Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 206: eccentric

One hundred and eight stretched out and the pig was about to leave, but the sound of the dragon was ringing in time. "You will stay too."

He Yiming’s eyes condensed and said: “Dragon, when He and Adewen were in the battle, “I’m afraid they won’t have a chance to play.”

"I know." Shenlong snorted and suddenly lowered his voice. It was like a thunderous scream that suddenly became different from normal people. "I have seen Bailong. It says that one hundred and eight have the ability to See through the ability to transmit instantly."

He Yiming hesitated a bit, or honestly: "Hundred brothers are good at God's way, so he can pre-calculate the position of Samod when he teleported." Shenlong licked a huge eye, saying: "The way of God's calculations can be calculated even with the teleportation. I still know for the first time."

He Yiming smiled a few times, and he knew that Shenlong was the strongest of the beasts. So many years of experience and strength, if it is human, then the name of the northwestern **** operator is afraid to change hands from now on.

Even if it can't use the way of the gods to calculate the teleportation of Samod, it will be doubtful.

"The gods and dragons, the practice of the hundred brothers is quite special." He Yiming racked his brains and said: "What he cultivated is the way of science. It must be tricky, and the body can be practiced. The results achieved are very different from ours."

Shenlong slowly nodded and said: "Well, since he can figure out the direction of the teleport, it would be better." When the front turned, it said: "Are you engaged in the ritual of the totem? And at the same time, it has a companion relationship with two beasts." He Yiming flashed a trace of surprise and said: "How do you know." Of course it is seen. "Dragon saw the expression of He Yiming, and he laughed."

He Yiming secretly admire, the dragon is not the world's first beast, the poison of the eyes, extraordinary. Shenlong satisfactorily nodded and said: "Your luck is really good, so you can form a companionship. But in this case, this time is not a victory." He Yiming's heart moved, Shen Sheng: "Please advise. ”

Shenlong used a little bit of a hundred and eight and Bao pig, said: "When you are fighting Aide Wen, let them both watch the battle. Once Elbera shows the space teleportation, let the hundred and eight tell Bao pig." The look on He Yiming's face instantly became quite weird. He and Baima Leidian and the pig's soul are connected, and the idea is connected. It is not equal to telling the pig directly to the results. He Yiming originally thought that Shenlongyu taught them what was earth-shattering, but he did not expect it to be a way of teaching him to cheat.

With a light cough, he sighed: "Dragon, if I did this, I am afraid that it does not meet the rules of the duel."

Shenlong sneered and smiled: "Which rules of duel are already duel, there will be so many rules. As long as they can kill each other and defeat, and people can not find the handle" is that you are stunned." He Yi Ming Zhang opened his mouth and looked at each other with a stunned look.

This is the first beast of the world, how can it not be the first dignity of the world, but rather like a rogue dragon?

It seems that I saw He Yiming, thinking in c, Shenlong snorted, said: "some things" you don't understand now) but eleven eleven one "hesitated a bit" Road = "Maybe later, You will understand."

He Yiming seems to understand the non-understand of the nod, the heart of the special "is more and more suspicious.

Shenlong swayed a huge body and said: "I have to shoot now, you try to fight, if you can stop my attack, then you can also stop the Holy Dragon Knight. If you can block it, then I will give you the last two Lei Zhenzi." He Yiming's spirit is suddenly a vibration. When he knew that the last two Lei Zhenzi were in the hands of the dragon, He Yiming was almost desperate. But I didn't expect this to happen. He took a deep breath and his heart gradually calmed down. After a while, he reached out and said: "Dragon, please...

The dragon's satisfied nod, the huge body flashed in the thick dark clouds, and then suddenly disappeared.

He Yiming's eyelids jumped slightly, which turned out to be the teleportation of the space system. What makes He Yiming even more embarrassed is that in this space surrounded by dark clouds, it is more difficult for him to judge which direction the dragon will appear. At this moment, in his heart, he suddenly sounded the voice of the pig: "The right rear ten feet."

He Yiming waved his hand without thinking, and the multicolored light was already rushing out and rushing in the direction without mercy.

A loud bang blew out there, and the surrounding clouds rolled more intensely.

