Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 210: South Xinjiang reunion

Above the blue waters, there stands a small island, like a crystal, simple agate, set in a blue satin.

This island looks quite beautiful. The island of Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket is a prominent name in the southern Xinjiang waters.

South of the glazed island.

This may not be the largest of all the islands in southern Xinjiang, but it is definitely the most powerful island.

Whether in the era of the decline of the Shinto, or when the Shinto is recovering, its status in the southern Xinjiang has never changed.

In the distant sky, a few bright brilliances suddenly appeared.

People on the island are already accustomed to this and will not be as amazed as before.

The recovery of the power of heaven and earth has been going on for several years. During this time, it is the golden time for the strength of human beings and spirits to be greatly improved.

People have a clearer understanding of the peaks in the martial arts.

Especially on the most powerful glazed island in southern Xinjiang, there are actually four Shinto strong people. Their position in the whole southern Xinjiang is truly unbreakable.

The strongest of the five islands who have reached the top of the island will come to the island every once in a while. The strong people who can use the gods to fly in the sky are already for the people who live on the island for a long time. It is not surprising. However, this time the light from afar seems to be a little different.

They were not close to the glazed island, and they heard an earth-shattering scream on the island, and there was a hint of surprise in this voice. This thunderous sound spread throughout the small island.

After hearing this voice, most people are looking towards the center of the island, and their eyes have an infinite reverence. Because all the people living on the island know that this is the voice of the guardian beasts of the island.

Then, a white light burst into the sky, and even straight toward the few Guanghua greeted the past. At this point, the people on the island know that the strong people from this group are not ordinary ordinary people.

In the sky, the long laughter of Bao Yanzhu’s hearty sound came from afar: “White Tiger Brother, I haven’t seen it for years, you seem to be blessed.

The body of the double-winged white tiger suddenly stunned in the void. It looked down at the belly that seemed to be really prominent. He said: "This time is lazy, and you have to exercise more."

Bao Yanzhu immediately turned his eyes and said: "Tiger brother, my Lingbao Hall is a good place to go. When you have a sigh, you may wish to come to the guest." The cold voice screamed, "Hu brother Come to our heavenly blessings." "Bao brother, brother, tiger brother will not leave the glass island." A scream of anger with a trace of anger came from below. The original 涓 and Nanchang Liuli ancestor Liu Changju have already flown up.

Bao Zhu bamboo laughed and said: "The original sister, you have more heart, I just asked the tiger brother to be a guest, to accompany me to drink a few more cups, and not to rob your guardian beast. The original snoring, for Bao Yanzhu’s words are not a word.

If the double-winged white tiger is really willing to go to the Lingbi Hall or the cave, and serve as the guardian of the beast, then Bao Yanzhu and Minhang will certainly meet its requirements at all costs.

However, the original 也是 has great confidence in the double-winged white tiger, and the deep friendship formed in the land of death is definitely not so easily obliterated. Liu Chang’s eyes turned and said: “Ma elder, you are back.”

Ma Wei; nodded slightly, said: "Liu Zongzhu, I have brought them all."

Not far behind him, He Yiming was holding a pig, riding a white horse, and watching them with a smile at the company of Hundred and Eight.

This time everyone came to southern Xinjiang to fight against Adevin, so Liu Mu of Tianchi and Yuan Lixun of Beihai Ice Palace did not follow.

The martial arts practiced by He Yiming is the flower of the five elements of the reincarnation, so he represents the Eastern world, and no one feels that there is anything wrong with it. However, if Liu Mu and Yuan Lixun are present, it will represent the position of the northwest and northern regions.

The dispute between the East and the West, whether it is the north-south or the northwest, has always been neutral. Unless it is a special case like He Yiming, it will never be mixed. After they both considered it for a long time, they finally did not follow.

Liu Changju moved to He Yiming and others and smiled: "He brother, in the past, a martial art in the north, your martial arts repair is so refined, so that the old man is shocked and admired. He Yiming waved his hand and smiled: "Liu Zong is very polite.

The eyes of the white-winged white tiger have long been staring at He Yiming, and it sighs: "He brother, Samoth really has died in your hand?"

Although it has been getting this news for a long time, in its mind, it is always doubtful whether this news is true.

Samad is the most powerful dragon in the West, and in terms of strength, it is not under it. He Yiming is a pseudo-deity human nose that has not been promoted for several years. The strength between the two is far from the distance, and how could Samode lose his hand?

He Yiming smiled a little, and he had already encountered too many such questions. Gently patted the white horse thunder and lightning, He Yiming said straightforwardly: "Samod is indeed dead, but it is not the only one I shot." Looking at He Yiming's hand on the white horse thunder, The eye of the white-winged tiger's eyelids flashed a bit.

