Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 25: Decent avatar

The twenty-fifth chapter of the body of the avatar seems to be held by something and flew up, this feeling is quite weird and not very good. But He Yiming did not have any struggles, but instead quietly realized this strange power.

The power of space, this is definitely the space power unique to the Shinto strong. And it is not the kind of internal space power in the artifact, it is the power of space that is really displayed by the dragon.

He Yiming’s thoughts extended, but he failed to penetrate the god-qi power that enveloped his body.

However, he clearly sensed the strong fluctuation frequency of this power. Slowly, He Yiming’s face flashed a faint color, and he had already felt vaguely. The power of space has a considerable relationship with the power of the heavens and the earth. This may be said to be a kind of world-famous power in disguise.

If He Yiming did not master the power of heaven and earth under the power of light and darkness, then he would not be able to feel the power change of this point.

The power of heaven and earth is a way of using power after the strong power of the Shinto strong has absorbed a lot of power from the heavens and the earth.

The power of this space is actually quite similar. After absorbing the power of the vast world, Shenlong has undergone a special means to converge the forces of these heavens and earth, and then suddenly sway out. However, the magnitude of this compression is far beyond the limit that He Yiming can reach.

Perhaps it is because the level of compression reaches a certain critical point before it can produce a spatial effect.

Just as He Yiming completely indulged in the perception of this power, this power gradually began to dissipate, just like the ice and snow under the scorching sun, slowly melting away.

He gave a slight glimpse and then understood that he must have come to a place that was identified by Shenlong, so the power of this space was exhausted.

Deeply sighed, although he is not too reconciled, there is no way to stop these forces from spreading.

Immediately, he saw the sun, high air e! j is a ball like a steamer.

However, in front of his eyes, there was a thick layer of sand and fog. The sand everywhere was blown by the wind, and it suddenly filled up, even in the eyes of people’s eyes, nostrils, ears, and sleeves. Hey.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and the real airflow on He Yiming turned, and a strange virtual flower appeared on the top of the head.

At the moment when the flower appeared, the surrounding wind suddenly stopped. It seemed that the wind within a certain range close to He Yiming became smooth and no longer blown the sand on the ground.

Knowing Soso, countless sand in this area has fallen from the air, and after losing the wind blowing, these things can no longer stay in the air. Of course, the more subtle dust-like sand still floats in the air, filling the air with a desperate and desolate taste.

He Yiming's face slowly gloomy, and he was extremely eager to see. In the scope of his gaze, only he and the Shinto coagulation. In addition, there is no trace of life any more.

In the deserts of the northwest, although it is also a piece of yellow sand, it is not dead there. There are many kinds of life in the desert that are stubbornly living. However, here, there is no life, even if it is a little bit.

He Yiming raised his head and his eyes gradually strengthened.

In any case, you can't let the group of people who represent death come to their own world.

This is his thoughts at the moment, and the thoughts of all the Shinto powers and the beasts who have entered this place in the past.

Only by witnessing these dead places after being broken and broken can you clearly understand the meaning of the dragon's mouth.

They have no way out...

The ears swayed a little, and at the bottom, a slight squeaking sound was heard in He Yiming’s ear.

Although this sound is very light, in addition to the wind, there is no other sound in the dead, it seems so clear.

A gloomy, even horrible temperament than the dragon snake was introduced into He Yiming's mind.

In He Yiming’s life, the most chilly atmosphere he has ever seen is undoubtedly the gloom of the ghostly crying ridge. However, when I arrived at Yuan 1, He Yiming knew that there was a day outside and there were people outside. If compared with this chilly gas, the dragon's haze is so cute and lovely.

The power of death, the power of total extinction.

This is a hundred times more sinister than the darkest forces. If an ordinary practitioner is attacked by such a cold breath, it is not surprising that even on the spot.

These guys can easily destroy a continent, even the whole world, and it is not a blessing.

The sand on the ground rolled up, and a monster like a monkey smashed up from the ground and rushed toward He Yiming.

