Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 61: Energy stone

The **** of the minister, I slowly calm down. Everything that is seen today is a very strong impact on the judgment of some of the songs. Even those who are the first-line powers are somewhat difficult to control.

But after all, the first-line stalwart is far from calming down after the initial shock.

"What do you need the white stone?" He Yiming asked quietly.

"Used to make me evolve."

He Yiming's brow wrinkled up a lot. This sentence is not a brain, not that he can understand.

The man’s gaze flickered. It seems that he’s a special one. He’s thinking at the moment. He continues. “You want to grow up and eat. Energy stone is my food. I have never seen energy stone for thousands of years. ""

He Yiming’s heart stunned his gaze.

If he says everything is true then this guy is definitely not a human.

An old monster that has lived for at least a thousand years and is still an old monster that has not eaten for thousands of years. What is it?

Several thoughts turned around in my mind. He Yiming said, "If I can give that scoop energy stone to you, what good is it for me?"

The voice of the man immediately rang. "I am a mercenary. We can exchange the equivalent of the energy stone. I can provide you with paid services."

He Yiming stunned his eyes. He suddenly said the other person. Although he can understand it, some of the phrases are extremely fresh. "What kind of service can you provide for me?"

"I can protect your safety as your bodyguard."

He Yiming’s mouth smacked a smile on his face. Since the conversation with this geek, He Yiming’s guts have gradually grown. Although he is not sure who this person is or what it is, as long as he can talk to it, the fear and fear in his heart will be greatly reduced or eventually disappear.

"Your security can be guaranteed by yourself." He Yiming said confidently. Although the two sides did not take any advantage in the previous confrontation, He Yiming also had confidence in self-protection. And since this person is no longer robbing, is it also to prove from the side that he is no better than He Yiming.

There was a bright light in the man's eyes.

He Yiming carefully observed that his heart suddenly felt that this person would show the violent light when he was thinking about the problem.

After the brakes, the man finally said, "If you give me energy stone then I can help your companion improve the gene to make her perfect."

He Yiming’s heart was greatly depressed, and what he said in this population was beyond his understanding. This sentence seems to be related to Yuan Lihuang, but he simply does not understand what it means.

The brow was slightly wrinkled and he sank for a long time. "Hello, we have been together for a long time and we don't know how to call it?"

There was a strange syllable from the man's mouth. He Yiming can be sure that this is definitely a language but the problem is that he does not have any impression.

Seeing that He Yiming has no reaction, the person said, "You can call me Liquid Evolution No. 100, No. 2"

He Yiming’s slightly stunned face is really changed.

Although he did not understand what the liquid evolution represented, it was clearly heard on the 108th. Could it be that there is still a hundred and seven of his strange existence?

He is currently a strongman on the front line, but it seems that he has not achieved any advantage compared with this person. If there are more than one hundred and seven such characters, it is the one hundred and eighty-one line.

I don’t even say that it’s He Yiming, even if Zhan Tianfeng and Zhuo Wanlian are afraid to be scared.

Taking a deep breath, He Yiming reluctantly pressed down the heart of the heart. "Do you have one hundred and seven companions?

The liquid evolution body shook his head on the 108th. "My companions are more than one hundred and seven."

"So how many companions do you have?" He Yiming asked subconsciously.

"The first batch of evolutions has a thousand. As for whether the second batch can be manufactured, then I don't know." One hundred and eighty, with a undulating cavity, "can create a second evolution because of the scarcity of rare resources." The possibility of body is less than 10%."

He Yiming noticed that the words used in the brief description of his origins were not born, but they used manufacturing.

In his heart, a very ridiculous thought suddenly emerged. Is it true that human beings have been made? But as long as you think about it, it is incredible. This is not a man-made person.

Stretching his hand in the pocket of his chest, when he spread his palm, he had added a thumb-sized white stone.

When he left the White Rock Canyon, He Yiming once pulled a whole ten white stones of this size. Except for the piece on Yuan Li’s neck, the rest of the nine pieces are in his hand.

And he put the eight pieces into the empty world and left the last one.

I saw the brilliance of the white stone in the eyes of He Yiming's open palm, and it was bright again.

"You tell me first about your origins and then decide whether to exchange this with you."

