Martial God

Vol 5 Chapter 6: Treasury totem

He Yiming and the pharmacy and other parties changed a strange look. He asked if the totem is very heavy for them? ”

Xu Chengchang said that "it is true that they claim to be a totem family."

Everyone's eyes are dignified. They all know that this totem may not have much use, but it is definitely a spiritual symbol in these deep races.

The pharmacist frowned. "It’s really strange. Since this thing is so important, why do they want to come to Yokoyama?"

Even the micro-motions in the heart "doesn't they lose the totem but come to me"..."...

Several people felt a chill of a chill from their hearts.

Ken, who can cultivate to the innate realm, will not be the first egg. From the words of this person, they have already guessed what must have something that they do not understand.

"Xu brother troubles you to ask a little more detail."

Xu Chengchang nodded slightly at this time, he also understood that the Totem family did not seem to have plundered this time, but had its special reasons.

"Why do you want to come here to find a totem?"

"Totem messengers said that outsiders have stolen our totems and injured the totems. We must revenge and hate." Ondamu said dumbly.

The mountain people steal the totem. The pharmacist's face flashed a trace of anger. "I really have this reason. Who is doing this? This is not trouble for us in the northwest." ”

It is true that the Totems of the past generations came out of the mountain not only for the northwestern countries to go all out but also to invite the reinforcements to the northern Xinjiang Icefield and the Eastern Dashen. In the face of such a horrible force, the people are not too late to escape, but some people deliberately provoke the hearts of everyone in this heart is absolutely mad.

Xu Chengchang calmly continued to ask, "Are all of you here?"

The totem ambassadors go to different places to inquire about the news, we are just one of them. ”

"The Hengshan is far from the life and death world. Why did you come here directly after you came out?"

Everyone calmed down and their eyes were focused on Onda's body. This is definitely the most critical issue.

Onda did not hesitate to say "Because He Yiming is here, we came here to make sure."

Several elders, including Xu Chengchang, were inexplicably looking at He Yiming, but he also saw the same fog. He was also a suspicious expression. How innocent this expression is innocent.

Xu Chengchang hesitated. He remembered that when the former state just met He Yiming, the elders of the dynasty did not know how the totems could get their totems.

Turning his head and whispering, "What is the relationship between the disappearance of Toda's totem and He Yiming?"

The totem ambassador said that the totem is a young man and he is a basic five-line and has the power to damage the totem ambassador. After we came out, we asked about it and only this person met the conditions. ”

Xu Chengchang finally got a question that was so cold that it plagued everyone for a long time.

In the life and death world, the wolf totems are not inquired about He Yiming's deeds, but only one person who meets this condition, so they will spare no effort to inquire and be detected by the spies who are arranged there by Tianchishan.

Xu Chengchang looked at He Yiming but he was talking about it. After all, he is not a Chinese man who is really embarrassed to ask questions when he faces He Yiming.

The pharmacists and others face each other and finally have a light cough. "He Chang Lao, have you ever been to a totem?"

He Yiming had long been stunned and he shook his head again and again. "No, I have never been to the end of the mountain."

It was only a sigh of relief when he heard He Yiming veto the crowd. In the name of He Yiming, he will never lie freely.

However, there is still a thought that can't be entangled in their hearts. If it is not He Yiming, then who is going to the wolf totem to steal the totem? Is there anyone in the world who has a second basic five-line repair?

Although Xu Chengchang’s heart was dubious, he did not express this thought at all, but continued to ask, “Have you found a totem?”

found it. ”

The spirit of everyone is suddenly one of the most urgent is the "important place"

"Just in this place."

Everyone’s expression is a stiff one. The answer is too unexpected.

Xu Chengchang’s heart is faintly cold and he can’t ask a word. Although he did not look back, but faintly felt that a few lines of sight fell on him.

His mind is spinning like a fly. If He Yiming steals the totem and makes a vein and wants to be sheltered, then his situation is not dangerous. If he kills him here and then pushes everything to the body of the totem, I am afraid that even if it is the main vein of Tianchi Mountain, I would like to find a flaw.

For a time, his hands and feet were cold and he regretted that he had created a good trip to Hengshan. He Yiming and others could not guess what he thought, but the shock in their hearts was not small.

"Xu brother, can you ask him how he determined that the totem is in the mountains?" the medicinal man asked with a deep breath.

"it is good.

Xu Chengchang reluctantly laughed and repeated the question.