This is a dead creature seen in the sky image. It has a scorpion-like body and flexible movements. Its head is a huge fly head, and the compound eyes are bright red and cold-blooded. Stretched out and came over to He Yiming’s neck.

After a cold cry, He Yiming’s figure moved slightly, and he evaded it faster than it did. He waved his hand gently, and then Hui Wei slammed a bit, and his face had a bitter smile.

The fierce creature turned around and once again rushed to the hand.

Shaking his head, He Yiming reached out and took a kettle from the world of the Five Elements. "The lid was uncovered, and the wrist was slammed. The water in the pot suddenly floated out.

There was a strange wave of power fluctuations around the body. The water that flowed out of the pot suddenly became a fog, and from nothing, it turned thick, and in a flash, it succeeded in condensing another He Yiming. .

This He Yiming looks exactly the same as him. It is the cloud that he understands in the colorful palace.

Since comprehending this avatar, he has never played with others, and now is the best opportunity. Similarly, using this avatar to fight the dead creatures, you can also observe the true strength of this monster.

The avatar has been condensed in an instant and greeted the monster.

The hard and slender mouthparts instantly penetrated into the body of the cloud, and the singer of the monster screamed and moved on both sides. But it is a pity that no matter how it is absorbed, there is nothing more than a piece of air.

The clouds burst into flames and hit the compound eyes on the head of the creature.

This creature possesses no less wisdom, it raises its arm and blocks it in front of the compound eye. However, things like its imagination are born.

The fist of the cloud split was scattered at the moment of touching its arm, but after passing the arm, it re-aggregated and hit its compound eyes.

It was like the sound of an egg being shattered, and the horrible compound eye was broken by this punch.


From the mouth of the monster, there was a sudden, as if a mouse-like sharp and harsh scream, and it was already spread far away in an instant, and what really surprised He Yiming was that the call actually had A rather peculiar place, that is, the degree of transmission under the ground is not even slightly slower than the ground. Just a moment, from the distance, there are countless equally sharp and harsh calls.

He Yiming smiled coldly, and the cloud split again raised another fist. He slammed into the other compound eye of the dead creature. This horrible guy did not dare to block it again, but retraced, but its When the figure is moving, the cloud is just sticking to its body, and it can't be smashed.


Another punch was on the compound eye. In this punch, a red light flashed and entered the monster's body along the wound.

The next moment, the whole monster turned into a blood red, and then burst into bursts."

The cloud has already sent a red light from the colorful glow into the monster's body. Although the power of this red glow is not very large, it is not a small ordinary dead creature that can withstand it. It has already exploded in an instant.

The cloud rushed back to He Yiming, who disturbed the scalp and was quite satisfied with the ability of the avatar.

Ice laughs and other people do not know that when he realized the way of the cloud, he also mastered the ice. Of course, because he is not a deep-blood physique, it is also not accepted by the artifact ice mirror.

However, after he mastered the three forms of water, also gave the colorful Xiaguang in the colorful palace to steal school.

Although the colorful Xiaguang has different forms, it is all about the use of water power. With the achievements of He Yiming today, it is not a miraculous thing to be able to control freely.

The power of the cloud-divided body is not very large, and its main role is to confuse and escape. However, it is quite horrible to master the cloud of the colorful Xiaguang Power. If there is enough water power and the support of the power of the heavens and the earth, the power can be strong, and even can compete with the Shinto coagulation.

Of course, no Benxi can be perfect.

The only shortcoming of the cloud is that in this environment, there is a lack of necessary water. If He Yiming is not equipped with sufficient water, it will not be able to condense the cloud.

The sound of rustling is getting louder and louder, and the dead creatures summoned by the screams are finally in droves.

A dead creature that seems to be carved out of a mold is drilled from the ground and ran close from a distant sight. They formed a horrible army, and waved toward He Yiming, Yunwu, and Shinto. Blood coagulation is coming.

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