods, far beyond what humanity can imagine.

Shendao coagulation people slowly landed, he stood far away, and did not come over, and He Yiming certainly can not call this guy who just showed the ability to spike any master.

Deeply swallowing his head, the emperor said, "Yeah, good and powerful."

There is an indescribable feeling of emotion and envy in his sentence, just looking at his sparkling eyes, He Yiming suddenly has a strange feeling. The lord of the Tianchi dynasty seems to be ambitious for the promotion of Shinto.

He Yiming smiled humbly and said: "The emperor has won the prize."

The emperor released his hand and said: "He brothers, the old man is just telling the truth." He sighed and said: "This trip to Iceland in northern Xinjiang, with this help, we can get more grasped. One point."

He Yiming, the olives, finally flashed a glimmer of color.

He originally thought that the emperor had released the heavens in order to watch the power of the heavens and the earth, but at the moment he really understood that the guy had already hit his mind.

However, He Yiming does not have any intention to lend him out. This embarrassment with the power of Shinto can only obey the orders of one person.

The brow emblem made a wrinkle, He Yiming said: "I don't know how this 傀儡 has anything to do with the millennium."

The emperor's release of the sky has slowly calmed down, so that he can wake up from the power of heaven and earth so quickly, and imagine how powerful the power of this powerful human being has reached.

"He brothers, you should know why our old guys went to the Ice Palace this time.

He Yiming made a heavy glance and gave him a deep glimpse. He said, "Thank you, Master."

Yuan Lixun is his wife, and these humanistic peaks are hard-working to help her advance to the realm of the five-powered people. He Yiming is certainly grateful. Of course, if there is danger in guiding the artifact ice mirror in the future, then He Yiming will never be grateful.

The emperor Shi Tian gave a slight hand, and he said: "He brothers don't need to be polite, we are also helpless in doing so, but it is mutual benefit."

He Yiming deeply nodded his head, and the emperor explained that he did not make a mistake. If it was not for the millennium, it was not the only hope for this promotion. Then there is something that can be done in this world to allow these six human peaks and a top sacred beast to work together to protect a person who is not yet born.

After a moment of indulgence, the emperor released the day: "Every time the Millennium Iceland appears, there is the guardian of the ice mirror. But in addition, Iceland itself has a strong protective force. According to ancient records, these forces It is increasing year by year, and it is getting thicker and thicker. If it is the first millennium, as long as two or three human peaks and nine heavens join hands, it can open a way. But after five thousand years of precipitation, the island’s protective power is strong. It has reached an incredible state."

He Yiming’s face is arrogant. It seems that although Zibo Rui and Zizi did not deceive themselves, they did not know everything they knew. At least, they knew nothing about these things.

"So, you are not sure that you can enter Iceland?" He Yiming asked quietly.

The emperor released a bitter smile and said: "In the past five thousand years, except for the first time that Iceland has emerged, the generations of the humane peaks have been caught off guard. Every other occurrence will cause great sensation and let all humanity in the world. At the peak, they put down their grievances and dealt with Iceland. But in those few times, no one has been able to achieve ultimate success.” When he said this, he shook his head slightly and said: “There is, after all, the wealth that is reserved for the people in Shinto. No one in the humanitarian world dares to say that he can definitely open it."

He Yiming glanced down in the direction of the Shinto coagulation person. He considered it for a moment and said seriously: "I understand, you are treating this as a Shinto."

He finally understood why the ancestors of the ancestors were willing to send out the name of "the world's first". What he valued was not his own strength, but the power of the heavens and the earth.

If it is under normal circumstances, once the Shinto coagulation person releases the prestige of the heavens and the earth, it is indeed not the strongman of the humane realm that can resist it.

Unless someone has the treasure like the Crown of Light, it is impossible to catch this thunder with no harm.

The emperor’s release was not sensational. He took a long breath and said: “We have a few old guys who have helped the Yuan girl to advance to the great lord. Once Yuan’s girl progresses smoothly, we will inform Jimo. Fan Li and the two powerful powers of the West, everyone will work together to open the channel of Iceland. But what I did not expect is that after we successfully cleared the customs, you actually killed the two Western nine heavens. He shook his head and said: "There are two big nine-day We have a lot less grasp of our smooth entry, but fortunately..." His face gradually showed a hint of joy. Smile, said: "You are not only successful in the advancement of the nine-fold, but also have such a paradise comparable to the realm of the Shinto, this is God bless, so that we can smoothly enter Iceland."

He Yiming smiled, his heart was more and more curious, and there was a mood that could not wait.

After he had mastered a certain degree of heaven and earth in his own way, he even wanted to climb a higher realm.

This feeling is unstoppable with the familiarity of the world.

After a long time, he finally calmed down and asked: "If you can open the Icelandic passage and enter it, will you be able to advance to Shinto?"

The emperor hesitated for a long time and said: "I don't know, and no one can know the answer. But I can tell you that this will be the only chance we can enter the Shinto."

He Yiming suddenly fell down. Although this answer was already in his expectation, he still could not help but raise a lot of troubles.

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