"It's the mouth of the spirit wolf." Onda's mental loss is really asking what to say and there is no hiding. "The spirit wolf can sense the existence of the totem and can find the general orientation."

In the place where the totem is nervous, the totem asks.

However, Onda’s ignorance of his words was like a scorpion without any reaction.

Pharmacist old face... red light cough one channel "Xu brother is still asking you."

Xu Chengchang’s heart complained that the more he asked, the deeper he was. I want to escape, but as long as the corner of my eye is stunned, the wolf that is more awake than the air intake dispels this unwise thought.

He Yiming and even the beast can catch up with him. How can he escape the pursuit of his innate master who has not yet reached the frontline?

Put away the distracting thoughts in his heart, the helpless way, "Where is Onda Totem?"

“It’s just near where we are.”

The pharmacists are all sorrowful, but just a few of them. The elders of all of them are all face-changing, Xu Guangchang’s face is changing. He has been secretly paying attention to the face of the pharmacy and others. It’s like the north wind whistling past and letting his heart cool down...

He Yiming is the strangest one. He asked strangely, "What happened to the drug elders?"

The pharmacist looks awkward. "Do you have forgotten that the place where you are now is the treasure house of our main peak of Hengshan."

He Yiming nodded slightly but he really forgot to tell the truth.

After all, the time he came to Yokoyama was not long, although he knew that such a treasure house had entered the time when he was promoted to the elders... times. But the impression is not profoundly compared to the elders who have grown up in Yokoyama for a lifetime.

"Pharmaceutical elders, are you saying that the totem is in the treasure house?"

The pharmacist indulged in the words "It seems that I have never let go of any totem in my memory." Then he turned his head and looked at Xichen.

The treasure house of the main peak is naturally grasped in the hands of Xi Chen. No one will be clearer than him.

Yu Xichen repeatedly shook his head. "I have something in the treasure house. I know what the wolf's totem is."

The temperament of the connection is the most popular. "It’s not as simple as we used to look at the past."

A few people nodded at the same time. The narcotics suddenly saw Xu Chengchang. He was a little hesitant and wanted to find an outsider to witness. He smiled and said, "Xu brother, let us go with us."

Xu Chengchang smiled and said, "There is a treasure house where Hengshan...the younger brother is not going."

He doesn't change his face, but his heart is looking forward to congratulating... Ming and other people are better off. Then he must take this opportunity to escape from Hengshan as long as he can enter the mountain alone, even if He Yiming wants to follow the fear. It's hard to do.

However, since the pharmacy person has decided to let him be a witness, he is willing to give up. "Xu brother, our Hengshan vein and the Tianchi main vein are originally in the same line. And the position of the main peak treasure is not a secret. All the peak hosts are aware of it. He paused and decided to go straight to the point and said, "We don't remember what totems in the treasure house, so we also want to ask Xu brother to be a witness."

Xu Chengchang sighed in his heart, but he knew that when he reached this point and then wanted to support the word, it would be ignorant.

In desperation, he had to bite the scalp and promised to go down to the position of the treasure house.

After a while, they have come to the treasure house outside Xichen Road, "Xu Xiong is rude."

Xu Chengchang smiled slightly as he turned his body and his ears "Ful's tightly covered the ear hole. This is what he said he didn't want to hear. He didn't have any intention to open the treasure chest when he wanted to watch it." Soon, the pharmacist in front of Xu Chengchang made a gesture of asking.

Xu Chengchang let go of the instincts of the ears to control the ears. I saw that the original stone wall had disappeared and there was a black passage on the ground.

Several people came to the basement quickly and quickly.

In the underground inspection, it is the treasure port collected by the dynasty. But whether it is He Yiming or Xu Chengchang, even every elder knows that the things placed here are precious but they are not the rarest treasures in Hengshan. After all, this is a public treasure house and the real best things are in private hands.

This is not a disaster even if it is a big mountain of the big industry. For example, here is absolutely invisible to the innate Jindan that was found in the past.

After coming here, Xu Cheng’s long eyes did not squint as if he did not see anything inside.

Yu Xichen is a light cough... The introduction of the sound is very broad. "Xu Xiong, if the head of the wolf really has a totem, then it must be here. But we have never had a treasure house in it." The sound of the sudden sudden stop of the original pair of confident eyes is a sudden round.

Everyone looked with his gaze and saw a sheepskin that looked like a very ordinary one on an inconspicuous corner.

