Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 274: Peak of the peak

Yi Ming’s face and smile are suddenly a smile for the family, dish! "Zhuang Xiong said with a smile, although He Mou has a slight income, but it is still far from Jiuzhongtian.

Where is it possible to step into the sky. ”

Zhuang Mu Nan Wei Wei, he indulged for a moment.

Road: "He brother, you can feel the martial arts under the volcano, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big empire, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred Jiuzhongtian is the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts, Kunming, the night of the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment The Zhouhuang people have reached the power of fire?" He Yiming nodded his head without hesitation, and this did not need to be concealed at all, because when he absorbed a lot of power of fire, the five-powered sage should have a hint of vagueness. The induction is correct.

The more strange the face of Zhuang Munan’s face, he said: “Since the brother has successfully sensed the power of fire, can’t he absorb it?” He Yiming smiled dumbly, saying: Although the younger brother is not, but Still barely absorbed a little. ”

He added a sentence in his heart. I not only absorbed the power of fire here, but also absorbed the power of the earth and the power of the wood of the heavens.

But this is what I think in my heart.

If you say it, it may not be a good thing.

Zhuang Munan’s hands were shot, and said: “Since he has already realized and absorbed the power of fire.

Haven't you reached the nine heavens yet? He Yiming indulged, his brows were slightly wrinkled, since he was promoted to the five-powered sage.

I have already read the books about the nine heavens.

Although there is no specific method for how to cultivate the nine heavens in all the books, it is detailed in how to meet the requirements of this realm.

In the thoughts.

And succeeded in the light of the five squadrons besides the sacred gods.

The cultivation of the five sages will reach the realm of Hengfeng.

At that time, if all the light of the gods could be smelted into one, it would be able to release more powerful powers.

This power is the most powerful force under the Shinto.

The first line is the base, the three flowers are gathered, the five gas is the Yuan, and the ninety-nine is one.

Only when all the power comes together.

It is the true peak of humanity.

If the strongman of this level can go further, he can knock open the door to Shinto.

Become a non-human being with the power of the gods.

He Yiming’s martial arts repair is a good one.

And has successfully succeeded in the three gods.

But this is already the limit he can reach now.

If you have not seen the five elements of reincarnation cheats.

With a new sentiment about the power of the Five Elements, he was afraid that even the second sword of the Aurora could not be successfully polished.

It is even more an accident to be able to illuminate the mysterious tortoise shell. If there is no mysterious rune power within the five-line ring, then He Yiming is also helpless with this protective force.

He Yiming just hesitated, and immediately said: "Zhuang brother, it does not contradict each other, even if the younger brother is counted in the life of the gods, but only the three gods of the Guanghua, only a total of six soldiers The difference is very far."

Zhuang Munan looked at him in a strange look, after a while.

He laughed and said: "He brother, before the gods of thousands of years have not disappeared, I want to be promoted to the peak of humanity. I really need to vibrate the six soldiers.

And in the end, all the gods can be condensed into one.

Otherwise, it will not be able to reach the nine-day realm of humanity.

However, since the disappearance of the Shinto, the power of the heavens and the earth has been greatly weakened. If we continue to practice according to this method, it may not be rare to be able to vibrate the six gods, but it will eventually be smelt into one, that is, even rare, even It is going to be extinct. ”

He Yiming's eyebrows are slightly raised, and his martial arts training is very close to the peak of humanity. After listening to this sentence, he instantly figured out the reason.

Although human beings can have a longer life span with the improvement of martial arts, if compared with those sacred beasts, this life is still a small one, which is far from the same.

In the case of a large loss of gas in the world.

Human cultivators are far more affected than those who are long and vital.

If you still have to practice step by step, after the body gathers enough gas in the world to condense the light of the six gods into one, then you can reach the strongest peak, fearing that there is no one.

In the heart of a turn, He Yiming Shen Sheng: "Zhuang brother.

How are they practicing now? Zhuang Munan said with awe: "The master of this gate once said that in this year's generation, if you want to reach the peak of humanity, you must poison and understand the power of God."

Although it is even more difficult than to slowly accumulate power, it is much more difficult to vibrate the six soldiers.

However, once successful, you can step into the sky and directly enter the top of the humane peak. He Yiming’s face is slightly changed. In his body, he already has three different powers of God, but now his strength is Still staying in place, although the amount and power of infuriating is far more powerful than the original five-powered sage, but the power of these three gods has never brought him quality. Variety.

In the face of the real human peaks such as Franklin, he is still a bunch of hands, only to escape.

