Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 45: Life and death battlefield

After three days, everyone gathered together, and with the three old masters, they finally went to the depths of the mountains in Tianchi.

Among the new sages who have gone to the life and death circles in the past, this time is undoubtedly one of the most holy times.

Because of the ghost crying ridge, basically all the new sages have appeared in the localities. Although the northern Xinjiang has changed its life, it has been sent to people who feel that it is quite regrettable, but at this time everyone’s emotions are still Extremely high.

The border of life and death is hidden in the endless mountains that traverse the entire northwest.

According to the old sages such as Ai Wenbin, this place forms a huge equilateral triangle with the main dye of the Tianchi main peak and the deep mountain totem.

It is precisely because of this reason that after the establishment of Tianchi Yimai, Bai has always had an inexhaustible resentment with the deep mountain totem.

With the footsteps of everyone, nature is as fast as flying.

Just two days later, they came to the legendary life and death world.

Here, it is a huge canyon, which is empty and within a few square meters. There is nothing more than weeds.

In front of them, the place where the boundaries of life and death are hidden, is a mountain covered by a huge virgin forest. At first glance, the dense trees cover the sky, seemingly like the sea, always looking Not at the end.

This s1, standing in the open space of He Yiming and other people's eyes between the eyes, but can not help but change the face of the emblem.

I don't know why, in the air here seems to be filled with a gloomy ghost that can't be seen.

Especially for those who have once entered the ghosts and crying ridges, the more they have the personal feelings of the martial arts, the sacred kings, the sacred kings, the night sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment of the big week. The royal family will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night gods The throne seeks the devil to be proud of the world's most powerful and abandon the big Zhou Dynasty.

The Golden Campaign sighed for a long time and said: "The name of the battlefield of life and death, now seen, it really is a well-deserved reputation."

Countless sighs came from everyone's mouth, and everyone's faces were very incomparable. Even the few watches that were usually open on weekdays were flat on the face, and the look on their faces was very dignified.

He Yiming was too curious in his heart, whispering at the side of the Golden Campaign: "Golden brother, where is this place?"

The Golden Campaign is serious: "This is the battlefield of life and death before the life and death world. Here, we have buried countless ancestors. If there is no such thing, we will not succeed in entering the realm of life and death today."

There is a big question mark in He Yiming's eyes. He vaguely feels that there may be a certain relationship with the deep mountain totem.

Sure enough, after the glorious gaze of the Golden War looked around, he said: "After the disappearance of the people in Shinto, the world of life and death has become a battleground for the looting of the parties. The deep mountain totems are the closest to this place. The life and death world is occupied. Whenever the life and death world is opened, all those who want to enter must pay a certain price to enter."

Although the voice of the Golden Campaign is extremely light, in this environment, everyone can hear it clearly.

It seems that it is also remembering the days of the past, and everyone’s eyes are more or less with a hint of silence.

"After the mountain totems occupied the realm of life and death, they began to blackmail every person who entered. And the strength they possessed is indeed very powerful, so at the beginning, everyone was biting their teeth and silently bearing it." Saying: "However, for thousands of years, our obedience has made the mountain totems become more greedy, and the conditions they have made have become more and more s1. In the end, we have to use the top heavens and treasures. Exchange can only be entered."

He Yiming nodded slightly, and at this point, he could already imagine what happened next.

The top of the heavens and earth treasures, but even the major sects in the world are extremely rare to preserve the most precious items, and can easily give others.

In this case, the next conflict is obvious.

As He Yiming expected, there was a cold ridicule in the face of the Golden Campaign. "The totems have taken the entire East as an object they can extort, but they forgot, people have Tolerate the limits, once this limit is passed, then no matter what it is, it will lead to countless resistance."

He reached out and pointed a finger around him. "In order to take back the life and death world from the hands of the deep mountain totems, hundreds of years ago, the major sects joined forces to march toward the life and death world. And they naturally refused to give up this feng shui treasure. So this A battle has been lingering for hundreds of years. Here, it is the most famous main battlefield... the battlefield of life and death."

He Yiming’s gaze is also extremely dignified. He finally understands why the expressions of everyone are so solemn.

At the same time, He Yiming also thought of Zhu Baqi, the old man who had participated in the war with the totems and who survived and said something similar to him. However, the specific effect of Zhu Baqi on the life and death world seems to be ominous, and in his mouth, the deep mountain totems are described as an evil race full of horror.

