Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 214: Dance steps on the tip of the knife

The intense and full of light of the light was released at this moment.

Edwin had taken out the light sacred sword in his hand, and a light that illuminated from the tip of the sword spread and shrouded him and Elbrera. They are like a huge sun ray that shines, and the dazzling brilliance bursts out.

He Yiming’s mouth flashed a taunting color, and the white horse thunder and lightning were connected with his mind. The four-legged olives were far from being avoided.

The scope of the field is wide and wide, but for this vast sky, it seems a little insignificant.

He Yiming rode the white horse thunder and slightly avoided it, and suddenly left the scope of the field. Edwin snorted and held his long sword in his hand and suddenly went to He Yiming.

In an instant, a huge brilliance flashed from the bright sword, just as the sword suddenly grew hundreds of feet, and the cover of the face turned toward He Yiming.

However, everyone thinks that He Yiming will definitely sacrifice the five elements of the ring and fight it hard. Their eyes are involuntarily rounded.

Because He Yiming unexpectedly chose to avoid, just as the light is about to come, the white horse lightning has been active and just right to escape again.

This time, the evasion can be described as dangerous and dangerous. The fierce and powerful light power is almost irritated by the smattering of He Yiming’s side. For a short time, all the Shinto powers who watched the battle below were discolored on their faces.

If it is the true degree of light, then even if the degree of white horse lightning is fast, it is impossible to dodge it. But unfortunately, what Devin released is the field power of the Great Sword. The degree of true light is still not comparable.

But even so, He Yiming's performance is to make everyone shocked, and it is for the sake of the day.

When Rio Potter and Luke looked up, they saw the sudden glimmer of the sudden flash of light in each other's eyes.

Although the degree of the light sword released by Edwin is not true light, for them, this is actually a difference.

The glimmer of light power did not flash, even if it was encountered by Rio Potter and other pseudo-virgins, and only had the choice to fight with it, it was impossible to evade after he swung a sword. Come.

"God counts...the way." Luke's face was extremely dignified, he whispered.

Although there is a lot of embarrassment between the temple and the dark parliament, at this moment in the battle of the face of the East and West, they can not pull the other's hind legs.

"Impossible." Rio Potter's face has long had no smile, but instead a faint glimpse of the color of the blue: "What kind of God's way can avoid the degree of the light sword? Even if it is It is impossible to resurrect the old **** operator."

Luke stunned and couldn't help but frown, but in his heart he had to admit that Rio Potter's sentence made sense.

It is far beyond the limits that humans can achieve by trying to calculate the lasing trajectory of light in an instant and avoiding it in the midst of a thousand miles. Unless He Yiming himself is not a person, he can't explain it at all. Edwin chilled his face, and he slashed it in the air.

Every time you wave, there will be a light out of the light sword and released. But obviously, He Yiming didn't care about it. His face was always hung with a touch of ridiculous smile, and the white horse thunderbolt was light and flexible, and walked in an elegant manner in the void.

They are not in a hurry, just like participating in the grandest celebrations, walking along the rhythm of a dance, and walking through the countless rainy brilliance.

Everyone's eyes are on the battlefield, and no one notices. In the distance, it is already faintly lit up in the eyes of the lonely and ugly watch.

He kept the pig in front of him, his lips gently and delicately, and no one except Hebao heard his voice.

Both Rioport and Luke are convinced that as long as they are human, it is impossible to pre-calculate the trajectory and avoidance method of the bright force through the way of the gods.

They did not say anything wrong. This kind of high-powered computing power has indeed reached a limit that humans can reach. Even the power of the Shinto is only to escape by instinct, and it is impossible to dodge by calculation. But the problem is that Edwin has encountered a bad luck.

When I met a humanoid monster that was not human, and then cooperated with the treasure pigs of He Yiming and Baima Leidian, they immediately gave them the magical ability to dance on the sharp knife. The dance steps on the sharp knife are displayed in front of everyone at this moment.

