Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 144: The world's rare treasures

On the second morning, when He Yiming walked out of the room and looked up at the sun on his head in the courtyard, the room opposite the Golden Battle finally opened.

He had been reading the cheats that He Yiming had given him last night. After a night of thinking, he was already slightly earned.

"He brother, your cheats are not simple." The first sentence of the meeting, the Golden Campaign praised: "It is good luck to be able to work in this cheat in Westerners."

He Yiming smiled and said: "Fortunately."

The Golden Campaign endorsed with great approval and said: "I really don't understand what the Westerners are like, and go to the dangerous land like Ghost Cry, and they will carry cheats with them. Isn't he afraid of anything?"

He Yiming’s smile was slightly stiff, and Gabriel was not without a brain, but was too mild.

Fortunately, the Golden Campaign did not go into this, but said directly: "I watched it all night last night. This cheat book records a strange practice of practicing the essence, and this practice can only be practiced by the sages. ""

He Yiming looked awkward and said: "How to cultivate, how is the effect?"

"The Sayādaw will fully refine the soldiers into the body, and will be warmed up in Dantian. This method of cultivation is to combine the instinct of the spirit with the spirit of the gods to form a new kind of essence stored in Dantian. Inside." The golden battle was envious of the face: "This **** essence is not very useful in peacetime, but when it comes to war, it can make a great effect."

He Yiming immediately remembered something. He used the Kaishan thirty-six style to crack Gabriel's shield. In the general case, even if Gabri himself wants to use the true temperature and repair it completely, it must take ten days and a half.

But he used a special ability to make the shield intact in just a few short breaks.

This magical ability makes He Yiming hide. Nowadays, listening to the golden battle, he is excited, but his luck is so good.

"Golden brother, what do you say, can you completely repair the broken weapon of the gods in a very short period of time?"

The Golden Battle Daqi, looked at He Yiming and said: "How do you know?"

He Yiming smiled and said: "Golden brother, you are too small to see me, and the younger brother has read thousands of books. It is not surprising to guess this."

The Golden Campaign should have a voice, and there is no doubt about it. He Yiming is right. If you have read this before, then you can easily guess it.

Gently sighed, the Golden Battle said: "This kind of cultivation is perfect, and the method of storage is very good and practical, but unfortunately, we all use it."

He Yiming said slightly, "Why?"

The golden battle is helpless: "He brother, it is easy to combine the infuriating with the gods, but it is not easy to get rid of the fine elements and to leave the work of the gods. At least in our east. Da Shen, the basic workers who can do this are not."

He Yiming's eyebrows frowned and said: "So how do Westerners do it."

"In the West, there is a special kind of cultivator who grew up in the Holy See and specialized in a strange sound wave. This kind of sound wave has the magical effect of recording the essence." The Battle of Jinzheng: "After the condensed elites, the Western masters will go to the church and spend a certain price, asking those special practitioners to perform sonic work for them, so as to achieve the purpose of recording the fine elements."

He Yiming realized that there was a disappointment in the heart.

The Golden Campaign smiled slightly and said: "Golden brother, you don't need to be disappointed. Although the fine elements can't be recorded or separated, this method of cultivation has certain advantages for the weapon of the gods, and when fighting with others. It will also prolong some of the stamina, and in the battle of the masters of the same level, sometimes it will play a vital role."

He Yiming smiled and said, he was really too golden now...

The two walked side by side, walked into the tower, and soon came outside the room of Hao Yuzun.

They just came there, and the door was suddenly open without wind. Hao Hao strode out like a meteor.

At this time, the color of his anxiety and sorrow was already swept away, and the whole face was full of smiles.

He Yiming looked at each other and didn't ask Zhang's brother about his situation. As long as he looked at the old man's face, he knew that Zhang Zhongxi's situation was definitely good and could not be better.

Sure enough, they haven’t waited for them to speak. Hao Hao has said straight away: “Yi Ming, Jin Shizhen, Zhong Juan has already woke up.”

The two looked at each other and smiled and said: "Congratulations to Hao Shishu (Hao Xiong)."

Hao Hao did not hide his joy. He burst into laughter and said: "Yong, go, I will take you to the arsenal."

Under the leadership of the old man, the three went to the arsenal.

The original arsenal was on the second floor of the Tongtian Pagoda, but after the accident of the Huangxiangmen assassin sneak into the work, it moved to the fifth floor.

Whether in the arsenal or in the library, there is a saint who sits in the town.

Hao Hao naturally brought He Yiming to the library.

In this, there is an old man, he heard the sound of opening the door, the eyes swept away, after seeing the comers, the bottom of the **** suddenly jumped up like a spring. The calm work of a face is full of sincere smiles.