He Yiming’s full blow did not seem to cause too much trouble for the dragon. The power of space fainted and it disappeared again. "Ten feet in front." He Yiming violently screamed, and the five elements of the ring waved out again. The power of the five elements was like having been drilled innumerable times beforehand, just right at the moment of the dragon tooth - now Go to the temple of it.

Shenlong snorted and slammed the second heavy blow, but this time it did not disappear again, but extended a huge claw and waved in the air. In an instant, the endless dark clouds began to gather, and a black and soft wave appeared on its claws, and the long spear disappeared.

Inexplicable, an extremely dangerous feeling came to my heart. Although He Yiming could not see the action of the dragon because of the obstruction of the dark clouds, he clearly sensed that the glue seemed to be extremely dangerous to put him to death.

The white horse thunder that was connected to his heart jumped up and left the place in an unparalleled degree.

Just as the ancient one they left, the space around them burst open, and the black spear flew out like this. If He Yiming is still in the same place, even if he is not injured by a spear, he will certainly be in a hurry.

On the white horse's unicorn, a huge snoring sounded, and a purple electric mangling rose up to the sky and hit the spear straight. Powerful power bursts at this moment, and thunder and spears are instantly lost.

He Yiming's face is already extremely dignified. In this environment, fighting with the dragon with space teleport ability is really a step by step. If there is not a hundred and eight and Bao pig to help cheating in the distance, I am afraid that he is already at a disadvantage. "Dragon, adults, are they so strong?" He Yiming said: "They will not have the opportunity to arrange such a dark layer."

The sound of Shenlong sounded: "When space and light are merged together, you will be there, fighting there, definitely not easier than here."

He Yiming suddenly fell down. He already understood the intent of Shen Long’s painstaking practice.

Shenlong does not use the power of light, but he replaces the role of the bright field with this huge cloud layer. Although it is far from the real bright field, the space used here can imitate the power of Adevin and Elbrera as much as possible. The eyelids condensed slightly, He Yiming said: "Dragon, why do you want to help me this way. Shenlong Shen is half-sounding and finally said: "I am not helping you. He Yiming looked at the front and paused after a while: "I understand." Shenlong is not helping him, but helping the entire eastern world.

Just as Minhang, Ma Yi I and others unconditionally help themselves to enter the dark clouds to search for Lei Zhenzi, they just hope that their strength can be improved and win the final victory in the battle with Adevin. The Oriental Dragon is always eccentric to the Eastern world.

Deeply sighed, He Yiming’s hands were turned over at the same time, and the Kowloon Furnace and the Five Elements Ring were all in their hands.

A little red light suddenly illuminates from the Kowloon furnace, and then merges into the five-row ring. It is just a breath and a huge red has spread.

In this piece of red light, all the dark clouds are completely dissipated, leaving no points. The intense heat wave that has reached the extreme will completely steam all the water mist. "Good, very powerful field power." Shenlong said coldly: "But such a force

Its claws stretched out again, and one by one black spear condensed at the tip of its claws. Just a few in the blink of an eye, there have been dozens of them.

Then, with a chic paw, the dozens of black spears pierced the space like a fly, and it was not afraid of the power of the hot field. Under the hot heat, it was still stubborn and unyielding. Shot at He Yiming.

Although there is no explanation but He Yiming has already understood. Shenlong is telling him through practical actions that the power of the field after Aidewin and Elbera have joined the hot field, so their attack methods can forcefully suppress his field power.

Seeing that these spears are about to be brought, He Yiming’s mouth has crossed a smile, and on his body, a little purple electric awning emerges.

Later, these electric awns spread like countless tiny purple pythons.

In the next moment, in the entire hot field, it is already full of purple electric awns, and the power of lightning is filled with every inch of space in this field. Strong heat waves to bake, huge power shocks, have already defeated those blacks in an instant

The original hard and spear was under the attack of the two forces, as if it was covered with hot water, and it had already melted in an instant.

He Yiming stands tall and looks at the dragon, and he and the white horse's body make up an incomparable huge atmosphere.

This time, it was the turn of the dragon to stare at them. After a long ringing, it vented angrily: "High-order companionship. What luck is this..."

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