Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 65: The only remaining beast

"Hey..." The golden **** slaps the front chest, and the huge squeaking double-winged white tiger, the oriental white dragon and the western dragon are all screaming out. For a time, the sound of the screams of the four beasts is endless. In this open space, there is a resounding end.

He Yiming's brow is slightly wrinkled. Although he is not familiar with these four beasts, he has heard something. The relationship between them is not good, although they are not hostile to each other, but they are not convinced.

Suddenly, a powerful and incredible pressure descended from the sky, and the dragon that entrenched at the entrance to the passage raised its head.

At the moment when it lifted its head, the other four beasts suddenly died down.

He Yiming saw that he was shocked and stunned. In the four beasts and umbrellas, there was also a white dragon, but the position between the two dragons was far from heaven.

It can be seen that the dragon at the entrance of the guard channel is the real first beast.

Yanzilong shook his head with emotion and said: "If the dragons had such authority, then more than 20 beasts would not die."

He Yiming took a deep breath and even had more than 20 gods and beasts. This news is really shocking.

It seems that he was seen from He Yiming's expression. He said: "These beasts are different from our humanity. They are dependent on a thick skin scale, and they are so powerful that they are arrogant and disdainful. Cooperating with our human Shinto. After coming here, they acted alone. Even the power was dispersed, and eventually they were broken by these dead creatures. When they first entered, they fell more than twenty."

The expression on He Yiming's face gradually became heavy.

Generally speaking, the powers donated by the same-order beasts are on the same level of human Shinto. Unless there is an anti-sky artifact in the hands of human Shinto, the beast is basically the same invincible existence.

However, more than 20 beasts have fallen since the first time they entered, which gives He Yiming a new assessment of the strength of those dead creatures.

The scorpion dragon shook his head and turned sharply. He said: "But fortunately, the recklessness of the beasts, let us know the strength and characteristics of these dead creatures, and finally they can join hands and spend ten years. They were basically annihilated, and at the time of the second battle a hundred years later, we also had some preparations, and we wouldn’t have to scream and scream a little bit, but it was a pity.

The Shinto powers and the beasts that entered this place should have a number of about sixty, but after five hundred years, only a quarter of them remain. However, this price has also been exchanged for the world's five thousand years of peace. This may be the result of self-defense of these Shinto powers.

His eyes glanced at the passage, and He Yiming whispered, "Don't you want to go back?"

The eyes of Scorpion Dragon are full of bitter looks. He murmured: "Before this passage was closed, we didn't have a face to go back, and we couldn't go back."

He Yiming opened his mouth, but he did not know how to persuade.

A light wheel suddenly emerged in the sky, and then a Western old man descended from the sky with a white light.

As soon as he saw this exaggerated style, He Yiming immediately understood the identity of the other party.

Except for the Pope's majesty of the Western Temple, no one is expected to maintain such interest in this environment. Looking at this familiar white light, He Yiming actually had the illusion of seeing Franklin.

I have to say that people like this kind of inheritance, and who are all studying the strengths of a certain system, are still very similar in some respects.

"Leoport, you are coming." Luke said with a smile: "Tell you a good news, Rio Potter said quietly: "Luke, what good news do you have? ”

He Yiming’s gaze turned around in these two people, immediately felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slaying, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the big prince, the empire, the night, the **** of the gods, the throne The enchanting world is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The little Zhou Dynasty has reached the sharp contradiction and hidden hostility.

As soon as he thought of the relationship between the Western Temple and the Dark Council, he understood that the two could never be fellow travelers. Although everyone is here and there are hundreds of years of trouble, these two guys who are born to the head are absolutely incapable of getting along.

This is of course related to the forces they represent, but more importantly, the exercises they practice are fundamentally the reasons for tit-for-tat.

Luke’s hand was raised, and a sniper was thrown out. Rio Potter reached for it. The daylight was swept over in the hands of each person and finally fell into his own hands.

He already understood that Luke’s old-fashioned thing must be related to this.

Quietly inducted the mutant rifle in his hand, his face changed slightly, exclaimed: "Impossible, what is going on?"

Luke’s face showed a sneer, but in his heart it was equally shocking.

The exercises he and Rioport practiced were dark and bright, so other people couldn’t sense the power attribute inside, but they knew very well that only the power of light and darkness could Bring them such a shocking feeling.