If it is in the usual time, even if it is seen in Xichen, it will not be too surprised. It is to use this thing as a pad. But at this time they are looking for a symbolic totem in the wolf totem family. In addition, in his memory, I really don't remember that there is such a sheepskin placed here, so half of the words are shocked.

Everyone has a look of suspiciousness and incredulity in their eyes.

In the first few steps of the medicinal tract, this piece of wolf skin was taken in the hand and carefully watched... His face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Is this a pharmacist brother really a totem of the werewolves?" asked the eagerness to wait.

The pharmacist threw the thing out without a word, and even spread it on the ground.

This time, Xu Chengchang, who was uneasy in his heart, couldn’t help but curiosity and looked over.

This is a square skin. Everyone's eyes are sinister. They only need one glance to know that this leather is definitely not a normal voice.

But what really shocked them was that there was a strangely thin line on the leather made from the unknown beast skin. These lines formed an inexplicable picture. Although everyone could not understand the pattern. What does it mean, but it can clearly see a golden wolf.

In the treasure house, suddenly, even the most optimistic person in the past is silent.

"Who is this in?" The medicinal man asked in a flash of anger.

It’s no exception that everyone shook their heads and even screamed. They all know that no one dares to make a joke on this.

"Since no one has put it in, is it that he has come in with his long feet?" The medicinal man’s eyes flashed in a flash of light and said, "This must be awkward."

Everyone is looking at He Yiming when they are in the eye.

The theft of the wolf totem is a young man with a basic five-line and a young man who can kill the totem ambassador.

This goal is too obvious. As long as the master in the northwest is afraid, it will only be said that there is only one person who meets this condition.

He Yiming brows and wrinkles. "I have not been to the place where the totems live."

His words were not hesitant.

The pharmacist hesitated a moment. "We are naturally trusting you in the elders and many people in the country you have witnessed in the past few months can testify for you."

He Yiming sighed a little and couldn't help but smile. He and Yuan Lihuang and Hundred and Eight stayed in the mountains for a few months. But no one gave evidence for him.

Xu Chengchang, who has always been uneasy in his heart, calmed down after seeing the totem.

As a bystander, he began to worry a little, but at this moment he was skeptical. If all this is really done in the mountains, then they have long hidden the totem and used it to show in front of him.

And from the beginning to the end, the pharmacists and others are quite intimate to him, even though they are now wolf totems. No one except the shock reveals the slightest murder.

So his heart slowly settled down. At this time, everyone was shocked and sorrowful. "You are really eccentric everywhere."

He Yiming and others all cast their eyes on Xu Chengchang and said, "If I am a brother, then even if I want to steal the totem, I will never go to the fair and I will show all the five elements." Do you know how to tell your identity?"

Everyone is bright-eyed, as long as they are not pure benzene, they will do it.

Xu Chengchang’s eyes are shining. Since he said that he opened his mouth, he was unscrupulous and eager to speak. “And this totem is really impossible for him to put it in the public treasure. If this is true, it must be No one will refute it."

The pharmacists waited and nodded in their eyes to reveal a relief-like look.

No matter who is hard-working, the totem can not be put into the public treasure house in the martial art.

"Xu Xiong said that this is definitely something that someone has planted and blamed."

"It's true." Xu Chengchang said with a sigh of relief. "If something goes wrong, there are other people who ask Xu to testify."

The pharmacists and others were so gratified that they smiled and thanked him sincerely.

Xu Chengchang's vest on the cold sweat, his heart, this little life is saved anyway.

In fact, whether this matter is due to He Yiming is not related to him. The reason why he is so hard to show is to prevent He Yiming and other people from killing the machine. But he does not know that He Yiming and others have no similar ideas from beginning to end. He Yiming reached out and took this totem to his hand. The more he saw it, the more he felt familiar.

There was a thought in his heart that his fingers were slightly torn apart. Then his eyes showed a strange brilliance.

With his current strength, it is still impossible to tear it apart, even if there is no crack at all.

He Yiming's actions are not hidden, and everyone is clearly seeing the eyes.

Seeing that he wants to tear the totem, everyone is shocked but when they see that He Yiming can't tear the totem, the expression on his face is even more exciting.

At the same time, they have a thought in their hearts. It is no wonder that the wolf people have such a unique emphasis on this totem.

However, they did not know that He Yiming’s heart was even more shocked at this time because he had a similar skin-mouth breath in his hand and was guessed that the sweat was too strong.

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