It turned out that they were one person and one beast to show the achievements of human beings and animals.

However, the heart of the double-winged white tiger still has a big question mark.

With their two virtual deities, can they make Samoth fall?

Ma Wei; light cough, said: "Tiger brother, this matter is not mentioned for the time being, let's go down and wash the dust for the guests." The double-winged white tiger flashed a huge double wing and flew down to the bottom.

He Yiming's face with a gentle smile, glanced intently or unconsciously in the direction of the hundred and eight.

His answer was vague, and he was mistakenly killed for him and Thunder and Light to kill Samod, but no one would think of the body.

As the two-winged white tiger returned to the mountain gate of Liuli Island, He Yiming could not help but stop. He looked up at the tall hole and felt his emotions.

The last time he came to this place, he was still a five-powered sage, and when he left, he was promoted to the peak of humanity. As for this time, it has reached the realm of Shinto.

At this moment, the moment when I thought about the power of the fire under the volcanic crater in the past, He Yiming actually had a sense of solitude.

The familiar laughter came out from inside, and Zizi and Zibo Rui walked out side by side. Behind them, they followed the Golden Battle, Li Jiangfeng's father and daughter, and Qilian. He Yiming’s eyes were slightly bright and he smiled. “They all came first. The son smiled and said: “We haven’t been here for a few days, just waiting for your brother’s arrival. ”

Zibo Rui is stepping forward. He looks at He Yiming seriously. After half a ring, he said: "He brothers are flying high, this time cultivation should be a big gain."

He Yiming smiled and said: "I have a little bit of experience, so I can laugh."

After greeting these powerful powers, He Yiming came to the side of Jin Chengjun, Li Jiafu and Qilian. Several people met each other this time, and they were all heartfelt.

In the past, everyone joined the ranks of the Supreme Master. They couldn’t think of it for a few years. They still lingered in the realm of the Sayādaw, but He Yiming was already like a rocket, and he was directly promoted to the realm of Shinto.

If this thing is not born in front of them, they are witnessed by their own eyes, then they can not believe it.

Zhai Zilong had heard He Yiming mention the friendship of the Golden Campaign and other people. At this time, he smiled and said: "The original sister, we rarely come to southern Xinjiang, do not know if there is any change in the glazed island, you will Don't take us to visit? ”

Yuan Hao and others have lived for so many years, and naturally can understand his meaning. After a few moments, many gods have left, leaving this place to He Yiming and his old friends.

After seeing all the elders leave, the gold battle and other talents were relieved. Although He Yiming is also a Shinto powerhouse at this time, it cannot be compared with these elders after all. "He brothers, to be honest, this time you have a bit of control." The Golden Campaign asked directly. The Qilian double demon and the Li family are also listening carefully.

He Yiming proudly smiled and said: "Don't dare to say ten percent, but 70% or more should have no problem."

Although he got a good day, but the control is only unsatisfactory, and Shenlong is quite admired for the combination of Adevin and Elbrera, so He Yiming did not dare to say too much.

Li Yajing’s gaze was quite a bit worried. “It is said that Aidewen has gained the inheritance of the true God in the West, so he can advance the Shinto in a short period of time, and he can gain artifact recognition and master the field of artifacts. "Several people look at each other and feel a little depressed." The inheritance of the true gods, as long as you think about it, is enough to make anyone crazy.

The Golden Battle hesitated a moment and finally said: "He brother, this time the battle of Shinto is the first confrontation between the East and the West in the recovery of the power of heaven and earth. The outcome of the victory and defeat will have a great impact on the future of the mainland for the next millennium~www. He stepped back and walked deep, saying: "Please..."

Qilian double devils looked at each other and took a step back. They also bent down at the side of the Golden Campaign and said, "Come on...

He Yiming quickly rolled them up and said: "You can rest assured that this younger brother must do his best and will send the news to meet the expectations of the public."

The face of the Golden Battle and the Qilian double demon relaxed at the same time, and even Li and his daughter seemed to be full of confidence in him.

Li Jiangfeng sighed and said: "The last time everyone gathered together, it was a large number, but this time only a few of us went to the Star Island." He smiled and said: "Western Greentown is me." You don't want to grab me when you get there."

The Golden Campaign shook his head again and again, saying: "In the new generation of the Westerners, only Greenton is qualified to wait for me to fight. I will see the arrangements of the elders and see who will be the first. Looking at each other and laughing, everyone's heart is filled with the belief that they must win.

He Yiming double-eyed and made a turn, saw the sullen smile of the Qilian double demon, and suddenly there was a strange look in the heart, faintly thinking that they seemed to have another calculation...

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