However, even he can't think of anyone in this world who can combine these two completely opposing forces into one.

There was another shout in the sky, and this whistle was full of enthusiasm, and there was a sinister domineering.

Being able to release your domineering in front of many of these oracles requires not only enough courage but also the strength to match the courage.

Three figures in the sky followed, and He Yiming recognized the two people, Minhang and Zibo Rui, but among them there was a middle-aged man wearing a strange robe.

This person is as white as paper, it seems that some of the blood is not smooth, but the fullness of the eyes is faint, the body's breath is very powerful, clearly is a strong pseudo-deity.

The people underneath have different faces, and even the eyes of those beasts are frequently seen towards the middle-aged.

The eyes of Scorpion Dragon, Bao Yanzhu, Yuan Zhen and Sidney have unabashed envy and a deep jealousy.

Among the ten old Shinto powerhouses, there were only five pseudo-shenzhen strongmen, but when the person was promoted to the pseudo-deity, he had already distanced himself from the four.

Not only the distance of martial arts, but also the distance of status.

"He brothers, this is Wei Jinshun of the Five Elements. They are all advanced in the five elements of the door. The world's largest party is really the best in the world." Yanzi Long sighed softly.

He Yiming turned his eyes and looked at Bao Yanzhu. If these people are able to go back, then it is not good news for today's world's largest sentimental temple.

The strongest of the two false gods is definitely not comparable to the Lingshen Hall, which has only one virtual state.

Maybe a year later, the name of the first party in the East really wants to change hands.

"Dragon Dragon Brother, you are so urgently calling, I don't know what to teach."

Shenlong pointed to the people with anger and said: "Let's ask them."

Liu Muhaha smiled, his wrists shook, and the Min is also inserted in the mutated rifle. The three of them suddenly flew out, and they flew toward the squad, but this degree is not too fast.

The three men marched and waved and immediately received the three golden **** soldiers. There is a suspicion in their eyes, and they don't understand what he is doing.

The palm of the hand gently licked the gun body of the mutated rifle, and the face of the squatting face suddenly changed. "Liu brother, this thing seems to be a little different."

Liu Mu laughed and said: "Of course it is different, my brother, this is not the hand of Liu and Rio Porter, but the proud work of the new Shinto elders in our Tianchi."

"He Yiming?" The face of Minhang was slightly cold and cold.

Liu Mu Wei Wei, said: "The original brother also knows the elders." He glanced at the body and fell on the body of Meng Bo Rui, laughing: "This should be the eminent elders of the Five Elements, do you not introduce it?" ”

Zibo Rui immediately stepped forward and greeted the crowd. He said: "The younger generation of the five-line lord, Bo Rui, has seen the predecessors."

In his capacity, the world J1 in the outside world can't be overwhelmed by the wind and rain. Even the entire Eastern National Games is in the hands of these most powerful powerhouses. But at this moment, he did not have a bit of arrogance, because he knew that in front of these people, he simply did not have the capital that he could dominate.

"There are people who follow the Five Elements, and the gods are born, brothers, congratulations." Liu Mu smiled.

Minhang's cold face, slow and long way: "Liu-brother has won the prize, and the eminent elders of your Tianchi are the true genius. In the future, the first thing in this world is to fall into the hands of your party.

Liu Mu’s face flashed a trace of arrogance, but quickly disappeared without a trace, said: "Oh brother, since we have all come here ~ will not go out, this world It seems that the first person who falls into the hand does not need it."

Everyone suddenly sinks down. Since this can no longer be left, then there is no difference in the world of the first sects.

Just as there are two pseudo-deity strongmen in the Five Elements, but they are suppressed by the Lingbi Hall in the outside, the name of the first party in the East can never be snatched back.

After a while, Liu Mu shook his head and began to talk about the benefits of this mutant rifle. He is also one of the founders of this kind of **** soldier. Without his forging technique to bless the mouthpiece, he could not seal the light power, so no one would doubt him.

However, perhaps because everyone is there, the scorpion dragon has taken out the body of a silver-white monster, so that everyone can see the real power of this mutant rifle.

After seeing the shocking explosion, the umbrella of the umbrella was full of shock and excitement.

With such a powerful squadron, they are much more relaxed when they deal with the golden monster that is overwhelming.

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