He Yiming said with aloud that as for what he had to exchange, even he himself did not know that his eyes were tightly locked and his ears were shaking quickly, but he gave up.

The other side walks s, does not breathe, does not have blood, and the other parts of the system are not swaying. Therefore, even if he is full of mouth, there is no possibility of any clue on the body. Even if He Yiming is a god, it is impossible to find out if he is lying. .

"Good is willing to serve you." One hundred and eight seems to be unintentional.

Under his remarks, He Yiming is increasingly having a thrilling feeling that 208 seems to be from a very great country. Everyone in that country has a perfect gene, although he does not understand. This represents what the other party has brought out because it is carefully and seriously. It must be something very powerful.

In addition to this, there are many artifacts in the country that He Yiming has never heard of. These artifacts have unparalleled ability.

They can make people like a bird's flying sky can make ordinary people run faster than the world's fastest horses can make people live on the sea like fish.

In short, in his country, it seems that he can only think of things that he could not do. Second, his origins are even more peculiar.

Sure enough, He Yiming expected him to be a machine called a machine.

These machines were dispatched to explore some inaccessible places after they were built. In He Yiming, I want to come to these places. It is probably like the end of the mountain range that traverses the whole northwest. It is probably the group of the legendary middle-aged beasts. Even the strong people like Lan Yulei are all dignified and accompanied by this place. A vague fear.

The dangers that can make such a strong person so jealous are conceivable.

Seriously watching the one hundred and eighty-one eyes to send such a guy to explore is undoubtedly the best choice.

Of course, there are still many things, no matter how one hundred and eight, how to explain He Yiming is still not understand. Only he understood a general meaning.

The tools of the hundred and eighty encountered a strange phenomenon when exploring those ridiculous places, so they came here inexplicably.

According to him, this is a typical crossover. However, He Yiming wants to break the scalp and does not understand what is crossing.

From beginning to end, no matter how incredible and arrogant, but his tone has been very calm, it is like an ordinary person talking about the topic of daily rice, oil and salt.

In the end, he slowly said, "We are the most advanced evolutionary liquid robots. Let us continue to evolve is the rarest energy stone in the universe. When I came here, there were three energy stones, the most quintessential. Cosmic energy has given me more power and wisdom than my peers. For a step further evolution, I need more energy stones."

After finishing all this, he seems to be waiting for He Yiming's decision.

He Yiming has been indulging for a long time. He feels that this seems to be an opportunity, but this opportunity also contains huge risks.

Hundred and eight although the outside image, but he is actually a man-made weapon, but this ten weapons are too much to know a little, so He Yiming feels extremely shocked. Six of the former Lucin pattern is estimated to see this After the human weapon is afraid, it is even worse than him.

"Mr. 108, your partner did not come here with you?"

"No, I have lost contact with them."

I can't hear any sadness from the sound of one hundred and eight. But as long as I think that he is not a person, He Yiming is relieved.

Can you expect a weapon to have human feelings? It is definitely impossible to look at the east side of the mountain. Although it is in the unfathomable mountain belly, He Yiming’s gaze is like seeing through the mountains. The distant Big 6 saw the legendary ocean.

I heard that in the east of the Dashen Empire, there is an endless sea. There is another big 6 at the end of the sea.

Perhaps this guy is coming from the legendary big 6. But fortunately, otherwise, when more than a hundred first-line powerhouses come across the sea, they are afraid that even the mighty Dashen Empire in their eyes will be shaken.

"Mr. Hundred and Eight, have you just said to help my partner to improve my physical fitness?"

He Yiming was quite annoyed and said that he was still very unaccustomed to the strange words in his mouth.

Hundreds and eights nodded. "Yes, your companion is evolving in the direction of perfect genes, but her constitution is too bad. The possibility of achieving perfect genes is negligible." The light in his eyes suddenly flashed. If you give me the energy stone, then I can adjust her genes to make her genetic arrangement the most suitable."

He Yiming’s brows are wrinkled. “What is the perfect gene?”

After a hundred and eight sinks, the film brake finally said, "The last guest of your ten caves and the first guest of the millennium are perfect genes."

He Yiming’s eyes suddenly smashed his surprised voice and blurted out “Innate Realm?”