"Hao brother, how come you came in person." He paused and said: "If you want to read a book, just send a teacher to say hello, ... the younger brother must send it to you personally."

He Yiming glanced at him and immediately recognized that this is an old friend, and the worker once chased him Zhuofengfeng who almost leaked. But at this moment, of course he has to pretend not to know.

Hao Hao nodded slightly and said: "Zhu Shidi, it is not a borrowed book for the brothers to come today."

Zhuo Chenfeng’s eyes turned. He fell into the work of He Yiming and smiled: "The younger brother understands, you brought him to read the books."

Hao Hao responded with a voice, saying: "Let's open the library and let him enter free reading."

Zhuo Chenfeng gave a slight glimpse, hesitated a moment, said: "Senior brother, your younger brother naturally does not dare to violate, but according to the regulations, if you want to enter the library, at least you need the level of work."

Although he has been guarding the arsenal for many years, he is no stranger to He Yiming. After all, he once had a slight deal with the Qilian double demon, and the Golden Campaign once brought He Yiming to this place. He even looked at it. recognize. Therefore, when he wants to take a ride, the district is half a year or so, and a three-flowered strongman is impossible to advance to the Supreme.

Hao Hao smiled slightly and said: "Yimong, give Zhuo Shidi a performance."

He Yiming was slightly stunned, and then he understood the meaning of his old man. He couldn’t help but smile a little, and stretched out a hand. The next moment, suddenly it was a thick fog, turning into a five-ring ring that flashed the golden mans.

Zhuo Chenfeng’s face suddenly became very exciting. He looked at He Yiming with a stunned look. He seemed to be wondering if his eyes were wrong.

After a while, his gaze finally moved to the work of the Golden Campaign. Then he looked back at He Yiming and finally said: "Jin Shizhen, is this one from Hetianming in the northwest Tianchi?"

The golden battle rang: "Zhu Shishu, this is He brother."

Zhuo Chenfeng’s face is more and more weird, saying: “Since He Yiming, how could he be promoted to the Supreme?”

This sentence is rude, but whether it is Hao Hao or the Golden Campaign, it is the same expression.

He Yiming shook his head with a smile and said: "Zhuo brother" can't be promoted to the Supreme Master?"

His tone is not very polite, and there is a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes. Two Zhuofeng quickly waved his hand and said: "He, that brother, if the old man has not remembered correctly, when the workers meet each other, you even have the third The tangible flowers have not solidified."

He Yiming did not have a good voice: "Zhuo brother" younger brother's cultivation is slightly faster, it seems not strange. ”

Zhuo Kunfeng stunned and smiled and said: "Not surprising."

However, whether it is him or Hao Hao and the Golden Campaign, they are secretly in the heart, it is not strange to blame...

He Yiming's wrist flicked, and the five elements of the ring re-made a mess and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Zhuo Fengfeng's attitude toward He Yiming has changed greatly. He has never been treated as a younger generation, but he has completely given him a reciprocal attitude.

He Yiming has become a sage in such a young age. No matter how high he is at this moment, the future is definitely infinite. Even if he is standing in the first place under the Shinto, it may not be known.

In this case, as long as it is a little bit of eyesight, you will not think about offending him.

I came to the arsenal and saw the tens of thousands of books. He Yiming’s head was as big as a fight.

He thought about it for a moment and said: "Zhuo brother, ... the younger brother wants to see some introductions about the world's rare treasures, but also introduce you one or two."

Zhuofeng is hesitating, and he listens to Yu Yudao: "Zhu Shidi, open the inner library and take out the world's rare treasures to sing."

I licked my Zhuo Chenshuo hesitated: "Brothers, books in the library, non-native disciples can not read,"

Hao Hao put his hand on the road and said: "I am not an outsider, everything is me, you don't need to worry.

Zhuo Chenfeng immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and the sound should be.

He Yiming knew that it was originally in the hall of Lingbi, and also cultivated the distinction between internal and external libraries.

Fortunately, this time, Hao Hao personally brought him to come. If there is no such old man to come forward, then he would not like to read the contents of the library.

Soon, Zhuo Chenfeng went back and returned. In his hands, he carefully raised a box and placed the whole box in front of He Yiming. He said, "He brothers, this is the world’s rare book. You can read it as much as you can. ”

Looking at this huge box, He Yiming was invisible, and he opened his hand. The books inside were stacked neatly, and there were thousands of works.

He Yiming suddenly looked up, and the original odd-shaped treasures in the world turned out to be so many, and he was too ignorant.

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