In fact, in the final analysis, everything is the result of interest.

If it weren't for the totems that had risen in the mouth for thousands of years, then this war is only afraid that it will not explode.

"For decades, in these decades, there have been no more undead on the battlefields of life and death." The Battle of Jin said eagerly.

He Yiming's heart fretting, asked: "Golden brother, since this battle has been going on for hundreds of years, why did it end suddenly a few decades ago? The mountains and the Teng people will not speak so well. Ba."

The gold battle hesitated. He smiled a bit, and a subtle, worm-like voice rang in He Yiming’s ear: "He brother, you know that in the northern Xinjiang, there is a thousand years. Icelandic legend?"

He Yiming’s heart is a glimpse. This legend is his biggest heart disease at the moment. How can he not know?

"Golden brother, is it because the totems are dying, is it related to this Iceland?" He Yiming introduced the same subtle voice into the ears of the Golden Campaign.

The Golden Campaign nodded slightly and said: "Hao Hao Shishu once said that this Iceland will definitely appear in the last 100 years, so the top figures on both sides finally came forward to negotiate and delineate the sphere of influence. If there is no such opportunity... The Golden Battle slowly squinted and smiled bitterly: "This battle does not know when to delay, and I don't know how many fellow masters will die here."

He Yiming’s heart is more certain that the Iceland is related to the disappearance of Shinto, otherwise the two sides can easily stop.

The eyeballs turned slightly, He Yiming said: "Golden brother, the deep mountain totem family is powerful, but it is not possible to compete with the whole East, plus the northwest and north and south frontiers. If everyone works together, it is not a long time totem. The family has been uprooted."

The Golden Campaign smiled and said: "If everyone can abandon their opinions and do their best, then there is no possibility of success. But it is easier to do this.

I am afraid that apart from your Tianchi in the northwest, the other forces will not want the totems to disappear. ”

He Yiming was as big as he was when he heard it. He immediately understood that the deep mountain totems are actually the nails buried in the northwest by the major sects. As long as there is such a nail, the strength of the entire northwest will definitely be greatly The impact, they must put most of their attention on the head of the totem, and never threaten the rest.

The Golden Campaign turned sharply and said: "Of course, it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the deep mountain totems. Especially in the nest of the totems, God knows what mysteries are hidden. Even in the world. All the top players are gathered together, and they may not be able to say that they will be able to chair them."

He Yiming was quite surprised and said: "This is why."

The Golden Battle Shen Sheng said: "Because the Totems also have Shinto people in the past, just like our Lingbi Hall, your Tianchi main peak, there is the last means left by the Shinto people. He Yiming has a slight eye, he Only then did I know that the biggest sects in the past were still hiding the enormous strength that g乇 could not have imagined.

Benxi, who is left behind in Shinto, must have a great powerlessness - than -o, especially in the era when the Shinto disappeared. This power is enough to deter any other forces.

No wonder so many of the top players know that their strength is dominant, but they are arbitrarily arrogant and do not dare to make a murder.

In his heart, he suddenly moved, saying: "What is the ultimate means of Jinxiong, the Temple of Lingbi?"

The question he asked was indeed quite abrupt. If he changed another person, the Golden Campaign would immediately turn his face, but since He Yiming mentioned it, he hesitated and said: "This matter is in the major sects. It is not a secret. The ultimate means of our Lingbi Baoyin is the Tongtian Pagoda."

He Yiming’s face suddenly changed and he exclaimed: “Tongtian Pagoda?”

In his mind, this huge tower is almost immediately towering into the sky.

For this tower He Yiming is no stranger, even the little earth power that he condenses in his body is also absorbed from the Tongtian Pagoda.

However, before the Golden Campaign was spoken, He Yiming could not have imagined that this pagoda, which looks like a huge boundless, would be the most powerful and final defense of Lingbi Baoyin.

The two of them whispered in conversation, although everyone was curious about their conversations, but under their deliberate cover, no one could know what they were talking about.

Ai Wenbin sighed long and he took his eyes back from the land.

In the battle between the past and the deep mountain totem, the northwest Tianchi is undoubtedly the main force, so the people in Tianchi who died here are the most.

"Everyone, since I came here, then Ai is advising one sentence." Ai Wenbin's face is extremely awe-inspiring: "In the realm of life and death, only those who have been promoted to the Supreme for 50 years or less, if they have passed this period, Please be self-respected, you must not find your own way.

Pa: Today is still five! Still leading? sweat……

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