"Is this called the innate realm?" One hundred and eight seems to think of something. "I have communicated with the first guest of this cave. His genes are more perfect than you are better than you. But he claims to be Shinto."

He Yiming’s heart suddenly rose up.

Since the thunder has told him that he has never seen a sacred sorghum, he will sing a sigh. However, in the moment, I was ridiculed that it was not that there was no such level of masters, but because the thunder and thunder did not encounter such characters in the world.

Suddenly, He Yiming remembered one thing and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

"Hundreds and eight, do you say that everyone in yours has been genetically engineered to have the perfect gene?"


"How many people are there?"

"The number of ordinary humans is about 100 billion."

He Yiming’s lips slightly stunned his heart and the fox slowly and deeply shocked.

Hundreds of billions of innate powers? This is a concept that is enough to make anyone crazy because of it.

"How many strong people how do you cultivate the flow." He Yiming asked quietly.

In his heart, there is a faint idea of ​​goodness. If you get this method, you can make the whole Hejiazhuang and even Hengshan have great benefits. If there are more than a dozen innate powers in the family, then there are people who dare to play Hejiazhuang.

"They are not cultivated, but through genetic modification, the physical quality has reached this point." One hundred and eight is still the path of the ancient well. "Perfect genes can bring a lot of convenience to human life and can reduce human diseases." The impact can allow humans to spend more time doing their favorite life or learning to make more things. Second, the national constitution stipulates that every citizen has the right to transform genes after birth."

He Yiming's eyes are splashing. This is what the country has the strength to let the people reach the congenital realm after birth. It is hard to imagine.

He asked with a sharp eye, "What is the force of those people? What martial arts do they practice?"

Hundreds and eights shook his head. "There are people who have studied martial arts among them. But many of them are enjoying the welfare of the country. They choose what they like. If they can’t find it, they will always Try it without limit until the end of their lives or find their interest....

He heard a long sigh of relief and said the truth. After hearing such a country, his heart is full of yearning. If it is possible, he really wants to go to the country to see.

Just thinking that any person seen in that country is a congenital strong person, his heart is a bit cold and votes.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the vast majority of people in that country are stupid. There are such good conditions. They don’t practice martial arts. Only a very small number of people choose this path. This is perhaps the best he has heard today. The news is over.

"How far is your country from here? Can they come over?" After a long delay, He Yiming finally asked him the question he was most concerned about.

Hundreds and eights did not hesitate to shake their heads. "They have unlimited infinity here. The possibility of being able to come is less than one in two billion."

Although I don't quite understand how far away infinity is, the sentence behind Baihuan has let He Yiming put down half of his mind.

Now he only hopes that this big guy doesn't bully him.

"One hundred and eight I can give you this energy stone, but you must first let Yuan Lizhen enter the innate realm."

"Yes." One hundred and eight did not hesitate to say that it seems that this matter is not difficult for him.

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked toward another cave. He Yiming’s heart fretting asked, “Hundred...Where are you going?”

"I am going to take the genetic drugs, you can follow the two" and say nothing.

He Yiming slightly hesitated and immediately went up to the hundred and eight. Although he knew that he followed him, he did not mean to block it.

The two men re-passed the passage and went to the office. This time, He Yiming followed the one hundred and eight, and then walked in easily. When they crossed the passage and came to the last stone room, He Yiming Finally, I can be sure.

The organ that Lv Zaizhi said is the robot in front of him.

In the face of this organ, even the promotion of Lusin’s pattern to the innate realm is also impossible for his opponent. There should be similar exchanges between the two people, but the car can’t be Providing the energy stone, so it is not worthy of the hundred and eight, so it is not within the last hole.

This last stone room turned out to be singularly large and made into dozens of rooms.

Every time a hundred and eight people came to a room, there would be a ray of light in his eyes, and the door was opened by the light and immediately silently opened.

This is absolutely no sound. If He Yiming can listen to the sound of the flow of air and see it with his own eyes, he will never feel that the door has been opened.

After passing through these doors, He Yiming reached out and touched it and tried to explore it with infuriating. The result was that he was surprised that the materials in these doors were exactly the same as the big stone outside.

At this point, he realized that the big stone that had blocked the door outside was not born but out of manpower.

Finally, after passing more than ten doors, one hundred and eight were stopped in front of a door.

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