Unconsciously, both Edwin and Elbera were greatly affected. He Yiming’s ability was beyond their expectations, which made them cautious. At the same time, the original suffocating momentum has been greatly affected, and it is faint and somewhat declining.

In the battle of the Shinto strong, there are many factors that can determine the outcome, and one of them is the transformation of momentum.

When I started to attack and let the momentum rise to the point where the morality of Aidewen began to decline, the momentum of He Yiming and Baima Leidian was unconsciously rising.

Although this is still the attack of Aidewen's sword, but he gives people a feeling of being close to the poor, and He Yiming, who has never shot since the beginning, has gradually occupied the absolute initiative.

Everyone has such a feeling that when he attacks, it is a slap in the face.

Edwin’s face flashed a smashed color, and he screamed, and the big sword in his hand stopped.

At this moment, the momentum on his body was one, and the original smooth attack rhythm suddenly appeared a fatal gap. He Yiming eyes closed, he finally moved. Under the traction of the air machine, the white horse lightning has already rushed past the burning novel network.

When its degree is extremely extreme, the explosive power of that moment is far beyond the imagination of everyone. It is like the brilliance of the previous glory, a clear long mark in the air, has come to the top of the dragon Albola.

At the time of the recovery of Aidewin's sword, the light field power released by the Bright Sword has been weakened to the lowest extent. In the face of the close-knit attack of the white horse, it seems that there is nothing to do. But the demon Elbrera was out of an angry violent drink, and it suddenly burst into the head, the huge dragon mouth opened, and a red flame sprayed out.

It seems to be from the fire of magma in the depths of the earth. The hot high temperature can burn all the things that block it in front of it.

However, He Yiming had already extended his hand, and in his hand, he even held a stove that was not inferior to his body size.

On this stove, there are nine vivid dragons in the shape of the dragon. They are all different in shape, but they are all dancing and claws.

Seeing the huge flames of the breath, the stove suddenly came, and there was a huge suction force. The red flame in front of it seemed to be invincible and suddenly inhaled by the stove. Almost at the same time, the unicorn on the top of the white horse has already lit up.

At the beginning of the evasion, it began to work hard, and at this time, the mind was moving, and a large purple awning like a giant scorpion suddenly pierced from the tip of the unicorn. At the moment when the flame breath had just disappeared, it had penetrated deeply into the huge dragon mouth of Elbrera along that line.

Elbrera had a sorrowful roar, and his pair of longanes were rounded in an instant, and there was a hint of mesh like a spider web. Under the impact of powerful lightning, it is almost painful to see the eyeballs burst out.

Although Elbera has acquired the dragon heritage of Samod, it is not a real pseudo-deity, but a virtual **** of the gods after the restoration of the power of heaven and earth.

When Edwin took the sword to protect himself, and He Yiming and Baima Thunder took the embarrassing momentum, Elbrera finally got a head-on blow.

But this is the delay, and the more powerful light power has shined from the dragon.

The entire space is filled with straight and bright power. This is the already tempered Aide Wenyi once urging the bright sword.

But this time he did not simply use the power of light to attack, but simply strengthened the power of the bright field, and completely released this power into a real bright world.

When the white horse thunder and lightning move, it is necessary to leave the space of this field as it has just done. But it suddenly stopped, because the environment around them suddenly changed abruptly, and the void seemed to suddenly become a quagmire, and its four hoofs were firmly tied. He Yiming’s eyebrows rose, and his eyes turned and he saw it.

Although the dragon of Elbola has blood in his mouth, but his pair of dragon claws are straight to himself, there is a strange light shining on it. He Yiming immediately understood that the field in which he is located is no longer a purely bright force. In this field, there is still a strong space field power.

Edwin’s sword is weak, not only because he wants to get rid of the embarrassing situation just now, but there is still a plan to double-edged.

He chair He Yiming and Bai Ma introduced here, abruptly - moving the dual field of light and space.

Under the cover of the power of light, even if He Yiming did not sense the existence of the space, and when they wanted to get out, the body had already been harnessed by the power of space. The field of light and space, as the old dragon said, has the power of ghosts and unpredictable power.

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