"Zhuang brother, just understand the power of God.

Will you be able to set foot on the Nine Heavens? He Yiming asked one word at a time.

This thing is really too good for him to ask for a book (anti-muscle), female; even if it is clear that the other party can not lie to bully him.

He Ming also had a question about the bottom of the bait.

Zhuang Mu'nan's face was dull, but he immediately remembered He Yiming, but he was the great benefactor for the release of Liuli Island. This big man is here.

In any case, it is not suitable for people to look at.

"He brother, the Sovereign Master once left a cultivation experience, and there is a detailed description of how to realize the power of fire. If you are interested, you will see how the old man walks."

He Yiming suddenly overjoyed and looked at him deeply. He said: "Thank you for your brother-in-law" is just doing this, and it is necessary to make Zhuang brother embarrassed. ”

Zhuang Munan smiled and said: "In fact, this cultivation experience has long been in the hands of the old man, but it is a pity that the old man can not take the inch in the past 100 years. It can be seen that the strength of the old man and the **** is really not good. ""

He shook his head and suddenly said: "He brother, the Sovereign Master once said in the past when he gave a book. It is also a trick to try to attack the environment of the Nine Heavens in this way. If it is possible, it is best. It’s still steady and steady, and it’s good to go step by step.”

He Yiming smiled at him with a smile, saying: "Thank you for your brother-in-law, the younger brother will understand."

Zhuang Munan nodded slightly, and he turned around with He Yiming.

But for a moment, they have returned to the glazed hole.

At this time, all the strong people waited outside the cave. Although Liuli Island did not invite these new entrants to intervene, they were also embarrassed to stand by in the cave.

Once there is a crisis on the glazed island, they still have to help.

After Zhuang Munan came down, the news of the retreat of the sea monsters was immediately passed out, which suddenly caused a sensation.

Of course everyone understands.

What can do this is definitely to follow him behind Zhuang Mu'nan, who is not happy with He Yiming. It is a bit more admirable in looking at his eyes.

At this time, all the thoughts of He Yiming were attracted by the cultivation experience, and the people were perfunctory and immediately entered the hole with Zhuang Munan.

In a small cave room with simple decoration but unusual comfort, Zhuang Munan carefully took a book.

When He Yiming opened the book, he couldn't help but sneak a glimpse. This book is obviously a new transcript, and there is no such thing as a hundred years.

It seems that I saw the doubts in his heart. Zhuang Munan smiled and said: "He brother, every other year, the old man will re-copy the book again, and want to know something from it, but unfortunately, every time It’s coming from happiness.

There has never been progress since the return of the feathers. ”

He Yiming was relieved, and he nodded to him, so he opened the book and slowly watched it.

This is the cultivation experience of a true nine-day master. For He Yiming at the moment, it is absolutely priceless.

Zhuang Munan slowly got up and quietly retired, no longer affecting He Yiming's process.

Gradually, He Yiming's face began to change slightly, and in his face, sometimes flashed a trace of sorrow, sometimes fluttering a trace of doubt.

These two very different expressions kept on his face, leaving his heart full of unpredictable taste.

After a long time, He Yiming finally closed the book, and he took a long breath, and there was a hint of laughter in his heart.

This book really records a similar method. Once you understand the power of God, you can smelt all the light of the gods into one.

Utilizing the power of the power of God, you will be on the throne of the top humanity peak.

However, the success rate of wanting to absorb the power of God is extremely low, and according to the book, before the light of the six sacred soldiers, it is basically not a good thing to want to understand the power of absorbing God.

At this point, He Yiming can understand that the reason why the **** operator and Hao Hao did not remind him.

It is estimated that before he succeeded in vibrating the six soldiers.

They absolutely have to cover up the matter and they will not give themselves an opportunity to understand.

It is true that knows that there is still a shortcut.

Even with the strength of He Yiming at the moment, there is some temptation to move, and it is impossible to calm down the heart.

The reason why Zhuang Munan will tell the truth is because he saw the horror scene on the shore.

I thought that this was the result of self-understanding of the power of God and the result of joining forces with the White Horse Thunderbolt after the Nine Heavens.

Moreover, in the mouth of He Yiming, Zhuang Munan has already got the news that he successfully absorbed the power of fire.

So he will tell himself about this content without any fear.

If this is not the case, the singer of the great sage will certainly not tell the truth before he has not vibrated the six sacred soldiers.

Gently concealed this cultivation experience.

He Yiming’s eyes flashed in his eyes, recalling every sentence he said above in his mind, and from his body, he also made a sacred power of fire.

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